How Do You Stop Your Period

Surefire Ways To Delay Your Period

How To Stop Your Period Early – Menstrual Cycle And Ovulation

With getting the tricking of delaying period naturally,you can try some other sure methods that have a higher success rate. So far, hormone controlling is the only tested surefire way of delaying your period.

1. Hormones

If you do not get desired results from simple home remedies, just make a visit to your doctor and ask for some supplements or norethisterone pills to postpone your menstruation with right dose as per your needs and requirements. As progesterone hormonal therapy, pills like norethisterone help raise levels of progesterone in body.

At the same time, you can ask your doctor to give you some medicines that would bring your period on early, which is generally a better choice for avoiding putting any stress on your body.

A girl shares her experience of taking hormonal pills to delay period in the video below. Click to find more reference information you will want to know:

2. Birth Control Pills

You may want to talk to your doctor and use those pills if you don’t know how to delay period naturally.

Click HERE to find more details about how to delay period with pills.

3. Progesterone Supplement

For those who are on birth control pill, you may want to talk to your doctor and skip the withdrawal week of your pill. For women who are not on the pill, progesterone supplements can help to delay period. For other methods, you need to speak to your doctor in advance.

Have Sex To Delay Period

Can having sex right before your period delay it for 2 days?Most women need to know whether having sex can delay their period. The answerto that question is yes, having sex before the period starts can delay it.

  • Some women claim sex may only delay the period for a day or two and no more.
  • If you plan on delaying the menstrual cycle for longer periods, you better resort to another method.

Sex delays the period due to the surge of hormones that comes about due to arousal. Most women who experience this issue may think that they have become pregnant when it is a small issue of a delayed period. If this happens and the period is yet to appear about a week from its due date, you may need to take a pregnancy test.

Potential Health Benefits And Risks Of Stopping Your Period

So, now that you have an idea of why different people have different beliefs about stopping your period, lets take a look at the potential benefits and risks.


According to the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, the following are possible benefits of using hormonal birth control to stop your period.

  • Less pain with your period
  • Less bleeding each month

Those all sound ideal, right? A life free from wondering when your period will treat you to a surprise visit, stained underwear, and PMS. It sounds great in theory.


Unfortunately, its not quite as easy to list out the possible risks of stopping your period. The reproductive cycle is complex, especially when you take hormones into account. There are more obvious risks and some that are not-so-obvious.

  • The risk of pregnancyno birth control is 100% effective and, if youre taking a hormonal birth control, you may not see the signs of an accidental pregnancy early on
  • Breakthrough bleeding as your body adjusts to the constant influx of hormone
  • Spottingwomen who suppress their period are still subject to surprise spotting

Obviously, there are a lot of side effects, both positive and negative, associated with stopping your period. But it doesnt stop there

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Mental Or Emotional Stress

While it sounds absurd to recommend stress as a way ofachieving a good result, stress is known to change the menstrual cycle.The most known result of stress on the menstrual cycle is delaying the onset ofperiods.

To benefit from this remedy, you can choose to set a goalthat you know will lead to some emotional fatigue. For example, rather thandoing that project from school for a week, set yourself a target tofinish it in three days.

The only downside to this method is that some women areknown to respond in the opposite direction. Rather than having their menstrualcycle delayed, some have their menses come earlier than usual whensubjected to stress of any kind.

What Are The Options For Using An Iud For Menstrual Suppression

Simple tips help you stop your period early

The progestin-containing IUD is a common choice for menstrual suppression and there are two different options for how we can place it. The first and most common option is to insert it during a procedure in the office. For this type of insertion, your doctor would first perform a pelvic exam, then place the IUD inside the uterus. Before choosing to have an IUD placed in the clinic, we explain the IUD insertion procedure and let you decide whether youre comfortable doing it this way. Patients usually experience some cramping and moderate discomfort during the procedure, and cramps may continue for several hours to follow.

Another option for IUD placement is to have it done while you are asleep, under anesthesia, in our procedure or operating room. greatly reduces and usually eliminates any pain or cramps typically associated with the procedure done in the office. When the patient wakes up after the procedure, they may have some moderate cramping or none at all. A procedure to insert an IUD under anesthesia is scheduled for a specific date and time by our surgery scheduling team. With advance notice, we are often able to coordinate with other services, such as dental cleaning or .

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Can Pads Or Tampons Make Your Period End Faster

Some people might feel like their periods end faster when they use tampons, while others say that using pads seemingly shortens their period length because pads do not hamper period flow. However, there is no scientific evidence that either tampons or pads can make your period end faster.

If youre worried about the hassle of having your period during a trip or important event, you could also consider using different period products, such as a menstrual cup. Specific period products wont make your period end faster, but they can help you feel more comfortable during your period and prevent leaks.

The Need For A Balanced Accurate Discussion Of What’s Normal And What’s Healthy

The National Women’s Health Network supports the availability of menstrual suppression products as an option for women. Our concerns about this method lie with the way these products are being marketed to women by manufacturers and health care providers.

Below are some examples of problematic marketing:

  • One doctor brought to a media briefing by the makers of Seasonale asserted that using Seasonale could improve high school girls’ test scores because, she said, girls score lower on the SATs when they are menstruating, although she provided no evidence for this claim.
  • Several physicians have referred to the experience of women in earlier eras who menstruated less than women today due to more frequent pregnancies and longer periods of amenorrhea associated with breastfeeding to support the claim that women weren’t intended to menstruate as much as they do today. One gynecologist who conducted research on menstrual suppression said “It’s having seven or 10 kids that are natural,” explaining that menstrual suppression “gets women to a more natural state.” It is accurate to say that women menstruate more today than they have at other times, but the assertion that monthly menstruation is unnatural is unfounded.

The NWHN calls for young women to have accurate, comprehensive information about menstrual health.

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Effectiveness Health Risks And Benefits

Lybrel is one of a few safe medications for people who would like to stop their periods.

From a safety perspective, OCPs like Seasonale or Lybrel are options for most women. If your health care provider has determined that you can take birth control pills safely, you can probably take these. It is important to keep in mind that people trying to suppress their periods using the pill will take a few dozen more active hormone pills over the course of a year than someone taking the 21-day version of the pill. However, there does not seem to be a meaningful increase in health risk although no long-term studies have been done. The small risk of stroke or blood clots associated with traditional oral contraceptives – increased in women who smoke, are over 35 years of age, or have high blood pressure – are similarly associated with extended use pills. In addition to the time limitations, another hurdle appears to be the dropout rate and sample size of the related clinical trials. The FDA approval for Seasonale, for example, was based on a one-year study involving only 809 women.The main study supporting the efficacy of Seasonique began with 1,013 participants but concluded with the data from only 534 due to dropout from adverse event and lost-to-follow-up.

Get The Right Nutrients

How to Stop Your Period! Easily Stop Your Period With This Method

Certain micronutrients, such as B vitamins, are essential to your overall health. Certain nutrients can even ease up your periods while alleviating PMS symptoms.

Vitamin B6 is one of the nutrients that can affect your periods. Its found naturally in foods such as eggs, fish, and poultry. Vitamin

One study found that zinc, an essential mineral, was helpful in alleviating painful period cramps . Its thought that zinc has similar effects as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , such as ibuprofen.

Study participants reported relief from cramps when they took 30 mg doses of zinc up to three times per day. You can also make sure to get enough zinc-rich foods in your diet, such as meat, legumes, and dairy.

Magnesium is another mineral that can potentially help alleviate long, painful periods because of its anti-cramping effects. One study found that a combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 was helpful in alleviating symptoms of PMS.

Talk to your doctor before taking any supplements to treat your periods. In the meantime, make sure you get enough magnesium in your diet via nuts, seeds, greens, and fish.

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Take Hormonal Birth Control Pills

You can take oral birth control pills or get the birth control shot to help regulate and shorten your menstrual cycles.

Hormonal contraceptive pills inhibit ovulation and fertilization, which in turn affects the uterus when no shedding of the uterine lining is triggered.

Start taking the hormonal pills one cycle before the period that you dont want to have. To help skin your period, stop taking the last week of the pills. Also, these pills are helpful in reducing cramps and other discomforts associated with periods.

Bear in mind that prolonged intake of hormonal contraceptives can cause headaches and hormonal imbalances in the body, as well as putting you at greater risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Hence, before you start taking birth control pills or other contraceptives, it is best to see your doctor to help you determine which option is best for your lifestyle and medical needs.

Is It Safe To Stop Or Shorten Your Period

In most cases, using these strategies to help stop or shorten your period every now and then is safe. But if your periods are heavy and you experience other uncomfortable symptoms such as painful cramps its probably a good idea to visit a health care provider.

There are certain underlying health conditions that could cause longer periods, and its important to receive a medical evaluation so these conditions can be ruled out.

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Why Its Not Possible To Stop A Period That Has Already Started

It isnt possible to stop a period that has already started because the shedding process in the lining of the uterus has already started due to low levels of estrogen and progesterone. Once these hormones decrease, the internal lining of the uterus sheds and leads to the bleeding that occurs during a period.

Natural Ways To Stop Your Period

How To Stop Your Period Early (Home Remedies)

Warning: You should always do your own research or talk to a medical professional before trying new supplements or remedies, even if they are natural.

1. Drink lots of water water helps your body work faster to flush everything out.

2. Vitamin C Vitamin C can strengthen blood vessels and decrease menstrual flow.

3. Vinegar drinking two teaspoons of vinegar three times a day may decrease or stop your flow.

4. Menstrual Cups The bleach and chemicals used in most disposable pads and tampons increase bleeding. Many women who use reuseable silicone menstrual cups find they both decrease the length of periods and stop menstrual cramps after regular use.

5.Soft Cups Soft cups are a smaller and disposable form of a menstrual cup. They are a good choice if you want to have sex without the mess as neither you or your partner will be able to feel them.

6. Lemon Eating a piece of lemon may be one of your grandmas recommendations, but it actually works for many women.

7. Gelatin Drinking gelatin mixed with water may help stop your flow.

8. Green beans Green beans are known to stop or slow your flow, and eating other healthy vegetables can too.

9. Use herbs There are a range of herbs which can decrease or stop your flow, including angelica root, cinnamon, mustard seeds, garden sage, fresh or dried raspberry leaves , shepherds purse, lady mantle, comfrey tea, banana flowers and chaste tree.

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How To Make Your Period End Faster

We will now discuss some effective ways to not just delay the onset of periods but also lighten up heavy periods so they end early.


You might not feel like it, but exercising actually helps relax the uterine muscles to stop or at least reduce period flow. If you exercise throughout the month, the chances are that you wont experience PMS or pre-menstrual symptoms like bloating, cramping and moodiness. Exercising right through your period is actually safe. In fact gynecologists the world over recommend light exercises throughout ones period. A brisk walk or jog of 25-30 minutes, Yoga stretches, some weight training, cycling or even belly dancing can help you forget about your heavy period and also reduce bleeding.

Take Vitamins and minerals

Many vitamins and minerals get depleted just before the periods. Magnesium, iron and vitamin B6 and B12 are the ones women must focus on. These also relieve cramping and relax inflammation of the uterine walls. So, while these wont stop your period once it has started, it can certainly reduce the symptoms of uneasiness. Vitamins A and C are antioxidants that can reduce free radical damage and control heavy periods. Vitamin K can also reduce monthly bleeding.Take NSAIDs

Eat pineapple

Yes pineapple contains Bromelain which is now being tested for its effectiveness in treating many cancers including uterine cancer. Bromelain can to an extent, reduce monthly heavy bleeding.

Drink herbal teas

Try Prostaglandin regulators

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