Why Did My Period Last 2 Days

Reasons Your Period Is Late

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During your usual morning routine, you open your cabinet, spot a box of tampons in the back, and you suddenly realize youre late. When was my last period? you think as you try to remember the last time you needed to reach for that box. Panic then takes over as your mind shoots straight to pregnancy.

While being pregnant is a possible reason for a missed period, there may be factors related to your health or lifestyle that are causing the delay, notes Shelley White-Corey, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A& M Health Science Center College of Nursing and a womens health nurse practitioner.


Your period may not make an appearance after your baby is born, but dont be alarmed! If you are breastfeeding your little one, a lack of periods is completely normal. Referred to as lactational amenorrhea, this is a phase that disrupts the rhythm of your menstrual cycle. After a few months, your monthly period should be right back on track.

Weight loss or weight gain

Whether youre overweight or underweight, any change in pounds can affect your monthly cycle. Common health problems linked to weight and irregular menstruation include eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, and uncontrolled diabetes. If you suspect this might be an issue for you, see your health care provider right away.

Increased exercise
Sleep schedule changes
Thyroid dysfunction
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Suzannah Smith

Forget Normal Whats A Regular Period

When it comes to menstrual cycles, theres no single definition of normal. You can even have two periods in a single month! Instead of considering specific numbers to be normal , think of ranges instead.

Whats normal for one persons period might not be for another and that can change throughout your lifetime. The average menstrual cycle is about 28 days, but yours is considered regular if its between 21 and 45 days long.

Day 1 of your period is the first day you bleed your next cycle starts the next time you bleed. And, if your period isnt aligned with the moon and predictable down to the day and hour, youre not the only one.

Between 5 and 35 percent of periods are irregular lets call them free-spirited and vary in length and duration from month to month.

Bleeding for 5 days is the average, but anything from 2 to 8 days is within the normal range.

What Is An Abnormal Cycle

A period that is abnormal is one that is in some way different from a typical, normal periodbut this can mean different things for different people.

A normal menstrual cycle lasts between 21 and 35 days. On average, you might have spotting or bleeding for three to seven days.

Your cycles will typically look very similar. If you normally have periods with three days of spotting and two days of bleeding, an abnormal period might only be two days of spotting and no bleeding.

During an abnormal cycle, your period could be longer or shorter than usual. It also might come earlier or later than anticipated. It could also differ in the amount of flow you have. Your flow might also stop and start but still last the same number of days overall.

You might experience bleeding in between your periods when you would normally not expect to bleed. You might also have more cramping than you normally do.

When it comes to your period pay attention to anything that does not feel or look like whatever “typical,””usual,” or “normal” means for you.

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Testing And Recommendations For Heavy Periods

Please see your doctor if you are experiencing any of the symptoms I described.

  • She will want to do a pelvic exam to determine if there are any physical issues. This should also include a pelvic ultrasound to check for fibroids and endometrial thickness.
  • I would also recommend a full thyroid panel, a pap smear, a pregnancy test, STI testing, and a complete blood count to determine if you have anemia. You can also do these test from home at Lets Get Checked. Use code Hormones20 to get 20% off all tests.
  • There may be a need for other procedures like an endometrial biopsy, to determine the presence of endometrial hyperplasia, uterine cancer or infection. Or a SIS to get a 3D view of the uterine cavity
  • The conventional treatments for heavy periods include the birth control pill , Mirena IUD , D& C to remove the uterine lining temporarily, endometrial ablation and hysterectomy .

    You Have Uterine Polyps Or Fibroids

    Long Periods

    “Uterine abnormalities, such as polyps or fibroids, can cause prolonged periods because they distort the endometrial cavity which can lead to increased blood flow,” Dr. Toth explains. Basically, your body senses something in your uterus that isn’t supposed to be there, and tries extra hard to get rid of it.

    Polyps and fibroids sound scary, but they’re pretty commonup to 80 percent of women will have at least one before they’re 50, per the OWH. On their own, they don’t indicate a serious disease, like cancer. Important to note: Black women are two to three times more likely to have fibroids than white women, and the reasons for their increased risk are not well understood or well studied due to lack of representation of Black women in research, notes Dr. Horton. Black women are also more likely to be hospitalized due to fibroids due to heavy, prolonged vaginal bleeding, pain, and symptoms from anemia.

    But for many people, these benign growths don’t have any symptoms, and if they do, it’s usually prolonged periods, says Dr. Toth. Most likely your doc will just recommend keeping an eye on them, but if they cause pain or grow very large they can be surgically removed.

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    How Do I Fix My On And Off Period

    Periods that keep coming and going have many causes, but mostly are just a sign that your body and hormones need a little extra support. The cause of your stop-start period will determine the best treatment to restore a normal bleed. Below are some suggestions for a healthy period to try:

    • Restore blood flow to the pelvic area: in the days leading up to your period and once you start bleeding, use a hot water bottle over your pelvis to encourage healthy blood flow

    • Consider seeking out a Maya Abdominal Massage Therapist, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner or acupuncturist

    • Explore potential hormone imbalances and correct them naturally through diet changes and supplements

    • Explore your emotional connection to your cycle. Is there anything you are holding on to that you need to let go of? Menstruation is the perfect time to go inwards and reflect on the previous month. What worked for you? What didnt? Where would you like to focus your energy in the upcoming month? Learn more about living in sync with the seasons of your cycle in this guest blog I wrote on Nicole Jardims website

    What Are The Signs Of Implantation

    Implantation is the process when an embryo attaches itself to the uterine lining. It doesnt always cause symptoms. However, some people report feeling light cramping, headaches, and mood swings around the time of implantation. Implantation bleeding can occur around the date when you expect your period, but its usually lighter and only causes pink or brown spotting or discharge.

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    What Are Irregular Periods

    Even though girls get their periods on a cycle, that cycle can take different amounts of time each month. For example, a girl might get her period after 24 days one month and after 42 days the next. These are called irregular periods.

    Irregular periods are very common, especially in a girl’s first few years of getting her period.

    Period Only Lasts Three Days Is It Normal


    The menstrual cycle is different on every woman. Some women might have a longer cycle, while others could have a very short one. This applies to their period, too. The average woman has a period that lasts between five and seven days, and usually happens every 28 days or so. But some have much shorter periods, and might also have shorter or longer cycles. Some women even worry because their period only lasted 2 days. Is a 3 day period normal? Should women be worried if they have that short of a period?

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    Am I Pregnant When Spotting

    I have abdominal pain after period could I be pregnant? As explained above, spotting and cramps after the period has ended can mean many things.

    It all depends on when the spotting and cramps occur. If these two incidences take place around the second week from the period, then it is simply ovulation.

    Ovulation may or may not be accompanied by spotting and cramps. If they occur, it would be due to the bursting of the follicles which is accompanied by some spotting of a pink color.

    If it occurs around the 21st day after the period, it would most likely be implantation cramps. Implantation cramps and spotting occur due to several reasons including

    • The movement of the egg in the fallopian tube towards the uterus.
    • The burrowing of the egg into the walls of the uterus.

    If the cramps and spotting occur right after the period is over, it would be a case of uterine incapacity which would come to an end once the remaining blood has been eliminated from the uterine cavity.

    Occurrence of cramps and spotting after the period has come to an end at any other time would be a health condition that requires a visit to the doctor.

    Diagnosis Of 2 Week Long Period

    For a problem such as irregular or prolonged period, it is always advisable to take quick measures and consult your gynecologist. This is helpful in determining the cause of the problem for prolonged menstrual bleeding and finding suitable remedies. The gynecologist will be able to recommend firm conclusions only after a series of tests to detect the actual cause of the problem.

    There are certain common tests that all doctors recommend such as the pregnancy detection test, hormone levels and thyroid function tests. Depending on the case background and family history, the doctor may prescribe other diagnostic tests and procedures such as the Pap smear screening test, any kind of endometrial biopsies, and ultrasounds of specific parts of the probably affected organs.

    Lets understand this in a little detail.

    If a patient is suffering from abnormally long menstrual periods, the doctor will start the examination of the case with a pelvic checkup. Alongside this, medical history may also be collected, where you need to inform your doctor about all the medications and supplements in your normal course of routine and any kind of disease or treatment undergone in the recent past.

    Based on the pelvic examination, and the specific symptoms, a gynecologist may prescribe some of the following diagnostic tests:

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    When It Lasts 2 Weeks

    During the cycle, the period could be light or heavy, regular or irregular, long or short, pain-free or extremely painful, but it will still be considered to be normal.

    However, you may need to become concerned if your period is lasting a longer duration than normal. Some of the reasons that can lead to a lighter period lasting 2 weeks include:

  • Menorrhagia
  • Pregnancy
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • In case you notice an abnormality in your monthly period, it is recommended that you do not make any assumptions, but instead, visit your doctor to get a proper diagnosis. After diagnosis, the doctor will recommend a few treatment options depending on what is causing the problem. Common treatment options may include: medication, hysterectomy, endometrial ablation.

    Should You Get A Pregnancy Test If Your Period Lasted Only One Or Two Days

    Why am I still cramping after my period?

    Your periods are usually normal. Yet last month it only lasted one or two days. Should you be concerned? Do you need a pregnancy test?

    Well, it all depends. In that short time, was your flow heavy or was it light? Shorter periods are sometimes normal. And, the heavier it was, the more likely it is that you are probably not pregnant.

    Another question you need to consider is if you are on some type of hormonal birth control With some of these it is normal to have a shorter and lighter period

    No matter what, it is probably smart to wait and see what happens with your next period. In the great majority of cases, if you are pregnant your period will stop altogether. Your body needs sufficient time to build up enough of the Hcg factor that urine pregnancy tests need in order to be positive. If it is too early, you could have a false negative test.

    If you are convinced you are pregnant, please call our helpline at in order to set up an appointment for a free pregnancy test. If it is positive, and you are far enough along, you can also get a free ultrasound. Assure Womens Center is Your Best First Step!

    you are

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    How To Calculate How Much You Are Bleeding During Your Period

    One fully soaked regular tampon or pad holds approximately 5 mL or 1 teaspoon of blood and a fully soaked super tampon holds 10 mL. A half soaked regular pad or tampon equals 2.5 mL and a half soaked super tampon holds 5 mL.

    Make a note in your period tracking app every time you change your pad or tampon, period underwear or menstrual cup each day of your period to determine if you have a heavy period. If the number of fully soaked regular pads or tampons is more than 16, youve fully soaked regular flow period underwear more than three times a day, or youve changed a half full 30 mL menstrual cup more than six times in any given menstrual cycle, then you have a heavier than normal flow.

    How Long Does A Period Typically Last

    There’s a pretty big range of normal when it comes to period length. “Usually, it can last anywhere between five to seven days,” says Jessica Shepherd, MD, a minimally invasive gynecologist in Dallas. “But there are times at which it can be a few days longer or shorter.”

    Here’s a little Menstrual Cycle 101: During each cycle, your body’s sending hormones to thicken the lining of the uterus to make it a nice little home for a potentially fertilized egg. About midway through your cycle, one of your ovaries releases an egg, which then travels down the fallopian tubes to this newly plush uterus where, if it’s not fertilized by a sperm, it flows out of the body, along with the uterine lining that built up.

    While this process is the same for nearly every woman, the length of their periods might differ depending on their specific hormonal shifts over the course of their cycle, which affects the endometrium development, and in turn, the number of days it takes for it to shed, Dr. Shepherd explains.

    So, if your period is a day or two longer or shorter than your usual period length and you don’t notice any other symptoms or issues that seem unusual for you , it’s probably not a reason to be concerned.

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