How To Know If You Got Your Period

How To Know When Your Period Is Coming

How to Tell Your Period Is Coming | First Period Signs!

This article was co-authored by Rebecca Levy-Gantt, MPT, DO. Dr. Rebecca Levy-Gantt is a board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist running a private practice based in Napa, California. Dr. Levy-Gantt specializes in menopause, peri-menopause and hormonal management, including bio-Identical and compounded hormone treatments and alternative treatments. She is also a Nationally Certified Menopause Practitioner and is on the national listing of physicians who specialize in menopausal management. She received a Masters of Physical Therapy from Boston University and a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 24 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 2,426,645 times.

Having your period is nuisance enough without the added stress of a surprise visit. While there’s no scientific method of determining exactly when your period will come, these methods below will help you estimate your menstrual cycle length and help you be prepared for the next one. Carrying pads or tampons around in your purse at all times is a simple but effective strategy to never be caught off-guard.

You Probably Tell Your Boss When You’re Not Feeling Well In Any Other Capacity

You can probably remember the last time you were suffering from a splitting headache and you popped into your boss’s office to say, “Hey, I’m feeling under the weather, so I’m going to lay low if you need me.” It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re leaving the office, it just means you’re letting them know you’re not performing at your highest. Hopefully, they ask if you’re OK, tell you to reach out if you need anything, and send you on your way.

Menstruating is a bodily function that can temporarily affect you, just like a headache or seasonal allergies might, yet we’re much more inclined to keep it under wraps. If you start to think of your own period symptoms as a health issue, which it is, you’ll eventually be able to speak about it to your boss the same way you would about any other ailment.

When Would Pregnancy Begin

Here are some early pregnancy symptoms that are different from signs of PMS:

  • Menstrual bleeding is heavier than pregnancy-related spotting.
  • Fatigue from PMS usually goes away, for the most part, once the bleeding starts.
  • Nausea is a common pregnancy symptom, but not so much with PMS.
  • Food cravings or aversions are more intense with pregnancy.
  • Cramps can be intense before menstruation but are milder in the early stages of pregnancy.

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When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start

“Usually 1-2 weeks following the missed period,” says Dr. Trolice. “This is 5-6 weeks estimated gestational age.”

Did you know that when you’re pregnant, your first week is the first week of your last period?

It may seem confusing, but healthcare professionals have tracked pregnancies beginning with the first day of the last menstrual period. Forty weeks after that is when birth occurs on average. They did not and do not track from the moment of conception, simply because it is nearly impossible to determine the actual date and time of conception when the sperm meets the egg. Sperm can live from 3-5 days inside of a woman’s body after intercourse, so there’s no way to know exactly the moment of conception.

In the time after your last period, your body is preparing itself for a pregnancy. In a 28 day cycle, an egg will be released from the ovaries around the 14th day of the cycle, in a process called ovulation. That time is considered your most fertile time when there’s potential for sperm to fertilize an egg if you had intercourse. If they do meet and the egg becomes fertilized, it is considered conception.

For most women trying to have their first baby, the first noticeable sign then of a pregnancy would be the missed period. Others who are more in tune with their bodies or who have already experienced a pregnancy would notice other symptoms, like fatigue, a few days sooner, suspecting pregnancy before the missed period.

Youve Missed Your Period

How to know if I get pregnant when I don

If youâre in your childbearing years, sexually active, and more than a week has passed since the day your period was expected to start, itâs very possible youâre pregnant. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, have recently experienced significant weight loss or weight gain, or stopped taking your birth control pills, a missed period may not be a reason to worry. However, missed periods are perhaps the most tell-tale sign of a potential pregnancy, so be sure to take a pregnancy test if youâre in this situation. Many pregnant women experience some bleeding around two weeks after fertilization and mistake it for a light period, but a missed period on their next cycle will indicate a pregnancy. â

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Your App Knows You Got Your Period Guess Who It Told

Millions of women use apps to track their cycles, and that data is often passed on to third-party companies, like Facebook and Google. But what if that data could be used to help womens health research?

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Youre Crying At Cat Videos

This is the big one: premenstrual syndrome, or PMS for short. Normally you experience PMS one or two weeks before your period begins so this is a sign that your period is right around the corner! Recognizing the symptoms of PMS can be a bit tricky some people dont get it at all, other people really do.

You may experience some of the following symptoms: acne, tender breasts, tiredness, bloating, an upset tummy, or strange food cravings, not to mention you may feel super emotional. Even period veterans sometimes get their periods, then look back on the past week and think oh, thats why I was crying over that cat video two days ago! Pesky hormones can catch us all by surprise, so dont worry if you dont recognize the symptoms straight away.

Mood swings happen throughout puberty, so knowing if its just a mood swing or your period knocking on the door can be pretty tricky!

Though its easier said than done, try not to compare yourself to your friends. Your period will come when your body is ready if you hit 16 and you still have no sign of it, go and speak to a doctor, they will be able to run tests and give you some clear answers.

A big step towards handling your first period smoothly is being prepared.

Carry a spare pair of undies in your bag and a panty liner, just in case you get your period when youre not at home. Do a bit of research into some of the period protection products out there. You can try out everything to find out what works best for you and your body.

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Home Pregnancy Test Accuracy

If used correctly and at the right time, home pregnancy tests are fairly accurate at detecting pregnancy. Used correctly means that you read the directions and follow them. Each test has slightly different directions, so if using different brands, it’s important to read the directions. Also, using the test at the right time makes a difference in ‘accuracy’. Women who test too early will get inaccurate results.

The absolute best time to take any pregnancy test is a few days after a missed period. This is when the hormone hCG, the pregnancy hormone produced by the growing balls of cells if there is indeed a pregnancy, is most easily detected by home pregnancy tests. Too soon before that and you may get a false negative as your body has not produced enough hCG.

Some tests do claim that they can get you early results, meaning results before your next expected period. If you truly read their statements, however, you’ll find that the early results are only possible for a small percentage of women, not every woman. It’s most likely a marketing ploy to encourage you to take more tests and hence spend more money.

I have had three different experiences with home pregnancy tests. With my first pregnancy, I saw a positive result on the day of my expected period. With my second pregnancy, I didn’t get a positive result until almost my sixth week of pregnancy . With my third, I was able to test two days before my expected period and get a positive result.

Bottom Line On Why You Lost Your Period And What To Do

How To Tell Your Mom You Started Your Period!!!

At the end of the day, Im a Dietitian, and my scope of practice isnt to diagnosis why youve lost your period. Your first step should always be to speak to your doctor to help you rule out serious medical reasons like PCOS. But what I can recommend is that if you are underweight, dieting, over-exercising and missing your period, adding a dietitian to your healthcare team may help you create a plan to help you get that period back safely.

Contributed By

RD2B Hannah Wilson & Sofia Tsalamlal, RD, MHSc Nutrition Communication

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When Will I Get My Period

No one can say exactly when you’ll get your first menstrual period, but it will be sometime during puberty. Puberty is the time in your life when you begin to become an adult. This means a lot of growing and changing both inside and out.

Some girls start puberty at age 8, and others may start as late as 13 or 14. Each girl goes at her own pace. So don’t think you’re weird if you start puberty a little earlier or a little later than your friends.

At the beginning of puberty, you’ll notice that your breasts are developing and hair will start to grow on your genitals . A little later, hair also will grow under your arms.

For most girls, their first menstrual period, or menarche , begins about 2 years after she first starts to get breasts. For most girls this is around age 12. But it can be as early as age 8 or as late as 15. Talk to your doctor if your period started before age 8 or you are 15 and havent started your period.

A good sign you’re getting close to the time when your first period will arrive is if you notice a discharge coming from your vagina. It might be thin and slightly sticky or thick and gooey, and can be clear to white or off-white in color. Usually, this happens about 6 months before you get your first period.

How Do I Know If My Period Is Coming

Some people get signs that their periods are coming like bloating, pimples, sore breasts, and feeling emotional. Many people get cramps in their belly, lower back, or legs before their period. These symptoms are called PMS. Not everybody has signs that their periods are about to start. And sometimes the signs change month-to-month. As you get older, it usually gets easier to tell when your period is coming.

Many people mark the days they have their period on their calendar or on an app. Keeping track of your periods will help you know when your next period is coming. It can also tell you if your period is late or early. Its really common to have periods that dont come at the exact same time every month especially when youre a teenager.

Keeping a tampon, period underwear, or a pad in your bag can help you be prepared for your period, no matter when it shows up. If you start your period and don’t have a tampon or pad, you can ask a parent, friend, teacher, or the school nurse for a tampon or a pad. Some bathrooms also have vending machines where you can buy a tampon or pad. If youre REALLY stuck somewhere without a tampon or pad, you can fold up a bunch of toilet paper or a clean sock or washcloth and put it in your underwear to soak up the blood.

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How To Tell The Difference Between Spotting And Your Period

The biggest difference between spotting and your period is the amount of blood. A period can last for several days and require a tampon or pad to control your flow. However, spotting produces much less blood and doesnt typically require the use of these products.

When the bleeding occurs, also, is a good indicator of whether its your period or spotting. Most women generally have an idea of when their period will come and how long itll last, so if you notice bleeding off cycle but its not as heavy as your regular period, then its likely spotting. The color of the blood also is different. Blood produced during your period often is darker than the blood that appears when youre spotting.

Another good indicator the bleeding may be due to spotting, is if you dont have any other menstrual symptoms, like breast tenderness or cramping. If you normally have these symptoms right before your period, but they arent present during the time you notice some irregular bleeding, then its probably spotting.

I Think I Am Pregnant: Now What

21 Things You Never Knew About Your Period

Do you feel as if you may be pregnant? You’re not alone hundreds of thousands of women every day contemplate the same question.

Anytime you have unprotected sex, there’s a chance of pregnancy. Here you will learn about pregnancy symptoms, early signs of pregnancy, and taking a pregnancy test.

Before you read, take the quiz below to see how much you know about pregnancy symptoms.

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Is Pregnancy Possible

It is generally safe to assume that most females who get periods can get pregnant.

The first period usually means that ovulation has occurred. Ovulation means that pregnancy is possible. However, both periods and ovulation can be irregular during the first few years after the first period, making it difficult to predict fertility.

Dont Take It To Heart

Boys can be intimidated by periods, partly because they dont understand it so dont worry if he starts freaking out or shies away from the topic if you do decide to bring it up.

If you do choose to discuss your period with him and he responds saying something like erm, okay and doesnt really say anything else, he may just be shy or clueless so dont worry about it. If he responds negatively, laughs or tells other people, do not get upset because he is the immature one and not you. Your period is an indication of good health so never think its gross or weird.

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