Ways To Fight Pms Cravings
How to Fight Food Cravings
So how can a woman combat PMS cravings and keep from gaining weight?
Eat complex carbs Though it might seem counterintuitive to feed a diet, Wurtman suggests reaching for a snack high in complex carbs whenever you feel an attack of the grumpies coming on. Taking in a few extra calories in rice cakes now will prevent you from raiding the icebox later on. Meals also should be high in complex carbs, such as whole-grain breads, pasta, and cereals. “Eaten on an empty stomach, baked potatoes, even half a bagel or low-sugar cereals, will increase serotonin levels within an hour,” Wurtman says.
Avoid processed sugar Simple sugars increase insulin secretion, which lowers blood sugar, Lark explains. And if insulin levels shoot up enough, your appetite for carbs and fats increases.
Try foods high in essential fatty acids Food high in essential fatty acids, such as salmon or safflower or canola oil mayonnaise, “slow absorption of carbs, stabilize the blood sugar, and stop cravings in their tracks,” Lark says. Try tuna with a little low-fat canola-oil mayo on a rice cake, she says, or a couple of tablespoons of flax meal in a protein shake.
Drink plenty of water Eight or so glasses of water a day help to flush the body out and reduce bloating, Peeke says.
Shun salt Not only will a diet low in salt reduce bloating and fluid retention, but it also can help reduce your risk of high blood pressure, Wurtman says.
Why Is Hormonal Health Important
Unless youre planning on starting a family, infertility and losing your period might seem like no big deal. In fact, it might seem a nice break from the hassle of having periods.
Not so fast.
Remember that your period isnt just about pregnancy. Rather, its a side effect of normal hormonal health.
In other words, losing your period means that something is off hormonally.
Think of your period as a dashboard indicator light. When you lose it, the light starts blinking: Hormonal health alert! And you ought to pay attention.
In the case of hypothalamic amenorrhea, those messages we talked about earlier from the hypothalamus to the pituitary to the ovaries significantly diminish. And that means the production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone is dangerously reduced.
Why is that a problem? Your body needs these hormones for bone strength.
In fact, because of the link between estrogen, progesterone, and bone health, many fit young women who lose their periods end up with weaker bones than their eighty year old grandmothers.
And yes, that includes the ones like Maryann, who regularly perform weight-bearing exercise, and whose diets are rich in calcium and vitamins D and K.
Neither strength exercise or proper nutrition is enough to make up for hypothalamic amenorrhea.
Reduce Bloating And Cravings
Drink plenty of liquids because it keeps your body from retaining water. Ingesting water keeps the water flowing through your system. Eat complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, to stabilize your urge to eat. Minimize your salt intake, which induces or exacerbates bloating. Avoid alcohol, which slows your metabolism and can increase emotional eating. Sleep eight hours every night, and exercise daily. Exercise can reduce bloating because sweating helps release the extra water your body is retaining. Eating calcium-rich foods or even taking a calcium supplement can ease your cravings and help prevent bloating, according to Brown University. Diuretics can also prevent bloating and water retention.
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Why Do I Weigh More Than I Look
Muscle is denser than fat, and as it is more compact within your body, as you gain muscle mass, you end up looking thinner, no matter your physical weight. So, if youve been doing a lot of strength training lately, its likely this is the reason that youre looking fantastic but not dropping those numbers.
Can You Lose Weight After Period
Of course, if you looked at the scale after your period and freaked out, you may be wondering if you can lose the added pounds. You certainly can. However, for some people, weight loss after a period comes naturally.
You might have seen some women questioning if it is normal to lose weight after a period. Of course, it is normal, and this may happen a week after your menses. The main reasons for weight loss after period are as follows:
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Menstrual Cycle Phases How Hormones Shift Week By Week
Although theres a lot of changes to hormones over the month, well focus here on the ones that affect training and nutrition the most namely
- Luteinizing Hormone
Although theres a fair bit of biology involved here, its important to understand this going forward so that you can best manipulate training and nutrition to suit your body.
Fha Is Generally Reversible
Jackson-Spence stressed that every woman’s cycle is different so you shouldn’t diagnose yourself with hypothalamic amenorrhea, but if you’ve missed more than three periods in a row and have a negative pregnancy test, “you should speak to your GP rather than getting advice from social media.”
While doctors can prescribe medicines for inducing ovulation, a better approach is to focus on the underlying cause of FHA. But as these are so complex, the solutions are too it can take months or over a year to get your cycle back, but it is possible.
This might be after a period of chronic stress resolves, calories are raised, and/or intense exercise is cut down. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has also been shown to help some women.
Focusing on rest days and recovery is important, and Madigan has seen some women regain their cycles simply by taking out one workout a week and replacing it with something calming like yoga or meditation .
A post shared by Hayley Madigan
It’s also important to ensure that not only are you eating enough, but you’re eating a balanced diet and specifically not cutting down on fat too much.
Moving away from tracking food intake, weighing yourself, and monitoring calorie burn can help too, as can shifting your focus from aesthetics to health.
Madigan herself stopped taking part in bikini competitions in 2017 after speaking to the other women in the fitness industry , having her concerns routinely dismissed by coaches, and realizing it just wasn’t right.
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What Is The Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle makes reproduction possible for females.
Its regulated by a series of hormonal changes that prepare the body to carry a baby.
During each cycle, an egg matures in the ovary. Its released mid-cycle, and the lining of the uterus thickens in case the egg is fertilized.
When the egg isnt fertilized, the uterine lining is shedthis is your period.
Referral To A Consultant
If your GP thinks a medical condition might have caused your periods to stop, they may refer you to a consultant who specialises in the condition.
Depending on what your GP suspects is causing the problem, you may be referred to:
- a gynaecologist a specialist in treating conditions that affect the female reproductive system
- an endocrinologist a specialist in treating hormonal conditions
You may have a full gynaecological examination and various tests, including:
- blood tests to see whether you have abnormal levels of certain hormones
- an ultrasound scan, CT scan or MRI scan to identify any problems with your reproductive system or the pituitary gland in your brain
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Can Weight Loss Affect Your Period
Having an irregular period is a sign of an imbalance in hormone production in the body . When the hormonal production is not balanced, it is a sign of bad health.
One of the major causes of hormonal imbalance is weight change. When a womans weight changes positively or negatively, the body responds to the change. The most apparent evidence of that response is noticed in alteration in the cycle of menstruation.
So, can weight loss affect your period? Yes, it can. As youll see later on in this article, the Body Mass Index indicates how much fat is in the body. Fat is necessary for the body to produce hormones, including estrogen.
So, when there is too little or too much fat in the body, the estrogen levels can be altered, leading to irregular menstruation. One of the ultimate dreams of women is to stay in shape by losing weight.
But, sometimes, the goal may be pursued too aggressively. Or a woman may fall ill and lose too much weight. In addition, when a woman loses weight suddenly, the body can react in several ways.
Thats because the amount of calories in the body determines the production rate of hormones, including those that regulate ovulation. In other words, losing weight and gaining weight may affect menstruation.
Gaining Weight When Underweight
If you are underweight it is likely that you may not be getting your period. Typically calorie restriction, excessive exercise, or illness are behind your low BMI. These are stressors on your body that cause hormonal changes that interfere with ovulation. This also causes a very low estrogen level, which is especially bad for your bone health.
When you gain weight from a low BMI, you are reducing the stress on your body. This allows your body to ovulate again, and as a result, menstruate. It also restores your bodys estrogen production and protects your bones.
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How Can We Treat It
There is no magic formula to help you with shedding the excess weight gain during your period. You need to spend effort on preventing excess water retention, in order to not gain a lot of weight. Moreover, if you are wondering how long after your period do you lose water weight, it totally depends on how well you work on it. Anyhow, here are a few ways you can avoid water retention during your period and stay in shape:
A Regular Period Is A Sign Of Good Health
Its okay to have a few ups and downs during your weight loss journey, as long as you continue to lose weight at a safe rate.
Losing weight too quickly, or equally putting on weight too quickly can play havoc with your menstrual cycle.
Having a regular period is actually an indication that youre managing your weight loss journey at a safe and sensible rate.
Therefore, no matter what the number on the scale says when you weigh yourself, you should feel secure knowing that a regular period is a sign of good health. That has to be the silver lining, right?
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Is My Tummy Fat Or Bloated
1.Bloating Is Localized While Belly Fat Is Widespread. One easy way to tell the difference between bloating and belly fat is that, with bloating, only the stomach expands due to the excess gas accumulation. You will likely notice other bulges with excess fat, particularly on the abdomen, thighs, hips, and back.
Rapid Weight Loss And How It Affects Your Period
Flip through any fashion magazine and youre bombarded with images of perfect bodies. There they are stick-thin women with perfect hair and makeup, sometimes draped over hunky guys with abs of steel. Most of us know these images arent real life theyre an advertising ploy designed to sell the latest in fashion or makeup or shampoo.
What is the perfect body, the perfect weight? The answer could depend on where you live. Not all cultures value slender bodies. According to Bradley University, in Fiji larger bodies are symbols of health and connectedness to the community. People who lose a lot of weight or are very thin are regarded with suspicion or pity. In Jamaica, plump bodies are considered healthiest and most attractive. In western culture, a lean body is considered the beau ideal.
The National Institutes of Health provides a Body Mass Index calculator to provide an indication of whether someone is in the underweight, normal, overweight, or obese range. The BMI is just a loose guide to determining a healthy weight. It isnt a fail-safe and doesnt take into account factors such as age, muscle mass, bone density, or overall body composition .
There is no such thing as the perfect weight for everyone. Your ideal weight is a personal, individual thing.
Dr. Donald Hensrud recommends a moderate rate of weight loss, typically one or two pounds a week, based on a safe and healthy approach with lifestyle changes in eating and exercise.
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Current Research On Nutrient Periodisation
Theres a fair bit of research to back up cycling nutrients around your menstrual cycle. This is sometimes referred to as a menstralean diet.
One recent study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that when a group of healthy but overweight women followed a six-month weight loss programme adapted to metabolic changes over the menstrual cycle, they lost a significant amount of weight in comparison to the control group, who followed a basic calorie deficit .
They added more carbs in the follicular phase , and then added more calories from fats whilst reducing carbs during their luteal phase, and added foods to help reduce cravings such as dark chocolate due to its high magnesium content.
The authors suggested that a differentiated diet and exercise program that is tailored to counteract food cravings and metabolic changes throughout the menstrual cycle may increase weight loss above that achieved with a traditional diet and exercise program.
Water Retention And Swelling
People may experience increased water and salt retention around the time of their period. This is due to an increase in the hormone progesterone. Progesterone activates the hormone aldosterone, which causes the kidneys to retain water and salt.
Water retention can lead to bloating and swelling, particularly in the abdomen, arms, and legs. This can give the appearance of weight gain. It may also make a persons clothes feel tighter.
However, water retention does not always signify weight gain. A 2014 study investigated water retention in females who complained of swelling during their period.
Circumference measurements taken throughout the study indicated that the participants did have significant swelling in the following areas:
Medical providers can diagnose people with premenstrual syndrome if:
- the person has a pattern of symptoms 5 days before their period for at least three cycles in a row
- the symptoms end within 4 days after their period starts
- the symptoms interfere with their normal activities
The following are some examples of how to prevent weight gain during a period.
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How Do You Cycle Nutrients To Maximise Fat Loss
During the follicular phase youll find that upping your carb intake helps to get you through the more intense workouts youll be putting into your programme. Your insulin sensitivity is high and your blood glucose is more stable.
During the luteal phase youll want to focus on keeping your cravings and carb intake under control with insulin sensitivity being low.
A relatively reduced carb intake with higher fats works well. And the fact that your energy expenditure and metabolic rate increase slightly during this phase means that the additional calories from fats isnt an issue for maintaining an energy deficit.
How Does The Menstrual Cycle Affect Weight Loss
The menstrual cycle itself doesnt seem to affect weight gain or loss. But having a period may affect your weight in other ways. Many women get premenstrual syndrome . PMS can cause you to crave and eat more sweet or salty foods than normal.4 Those extra calories can lead to weight gain. And salt makes the body hold on to more water, which raises body weight .
Also, while your menstrual cycle may not affect weight gain or loss, losing or gaining weight can affect your menstrual cycle. Women who lose too much weight or lose weight too quickly may stop having a period, or have irregular periods. Women who have obesity may also have irregular periods. A regular period is a sign of good health. Reaching a healthy weight can help women who have irregular periods to have cycles that are more regular. Learn more in our Menstrual Cycle section.
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Why Does One Undergo Weight Loss During Periods
Most of us start gaining weight before and during the periods due towater retention but there are certain girls and women who lose weight. Duringmenstruation, the metabolism speeds up and symptoms of PMS start dominating thefemale bodies because of which a temporary weight loss occurs. Below are a fewreasons that explain the science behind losing weight:-
We often want to miss out meals during periods because of irritationand headache that takes over our bodies. Gastrointestinal distress is oneside-effect of PMS because of which one might start feeling less hungry.
Hormonal Fluctuations
Because of the hormonal fluctuations and water retention, one experiencesa change in how they feel hungry and how much they want to eat. A change in theappetite occurs during the entire course of the menstruation because of whichgirls experience a weight loss.
We all that feel of painful cramps felt in the abdomen. Because of theintense pain, one does not want to work out and even miss out on eating ahealthy diet. The stomach might also get upset because of the side-effects ofpain relief medications. With an upset stomach, one is not able to eat sufficientfood and also feel less energetic.
Metabolism Changes
Before the menstruation starts, metabolism increases by 10% which has an effect on the weight of the human bodies. Because of other symptoms of PMS and because of increased metabolism, the body starts reducing temporary weight.