Having Sex Right After Your Period And Bleeding

Is Bleeding After Sex Normal

Implantation bleeding

A good rule of thumb is that any abnormal bleeding, whether its just a few drops or a large amount, needs to be evaluated, Dr. Brzozowski says.

If you are experiencing something that isnt normal, its not necessarily bad, but if it is consistently happening or you are just concerned, get it checked out, he adds.

During your visit, your doctor go over your medical history and ask you about:

  • Other irregular bleeding.
  • Unusual pain that doesnt seem to relate to the bleeding.
  • A change in sexual partners.
  • A change in vaginal discharge.
  • When you had your last Pap test.

A physical exam will check for signs of infection. If your Pap test isnt current, your doctor can perform one for you while youre in their office. A Pap screening can help determine the need for any further tests or procedures.

If your testing shows no problems, but your bleeding continues and it only occurs after sex your doctor will likely want to check your cervix and do a biopsy. This may show any underlying condition that a physical exam and Pap smear didnt find.

The important thing to remember is that most of the time, it is nothing serious, Dr. Brzozowski says.

Tips On Having Sex During Your Period

Here are a few tips to make period sex a more comfortable and less messy experience:

  • Be open and honest with your partner. Tell them how you feel about having sex during your period, and ask how they feel about it. If either of you is hesitant, talk about the reasons behind the discomfort.
  • If you have a tampon in, remove it before you start fooling around.
  • Spread a dark-colored towel on the bed to catch any blood leaks. Or, have sex in the shower or bath to avoid the mess entirely.
  • Keep a wet washcloth or wet wipes by the bed to clean up afterward.
  • Have your partner wear a latex condom. It will protect against pregnancy and STIs.
  • If your usual sexual position is uncomfortable, try something different. For example, you may want to try lying on your side with your partner behind you.

Period Sex Is Usually Fine

For the vast majority of people, the answer is yes, sex on your period is a go. “People worry about it, but it’s totally fine,” Lauren Streicher, MD, a professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, said to Health. “From a medical point of view, there is nothing wrong with having intercourse when a is menstruating.”

There are some rare exceptions, though. “For those who are positive for hepatitis, HIV, or have known STIs, the possibility of transmission of diseases that are bloodborne is increased because of the presence of blood,” Jessica Shepherd, MD, an ob-gyn in Texas, said to Health. “Period blood is different from “regular” blood that’s in the veins and arteries. However, there is still the possibility of transmission.”

Because the cervix is more open during this time of the month , your risk of infection increases too, Tara Ford, PA-C, a certified physician assistant in sexual and reproductive healthcare, said to Health. All of which is to say, it’s essential to continue wearing a condom if you’re unsure of your partner’s status.

But overall, “medicallyfor most it is fine to have sex with your period,” , a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive sciences at Yale Medical School, said to Health.

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Emotional & Lifestyle Factors That Cause Amenorrhea

  • Extreme stress: Extreme stress can affect the functioning of the hypothalamus which is a part of your brain responsible for hormone regulation. In non-medical terms, stress can send your menstrual cycle haywire. Once your level of stress decreases, periods should return to normal.
  • Extreme exercise: Female athletes can often experience interrupted menstrual cycles. This is often due to energy deficiency which results from not taking in enough calories to balance the exercise output. This causes hormone imbalance and can lead to temporary period loss, low bone mineral density, and increased risk of bone fractures and/or breaks.
  • Extreme weight loss: Women who have significant weight loss especially within a short period of time or are severely underweight as per guidelines may experience hormonal changes that interrupt or halt ovulation and menstrual blood flow.

Can Medications Cause Vaginal Bleeding

Your Ultimate Guide to Vaginal Hygiene and Care

Some medications, such as anticoagulants can make you more likely to bleed. If you are taking an anticoagulant and are experiencing vaginal bleeding, you should speak to your doctor right away. Do not stop taking any prescribed medication unless instructed to do so by your doctor.

Hormone replacement therapy after menopause can sometimes cause irregular bleeding. This is not a cause for concern and should settle down after several months.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding is also common when you start using hormonal contraception . If it does not go away or is bothering you, talk to your doctor.

Abnormal bleeding can also occur when you change or stop your hormonal contraception.

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Try Period Sex The Shower

Not interested in any mess at all? Try period sex in the shower. Unlike regular period sex, during which the vaginas natural lubrication can wash away, menstrual blood will provide just the right amount of lubricant. Since youre in the shower, the blood will be a lot less visible, no clean up necessary.

Changes In The Cervix

Cervical ectropion is when soft cells from inside the cervical canal become present on the outside surface of the cervix. It can be caused by hormonal changes, and can happen during pregnancy or if youre taking the contraceptive pill.

It may be diagnosed during a cervical screening test but it isnt linked to cervical cancer in any way. It doesnt always cause any problems, but because the cells are soft, they can bleed or cause pain during or after sex.

Cervical ectropion can be diagnosed by an examination by a doctor. Therefore, you should speak to your doctor if youre concerned or youre getting symptoms. There are a couple of procedures that can help, which use heat to harden the soft cells to stop them from bleeding.

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So Why Am I Bleeding After Sex

While it’s important to book in with your GP to have it checked out, it’s also highly unlikely to be caused by something sinister, says Dr Claire Bailey, Consultant Gynaecologist and founder of The Vulval Clinic: “Bleeding after sex is a common symptom and there are several reasons why it can happen. This can range from light spotting to a heavier ‘period-like’ bleed. While spotting after intercourse is normal, if you’ve experienced bleeding for more than three months then you should see a specialist.”

As Dr Pixie McKenna, GP at The London Clinic adds, “Bleeding after sex can be seen as an embarrassing symptom, meaning people will often put off going to the doctor about it, but we’re not bothered, so you shouldn’t be either. We’re not there to stand in judgment.”

Spotting following intercourse can be caused by a myriad of reasons, she explains all of which are detailed below and Dr McKenna also wants to advise that an examination is likely to be necessary. “If you go and see a GP or another healthcare professional about post-coital bleeding, anticipate that you’re going to have an examination.”

While these sort of check-ups aren’t something any of us relish, they’re incredibly important and will be over in minutes .

I Already Had Sex On My Period Now Im Worried I Might Be Pregnant

How do I know if I’m having implantation bleeding?

If you already had penile-vaginal sex without contraception and you dont want to get pregnant, consider Emergency Contraception . Many of these are available at most pharmacies over the counter and are pretty darn effective for up to 5 days after unprotected sex. There are more reliable methods of contraception than Emergency Contraception. We encourage you to speak with your pharmacist or medical provider about contraception options that might work for you.

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Can You Have Sex During Your Period

During your reproductive years, youll get a menstrual period about once a month. Unless youre especially squeamish, theres no need to avoid sexual activity during your period. Though period sex can be a bit messy, it is safe. And, having sex when youre menstruating can actually offer a few advantages, including relief from menstrual cramps.

Read on to learn more about sex during your period.

Having sex during your period has a few upsides:

Causes Of Bleeding During Sex

Vaginal bleeding during sex can be caused by many of the same things that can cause bleeding after sex. These include infection, vaginal trauma due to dryness, cervical polyps, menopause, and cancer. However, there are some other conditions that can cause bleeding during sex specifically:

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So How Do I Make It Less Likely To Have A Baby

  • Dont have penile-vaginal sex.
  • But if youre going to have penile-vaginal sex
  • Control your and your partners behavior:
  • Carefully track menstrual cycles to better understand normal cycles and predict ovulation.
  • These methods take a lot of self-control and 100% consistency on the part of both partners. You cant control your partners behavior, so this can be a good backup method, but we dont recommend using one or both of these behaviors as the primary way to avoid pregnancy.
  • Any combination of the above.
  • What Causes Light Bleeding After Period

    Grey discharge.  Male discharge normal and abnormal ~ LORECENTRAL ...

    If you notice a light bleeding after your period, it is due to

    • Removal of old tissues not expelled during menstruation
    • Uterine fibroids
    • Pelvic inflammatory disease
    • Birth control pills

    Light bleeding after period may be a sign of miscarriage. Did you have an early period that was light with cramps? Do you currently feel the signs of pregnancy? Not sure about your symptoms, you should inform your doctor.

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    You’ve Got An Infection

    Not only can STIs cause bleeding during sex, infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease can, too.

    This is most likely to happen if youve had PID before, experienced damage to the cervix following childbirth or miscarriage, or have had a medical procedure that involved opening the cervix such as an abortion. PID can be treated with antibiotics left undiagnosed, it can negatively affect fertility.

    How Is Bleeding Between Periods Treated

    If you have not yet discussed your vaginal bleeding with your doctor, its important you make an appointment to do so, as vaginal bleeding cannot be treated without knowing the cause.

    If your doctor has diagnosed the cause of your bleeding, you can treat the bleeding by following their advice, such as by taking a course of antibiotics if you have an infection, or by changing to a different form of contraception if the bleeding is caused by the contraception you have been taking. If the bleeding is light and isnt bothering you, and a serious cause of the bleeding has been ruled out, it may not be necessary to do anything at all.

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    Can Getting Your Period Twice In One Month Be A Sign Of Pregnancy

    Irregular bleeding during pregnancy occurs for some women, and its possible to mistake irregular bleeding for your period. If you get your period twice in one month and are sexually active, you may want to take a pregnancy test to see if youre experiencing irregular bleeding as a result of being pregnant.

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    Can You Ovulate On Your Period

    10 Unusual Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms

    You cannot ovulate on your period. If you are trying to plan a pregnancy, the best time to conceive is on the day of ovulation and 24 hours before – so the chances of being fertile on your period are extremely low. Its also worth knowing that some women may experience spotting around ovulation – this is a much smaller amount of blood than you get with period bleeding. If you are spotting, you may be fertile.

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    How Is Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Treated

    Doctors treat AUB based on whats causing it.

    If a girl has very heavy bleeding, her doctor might test for anemia and prescribe iron pills or other treatments. For very light or irregular bleeding that goes on for a long time, medical professionals often prescribe birth control pills. Birth control pills contain hormones that can help balance a girls menstrual cycle.

    Most girls just need time for their bodies to adjust to their hormones. Eventually, their menstrual cycles get regular naturally. If youre ever worried that your period might not be normal, talk to your doctor.

    How Can I Treat Vaginal Bleeding Caused By A Sexually Transmitted Infection

    If your doctor has diagnosed that your bleeding is because of a sexually transmitted infection your partner also needs to be treated otherwise you will continue to reinfect each other. STIs can also cause unusual or increased vaginal discharge which will also go away after the infection has been treated. If the infection is thrush , your partner may not need treatment as just treating you is enough.

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    Uterine And Cervical Polyps

    Polyps are teardrops of tissue that form in the reproductive tract on the cervix or inside the uterus. “They have many blood vessels feeding them and can bleed if bumped around, so you’d see small amounts of blood after intercourse, said Dr. Gersh.

    Anyone can have polyps, but they’re more common in people who are older than 40 or have entered perimenopausethe transitional period before menopause. Both uterine and cervical polyps are usually benign, meaning they are non-cancerous growths. But in rare cases, these polyps can turn into endometrial and cervical cancer.

    Chat with your healthcare provider if you think a polyp is to blame for any blood you see after sex. Treatment isn’t always necessary, but depending on their size and your symptoms, you may need surgery.

    Causes Of Bleeding After Sex

    Tips for Tracking Your Bleeding

    Bleeding after sex is medically known as postcoital bleeding. It occurs in people of all ages. In younger people who havent reached menopause, the source of the bleeding is usually the cervix.

    In those who have gone through menopause, the source of the bleeding is more varied. It can be from the:

    In terms of causes, cervical cancer is the greatest concern. This is especially true for postmenopausal people. However, postcoital bleeding is most likely caused by a common condition.

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    Do You Need To Use Protection

    Using protection will also guard you against STIs. Not only can you catch an STI during your period, but you can also more easily transmit one to your partner because viruses like HIV live in menstrual blood.

    Have your partner wear a latex condom every time you have sex to reduce your odds of getting pregnant and catching an STI. If you or your partner are allergic to latex, there are other forms of protection you can use. You can ask your pharmacist or doctor for recommendations.

    Is It Normal To Bleed During Or After Sex

    Generally, if you havent yet hit menopause, light bleeding after sex on rare occasions is probably nothing to worry about, the Mayo Clinic says.

    The key words here are rare and light. Because as much as wed like to tell you to just never worry about bleeding during sexwe all have enough worries as it is!sometimes it is definitely worth paying attention to and seeking medical answers for. But if you see a little bit of light spotting during or after sex one time, then it goes away, chances are you can chalk it up to just another body thing.

    There are a few common reasons behind light bleeding after sex. If its close to the period, two or three days before, kind of to be expected, Jacques Moritz, M.D., ob-gyn and medical director of Tia Clinic in New York City, tells SELF. The uterine lining gets so thick, and when the uterus moves around a lot during intercourse, some cells will come off. This is especially true if youre having rougher sex. So, bleeding during sex or postcoital bleeding in this kind of circumstance, where theres a really clear explanation, usually isnt something that counts as a cause for concern. But, as with pretty much anything when it comes to your health, listen to your instincts. If you feel like you have a good explanation for whats causing your spotting or bleeding during or after sex, but youre still concerned or want some peace of mind, definitely make an appointment with a care provider just to be sure.

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    Various Infections Could Cause Bleeding After Sex

    Bleeding after sex could be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists . It could also indicate an infection known as pelvic inflammatory disease , according to Mayo Clinic.

    “Pain in the pelvic area, fever, or a large amount of bleeding when it’s not your period are all signs of a potential infection,” Basinski told INSIDER.

    She said it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible if you have any of these symptoms and to get tested for STDs on a regular basis, especially if you’ve had a new partner.

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