Is It Normal To Get Your Period Twice A Month

Can You Get Two Periods In A Month

Period Twice a Month – is it normal?!

Yes, there is a possibility of getting periods twice a month if you have a shorter cycle. Other reasons for getting the period twice a month are hyperthyroidism, stress, illness or medication, birth control, excessive weight loss or weight gain, uterine cysts or fibroids, reactions to birth control methods, excessive exercise, sexually transmitted disease and the onset of menopause. If your menstrual cycle becomes shorter suddenly then you need to consult your doctor. . Also Read – Menstrual Myth Busted: You Should NOT Exercise During Periods? Here’s What We Know

Other conditions can also be mistaken for a menstrual cycle. In case you are pregnant, you may experience spotting in the first trimester. In spotting, there will not be enough bleeding. The blood during spotting is usually darker that period blood. Heavy bleeding is caused by a miscarriage and it can be mistaken for menstrual cycle.

You Have A Short Menstrual Cycle

Indeed, you can get your period twice in a month. And for some people, a bimonthly flow is totally typical.

Here’s why: “A normal menstrual period may last between 21 and 35 days, so many with normal menses may still have more than one period per month,” Dr. Verma says.

In other words, if you have a shorter cycle, you can bleed twice in the span of 30 days.

When To Speak With A Doctor

People may wish to see a healthcare professional if they have PMS symptoms that affect their daily life, if the symptoms occur outside of their period, or if they experience any sudden or dramatic changes to PMS or period symptoms.

If a person expects to have a period, but it does not arrive, it is best to speak with a healthcare professional about the potential causes. They may recommend a pregnancy test if someone could be pregnant or other tests if pregnancy is not the cause.

Heavy bleeding and severe abdominal cramping can indicate pregnancy complications, such as pregnancy loss or ectopic pregnancy. Contact a provider immediately if a pregnant person experiences any of the following symptoms:

  • heavy bleeding

8 sourcescollapsed

  • Bai, G., et al. . Associations between nausea, vomiting, fatigue and health-related quality of life of women in early pregnancy: The generation R study.

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Treatment For Frequent Menstruation

The treatment for frequent menstruation depends on the underlying cause. If you have just started having periods or you normally have shorter menstrual cycles, you wont need any treatment. However, if your doctor is concerned that the frequency of blood loss due to your periods is causing anaemia, they may suggest taking iron supplements.

In some cases, hormonal birth control may be recommended to treat frequent menstruation.

What Can I Do About Irregular Periods

Two Periods in One Month: Should I Be Worried?

Are you experiencing periods twice in one month? Here are some healthy habits that will help you deal regulate your menstrual cycle:

  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: Vitamin C and iron lost due to heavy bleeding can be recovered by eating green leafy vegetables like Swiss chard, broccoli and plenty of citrus fruits.
  • Stay hydrated: To flush the body properly, make sure you drink plenty of water.
  • Keep a period calendar: Keep a detailed journal showing the exact dates of your periods. This will help you prepare early and notice any irregular pattern.
  • Do gentle but regular exercise: Do gentle daily workouts like stretching routines, calisthenics or long walks. Restorative yoga is also a good choice as it helps reduce premenstrual syndrome and relieve muscle cramping and tension.
  • Take herbal remedies: Hormonal imbalance can be mildly relieved by herbal supplements such as sesame seeds and jiggery, ginger, and aloe vera.

Women who experience a period twice in one month regularlyshould consider medication, especially if it occurs for more than three months consecutively. Although a doctors advice is important to decide what kind of medication is best, oral contraceptives are commonly used in such cases. Remember to have your pelvic area examined regularly to ensure early diagnosis of any problems affecting your reproductive organs.

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When Should I See A Doctor About Irregular Periods

  • Your periods last for more than 7 days
  • Your menstrual cycle is more than 35 days or less than 21 days
  • You bleed between periods
  • Using tampons leads to a sudden fever and sick feeling
  • Despite not being pregnant, your periods suddenly stop for more than 90 days
  • Your periods are heavier than usual to the extent of soaking more than one pad or tampon every hour or two
  • Your regular periods suddenly become erratic
  • Your periods are extremely painful

Summing Up On Periods After 15 Days Again

Instead of worrying about why your period comes two or three times a month, look for the reason behind this. Irregular periods can result from comprehensive factors, including some medical circumstances. Most reasons for irregular periods are not severe, but some are. You must visit a doctor to determine the cause and periods after 15 days again treatment or other approaches.

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What Is The Menstrual Cycle

Normally, once every 28 days, the uterus prepares itself for implanting the fertilized egg. The uterus does this by growing a new lining- the endometrium. If the sperm fails to fertilize an egg, pregnancy never happens. In that case, the uterus lining sheds off along with the blood from the newly formed blood vessels. This is often called the menstrual flow or period. The menstrual cycle refers to the first day of one period to the first day of the next menstrual period. It varies anywhere from 24 to 35 days in different women.

You Have Uterine Polyps Or Fibroids

Bleeding in Between Periods | Is It Normal to Have Your Period Twice a Month

Uterine issues like polyps or fibroidsbenign lesions or tumors that can grow in the uterusare very common and may be related to hormonal issues. Uterine polyps can cause bleeding in between periods, says Dr. Dweck, especially if they are touched, like during sex, and fibroids can cause pain, back pain, abdominal bloating, anemia, pain with intercourse, and spontaneous bleeding because theyre not associated with the menstrual cycle, explains Dr. Richardson.

While fibroids can affect women of any age or race, Black women are about three times more likely to develop them compared to white women, and their symptoms tend to emerge at an earlier age with greater severity. Its unclear why exactly Black women are disproportionately impacted by fibroids, but some studies suggest that greater exposure to racial discrimination or genetics could play a role.

As the Black Womens Health Imperative notes, heavy, painful periods may seem like a fact of life since theyre so commonand many women wait years to seek treatment for fibroidsbut you dont have to needlessly suffer.

What to do about it

Head to your ob-gyn for an ultrasound, a uterine biopsy, or a hysteroscopy . Hormonal medications such as progestins and gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists may lessen symptoms of polyps and shrink uterine fibroids.

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You’re On Or You Forgot To Take Your Birth Control

Duh, right? Missing birth control pills or forgetting your Depo-Provera shot will always cause irregular bleeding, says Dr. Richardson. Anytime you fail to take a birth control method correctly, you will bleed because you have an abrupt withdrawal of hormones. This kind of bleeding, though, is not an emergency.”

You can also experience irregular bleeding if you’re just starting to use birth control. “Birth control like the arm implant and IUD can be linked to intermenstrual bleeding or spotting, a.k.a. unscheduled bleeding or random bleeding that isn’t a true period. This is especially true the first few months after having either the implant or IUD placed,” says Jennifer Lincoln, MD, an ob-gyn based in Portland, Oregon, and the author of Let’s Talk About Down There. “In addition, this kind of bleeding can continue with the arm implant no matter how long you’ve had it, while for many it stops over time with the IUD.”

Is Blood Loss A Concern

In some instances, a bimonthly period may produce potential complications related to excessive blood loss. The thing is, losing too much blood can cause a damaging domino effect in your body.

For example, “if a person experiences too much bleeding, it can result in a low blood count , which can be serious if not treated,” Dr. Marshall says. So, when your period comes twice a month, keep an eye out for other signs of anemia such as pale skin, weakness and fatigue.

If you suspect you have period-related anemia, speak with your doctor, who can perform bloodwork to properly assess and diagnose the condition.

In severe cases, “sometimes a blood transfusion is needed,” Dr. Marshall says. “More often, though, iron and vitamin supplementation are necessary for several months to restore the red blood cell level.” But always check with your doctor before and while taking iron supplements, as too much iron can cause other problems.

Also, keep in mind “there’s a difference between chronic abnormal bleeding and a sudden, severe case of uterine bleeding,” Dr. Verma says. The latter can be acutely dangerous.

If your menstrual cycle leads to abrupt, heavy bleeding along with chest pain, dizziness or shortness of breath, something serious might be up, and you should seek emergency care immediately to treat any possible complications from blood loss or change in blood pressure, Dr. Verma says.


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You Have Precancerous Or Cancerous Cells

When found in either the uterus or cervix, precancerous and cancerous cells can cause irregular bleeding. Suffice it to say, a tumor growing on the cervix or uterus can bleed erratically, says Dr. Dweck. One study even found that irregular periods are more likely to lead to ovarian cancer, so early detection is key.

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Incidence rates of gynecological cancer vary by race and ethnicitycervical cancer disproportionately impacts Hispanic women, while Black women and white women are more likely to develop uterine cancer, per the CDC.

Period Twice In One Month: Is It Normal

Spotting vs. Periods

It is completely normal. Your menstrual cycle starts on the first day of your current menstrual period and ends on the first day of the next period. When you start menstruating, your period length may vary. The average length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days. However, a cycle as long as 35 days or as short as 21 days is still normal. There is a possibility of having two periods in one month if you have a 21 day cycle. Most women have about 13 periods in a year meaning they have two periods in at least one month.

What is termed as normal menses varies for every individual. Your cycle can be the same length every month or irregular. Some people experience painful or pain-free, light or heavy and long or short periods but are still considered normal. The range is broad and, therefore, a normal cycle is what is normal for you.

It is also very normal to have irregular periods during your teen years. Irregular periods come either more than once a month or once every few months. Some girls get their periods more than once in some moths and then miss them for other months. This is just a way for the body to adapt to the changes that occur in a girls body as she grows up. However, your periods should become regular after a few years.

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Why Does My Period Come Twice In One Month

Your thyroid isnt working properly. An underactive or overactive thyroid gland can cause your period to come twice in one month. The thyroid gland is regulated by hormones produced and regulated in the same area of the brainthe pituitary and hypothalamusas the hormones that control menstruation and ovulation, explains Dweck.

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Two Periods In One Month

An adult womans menstrual cycle can range in length from 24 to 38 days and in teenage girls it can last even longer. Based on how long your cycle normally lasts, if you think youre having a second period in that stretch of time, it is important to determine if it is just spotting or menstrual bleeding.

In most cases, having two periods in a month occasionally is not serious. However, if youre frequently having two periods in one month, you may have an underlying health condition.

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What Is A Normal Cycle

Getting your period every 28 days is considered normalhowever, thats the average, not the rule. Normal menstrual cycles can actually last anywhere between 21 days and about 35 days.

Ovulation is an important part of your cycle. That’s when your ovary releases an egg thats ready for fertilization. Ovulation typically happens between 11 and 21 days after your period starts.

Some people have regular cycles with no deviations. Others always have irregular cycles, very short cycles, or spotting during ovulation. A lot of things can make you get more frequent periodssuch as 2 periods in one monthor early periods.

Some causes of frequent periods are more common than others. Certain changes in your life or health can bring on your period early.

In some cases, having more than one period in a month is a sign of a medical problem.

Causes of frequent periods or two periods in one month include:

  • Age

You Are Overworked And Stressed

Is It Normal To Have Your Period Twice In One Month? | PeopleTV

Stress largely affects your health. Believe it or not, stress can trigger minor to major health issues and menstruation is one of them. Most working women lead a stressed-out life. A woman with a hectic schedule and poor lifestyle are highly likely to suffer from irregular menstruation conditions. Taking a lot of stress is one of the factors however this reason can be ruled out if the double period situation is frequent.

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What Causes Irregular Period

Menstrual cycle irregularities such as having period twice in one month can be due to various factors. Here are some of the causes:

  • Premature ovarian failure: Premature ovarian failure or primary ovarian insufficiency is described as the loss of normal ovarian function before 40 years of age. It can cause infrequent periods over a number of years.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome: This is a common hormonal disorder that can cause small cysts to form on the ovaries, leading to irregular periods.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease: This is an infection of the reproductive organs that can cause irregular menstrual periods.
  • Uterine fibroids: These are noncancerous growths that occur in the uterus. Heavy periods and bleeding between periods can be due to uterine fibroids.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding: Missed or delayed periods can be a sign of pregnancy. After pregnancy, breastfeeding normally delays the resumption of menstruation.
  • Extreme weight loss, eating disorders or excessive exercising: Menstruation can be disrupted by extreme weight loss, eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or increased physical activity.
  • Thyroid problems: The uterine lining can thicken as a result of thyroid diseases and in turn cause more bleeding.
  • Stress: Stress due to financial worries, arguments, or even exams can change your menstrual cycle temporarily.

Uterine Polyps And Fibroids

Uterine polyps and fibroids are harmless lesions and tumours. They grow in the uterus and are common among women. They are also related to hormonal issues. Uterine polyps cause bleeding between periods. This type of bleeding is a common occurrence when the polyps are touched during sex. Fibroids cause pain, abdominal bloating, back pain, anaemia, pain during intercourse, or spontaneous bleeding. These are not associated with the menstrual cycle.

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Causes Of Irregular Periods

There are many possible causes of irregular periods. Sometimes they may just be normal for you.

Common causes include:

  • puberty your periods might be irregular for the first year or two
  • the start of the menopause
  • early pregnancy take a pregnancy test to rule this out
  • some types of hormonal contraception such as the contraceptive pill or intrauterine system
  • extreme weight loss or weight gain, excessive exercise or stress
  • medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome or a problem with your thyroid

Is It Ok To Get My Period Twice In One Month

7 Causes of Irregular Periods

Is it bad if I get my period twice in one month? Why does this happen? Shoshanna*

It’s often normal during the teen years to have irregular periods. When a girl’s period is irregular, it might come more than once a month or only come every few months. Some girls find they get their period more than once some months, then they might not have another for several months. This is the body’s natural way of adjusting to the changes that come with growing up.

Your cycle should settle down within a couple of years of getting your first period. A period-tracking app on your phone is a great way to see if you period is still adjusting. The more often you use it, the better it is at finding a pattern in your periods. If your periods are heavy, often come more than once a month, or if you’ve had sex, check in with your doctor or or visit a local health clinic. Some clotting problems, hormone problems, and sexually transmitted infections can cause girls to bleed more.

A checkup can help find out if you need any medicine or treatment such as iron supplements to prevent anemia or antibiotics for an infection. Best of all, getting checked out can put your mind at ease and give you a chance to learn more about your body.

*Names have been changed to protect user privacy.

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