When Will My Period Come Back

Why Your Periods Might Suddenly Come Back

My periods came back with Herbalife

Many women going through the menopause find that they can go months or even years without a period, only to wake up one day and discover that theyve returned! Today Im exploring why hormones and even diet can cause your periods to return, and when you should go and see your doctor.

Eileen Durward

You Have Precancerous Or Cancerous Cells

When found in either the uterus or cervix, precancerous and cancerous cells can cause irregular bleeding. Suffice it to say, a tumor growing on the cervix or uterus can bleed erratically, says Dr. Dweck. One study even found that irregular periods are more likely to lead to ovarian cancer, so early detection is key.

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Incidence rates of gynecological cancer vary by race and ethnicitycervical cancer disproportionately impacts Hispanic women, while Black women and white women are more likely to develop uterine cancer, per the CDC.

What To Expect From Periods After Delivery

First postpartum periods appear for everyone differently. It is evident that your body has been tremendous changes through the course of pregnancy and would require time to readjust. Coming back to normalcy will be a gradual process. Until then, the natural biological processes will affect your body somewhat uniquely.

Since your body is again adjusting to the process of menstruation after a lengthy gap, you can expect some changes. Some top changes include:

  • Heavy menstruation after pregnancy
  • Increase in pain
  • Irregular periods

The majority of differences in your periods after pregnancy is due to the extra collection of uterine lining that needs to shed. Due to this extra lining, you are likely to experience intense pain and cramping. With time, these symptoms will reduce and your body will get back to normal.

A variety of health concerns prior to pregnancy can affect your postpartum periods. For instance, if you were suffering from thyroid, you are likely to experience a heavier flow.On the other hand, if you were suffering endometriosis before pregnancy, your first period after pregnancy may be lighter.

Also Check: How Many Days Is A Period Cycle

The Importance Of Your Period

To be honest, I liked not having my period for a while. No need to buy tampons, no worrying about it interfering with my social life, and being able to be sexually active without worrying about getting pregnant.

The thing is, your monthly cycle is extremely important it is your monthly report card. When you dont have a regular cycle , your body is telling you something. It is shutting down that function because it does not feel safe and uses that energy for more important things, like breathing and digestion.

Having your period is your body telling you your hormones are working. That it feels safe and you are able to reproduce. It is the way of your body telling you of your general health and if it is healthy or not. I know those are bold statements, but when you really think about it, its true. The same goes for the symptoms of your period.

I suggest reading this article from NCBI for a more thorough explanation of your period and hormones and how not having your cycle affects your body.

It wasnt until a couple of years ago as I was approaching 30, I realized this wasnt healthy and if we wanted to start a family one day, I needed to look into fixing this. Note we are not trying to get pregnant right now, but I think its important to have healthy hormones regardless if you want kids or not.

Will Your First Postpartum Period Be Heavy


In short, theres no typical pattern for the first period after having a baby. Some women may have heavy, painful periods. Others may enjoy light, easy periods. Many women are surprised to find that their first period after baby has more blood clots in it. You can use tampons once it’s been four to six weeks since you gave birth and with your doctor’s okay.

Your postpartum flow may depend on your choice of birth control. If youre not breastfeeding and decide to go back on the pill after giving birth, you may have a lighter period.

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Does Your Period Affect Your Milk Supply

Your menstrual cycle may affect your milk supply if you get your period. In the time between ovulation and when you get your period, your milk supply may be lower. Experts recommend adding calcium and magnesium to your diet to maintain a steady supply of breast milk throughout your whole cycle.

Having your period can also affect how your breast milk tastes. Your baby may be fussier during feedings while you’re menstruating due to a change in taste.

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What Postpartum Symptoms Should I Watch Out For

Its important that you call a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • soaking through more than one pad every hour
  • bleeding thats accompanied by sudden and severe pain

Contact your doctor if you experience these symptoms or anything else that concerns you related to your period. Some of these symptoms may indicate an infection.

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Breastfeeding And Your Period: Everything You Need To Know

Posts on The Breastfeeding Mama contain affiliate links, which I earn a small commission from. These are provided for your convenience, and the price is not increased at all.

Are you wondering when your period will return while breastfeeding and how your period will affect your milk supply? We have these answers and more including pain management options while breastfeeding.

There are so many questions surrounding breastfeeding and periods, with so much info out there it is hard to know when will your period come back while breastfeeding. Every womans body is different and every breastfeeding journey is unique.

So we are breaking it all down for you! From when your period will come back, if it will affect your milk supply, and how to manage period pain while breastfeeding.

New to breastfeeding? Looking for solutions to breastfeeding problems? We offer affordable and on demand online courses that are designed to help you make breastfeeding work for you.

Change In Milk Taste During Period

How I *Finally* Got My Period Back (ED Recovery) | Veggiekins

Although your supply might not change, your baby might notice a change in milk flavor. For most babies, they wont even notice the milk tasting differently, but for those that do you might notice your baby not eating as much or not as interested in nursing as much as normal.

This is due to the composition changes that happen around ovulation, where the levels of sodium and chloride increase while the lactose decreases. It can result in your milk tasting a little saltier.

Dont worry though! Once your period is over your milk will return to its normal flavor and your baby will be nursing like a champ again! Most babies do not notice.

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Can Getting Your Period While Breastfeeding Affect Milk Supply

Yes, your menstrual cycle may affect your milk supply, but its generally minor and temporary. A few days before and during your period, hormone changes can cause a and sore nipples, which might make nursing uncomfortable for you.

These changes are usually mild and last only a few days, but if you’re nursing, you may find that your baby wants to breastfeed more because of the lower milk supply.

It’s unlikely, but if problems with your supply continue after you’ve had your period, there are steps you can take to increase your milk supply.

When Will I Have A Period Again

That depends. People who exclusively breastfeed tend to start their periods later than those who use formula. A hormone called prolactin drives milk production, and it essentially stifles ovulation. When you don’t ovulate, you don’t have your period. It’s normal not to menstruate for six months or longer when you’re exclusively breastfeeding or chestfeeding your baby.

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How To Get Your Period Back Postpartum & Conceiving While Breastfeeding

May 27, 2020 By Robyn

This is part two of a two part series on breastfeeding you can read part one here. My goal with this series is to provide information thats a little harder to find when you start digging around on the internet. I dont know everything about breastfeeding and I am certainly not an IBCLC. What Im sharing in this series is a combination of my nursing knowledge, a lot of time spent researching, and my experience as a mama. I hope you find it empowering & encouraging!

One of the most common questions Ive received over the last year center around 1) how to know when your period will come back postpartum 2) how to support your body so you can get your period back while still breastfeeding and 2) how to conceive while breastfeeding.

My aim is for this post is to shed light on all three of these concerns. Since every woman is unique, this post certainly doesnt take the place of working with a knowledgable healthcare provider to address your own bodys needs. But I do hope it equips you will some helpful information and practical tips. Ive worked with hundreds of women over the past 8 years to help them regain healthy, normal periods. And over the past 18 months as Ive gratefully experienced the conceiving-while-breastfeeding journey myself, its been really rewarding to expand my clinical work and knowledge to postpartum periods & fertility, which can present its own challenges.

Why Does My Period End And Then Start Again

Why Your Period Isn

In some women, their period will start like normal, only to stop completely for a day or two, and then resume again, sometimes with a heavy flow. Why could this be happening? There are several reasons why your period can stop, start, then stop again. If your period is lasting for the normal length , but you are experiencing a day or two in the middle with no bleeding, here are the main causes:

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What Do I Need To Do To Prepare For My First Period

There is nothing in particular you need to do to prepare for your first period, besides having feminine hygiene products and over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or naproxen on hand. If you happen to get your period with no access to menstrual products, toilet paper will work in an emergency. If you get your first period at school, your teacher or school nurse will have a pantiliner or pad on hand.

There are a variety of menstrual products available to you:

Disposable pads

These absorbent pads have an adhesive backing that sticks to the inside of your underwear. They are available in different lengths and absorbencies, and some have adhesive wings that wrap around the sides of your underwear. Disposable pads should be changed every 4-6 hours and are thrown out after a single use.


These are small, thin, disposable absorbent pads that can be used on their own on days of light flow. They can also be used in combination with a tampon, in case of leaks or discharge.

Reusable pads

These are usually made of cotton, bamboo, or other natural absorbent fibres, and are often available at health food stores. They can be washed with detergent and reused. Some have velcro tabs to secure them around your underwear.


Menstrual cup

Final Thoughts On First Period After Birth

Though you may wish your period would just stay away forever, remember that its a sign of your body functioning normally after pregnancy. Practice self-care by getting plenty of rest, taking walks to relieve cramps, and snacking on healthy fats and iron-rich lentils, prunes, meats, and foods cooked in a cast iron skillet.

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Getting Your Periods After Delivery

During the 9 months of your gestation, there is a break in the process of menstruation. It is a matter of simple biology that while you are hosting a fetus in your womb, you will not have periods. For most women, this gap is welcomed with a sense of relief. Thanks to pregnancy you dont have to worry about staining your trousers or deal with premenstrual syndrome for several months.

Nonetheless, periods after delivery make a comeback and it is, often, unpleasant. You should aware of first menstruation after pregnancy in advance to avoid any additional discomfort.

When To Call Your Provider About Your Period After Pregnancy

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Your first periods after pregnancy may be different than before you had a baby. If you’re ever concerned about them or wondering whether your situation is normal, reach out to your healthcare provider. The following symptoms also warrant a call:

  • Ongoing irregular or very heavy periods. If your periods don’t become more regular after a few months, or if you’ve had very heavy periods for more than two or three cycles , let your healthcare provider know. They may want to check for uterine or hormonal issues.
  • You pass large clots. Anything bigger than a golf ball is a cause for concern.
  • Foul-smelling discharge.This could indicate bacterial vaginosis or a uterus infection.
  • Chills and/or a fever of more than 100.4. If this happens in the first few days following delivery, it could signal a potential uterus, kidney, or bladder infection.
  • A longer delay in your period returning if you’re not breastfeeding. If you’re formula-feeding and don’t get your period by three months postpartum, talk to your OB or midwife. They may want to check for secondary amenorrhea , pregnancy, or other issues.

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When To Call Your Doctor

If your period remains abnormal for multiple cycles, or if you’re having severe pain or other concerns associated with your period, you should let your doctor know.

Furthermore, if it has been longer than 2 or 3 months since your miscarriage and you haven’t yet had a period, you should inform your doctor. An extremely light or no period could be a sign of Asherman’s syndrome, which is scarring in the uterus which can occur after a dilation and curettage procedure.

Especially if you have a history of depression, a miscarriage can increase your risk of having an episode of clinical depression after a miscarriage. Be sure to contact your doctor if you’re experiencing any of the following signs:

  • Appetite changes
  • Loss of interest in formerly enjoyable activities
  • Persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, guilt, or helplessness
  • Persistent pains or digestive problems that do not respond to treatment
  • Problems in concentrating and making decisions
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Thoughts of suicide

If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.

What Should You Know About Bleeding After Period

  • Spotting lightly after your period does not always mean you are pregnant. Most women thought its implantation spotting but its not. In fact, implantation spotting does not occur after your period, it happens a week before your menstruation.
  • Women can positively conceive a baby only after ovulation and successful fertilization. The process occurs ten days after their menstrual cycle. Thus, the possibility of getting pregnant right after you have your monthly period is too low.
  • Spotting a week after your period cannot be linked to early miscarriage. Unlike spotting, miscarriage is always accompanied with excessive bleeding and cramps.

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Chemotherapy And Birth Defect Link

There is a substantial risk of children being born with birth defects because of chemotherapy.

Particularly during the first trimester, chemotherapy greatly increases the risk of malformations. Even in the second and third trimesters, chemotherapy increases the risk of pregnancy complications and the baby being born with a compromised immune system.

Its important to use birth control methods during treatment for chemotherapy, but avoid the pill. Chemotherapy can cause nausea, and vomiting may decrease the pill’s effectiveness.

Experts also recommend avoiding hormonal birth control containing estrogen. You may want to discuss progestin-only birth control with your healthcare provider.

The copper IUD is recommended for most women undergoing chemotherapy.

Your Thyroid Isn’t Working Properly


An underactive or overactive thyroid gland can cause your period to come twice in one month. The thyroid gland is regulated by hormones produced and regulated in the same area of the brainthe pituitary and hypothalamusas the hormones that control menstruation and ovulation, explains Dweck. When one is off, the other might be affected.

If you have hyperthyroidism , you may also lose weight unexpectedly, feel nervous or anxious, have a rapid heartbeat, or have trouble sleeping. Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain, constipation, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to cold, among other symptoms.

Your risk of developing a thyroid disease could vary by race, potentially due to a combination of environmental and genetic factors. According to a 2014 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Graves disease, an autoimmune disorder often at the root of hyperthyroidism, is more common in Black, Asian, and Pacific Islander women compared to white women. On the other hand, Hashimotos disease, which often causes hypothyroidism, is more common in white women.

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What To Do About It

Obviously, a bun in the oven can be ruled out with a simple pregnancy test. Keep in mind that false negatives are relatively common if you havent yet missed your period. If you experienced earlier-than-expected bleeding after your normal period, take the test again about a week after youd usually expect to get your period.

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Since ectopic pregnancies also result in a positive pregnancy test and can become an emergency if left untreated, see your doctor for an ultrasound to confirm whether the embryo has implanted in your uterus. If it is an ectopic pregnancy, youll receive meds and potentially other treatments to prevent life-threatening complications.

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