Why Does Your Lower Back Hurt On Your Period

What Are The Symptoms Of Primary Dysmenorrhea

Why Do I Get Back Pain during My Period?

Probably the most troubling symptom of dysmenorrheal is pain. This occurs in the lower abdomen during period and might be felt in the thighs, hips or lower back as well. Other signs might include vomiting, general achiness, nausea, diarrhea or lightheadedness. !

Most women claim that the pain generally starts immediately after or during their period, peaks after 1 day and then disappears gradually after 2 or 3 days. Sometimes pieces or clots of blood tissue from the uterine lining are forced out leading to pain.

Lower Back Pain During Your Period: Causes Diagnosis And Treatment

Many people experience bloating, headaches, and abdominal pain during their period. Another common symptom that people experience during their period is lower back pain. This pain often occurs as part of premenstrual syndrome . Less commonly, it can occur as a result of diseases such as endometriosis.

Back pain caused by your period may range from mild discomfort to debilitating pain that interferes with daily activities. Back pain associated with your period can start a few days before it starts and get better after your period is over. This type of back pain is typically muscular and caused by hormonal changes. Lets discuss how to manage lower back pain before, during, and after your period.

Menstrual Cramps Causes And Treatments

Anyone whoâs had a period has probably experienced menstrual cramps. For some of you that are luckier than the rest of us, they might be mild cramps with little discomfort, while others might experience severe period pain that gets in the way of⦠well, everything. The bad news is that menstrual cramps can happen to anyone with a period and can come monthly, both before and during your period. The good news is that menstrual cramps can become less painful as you age , and period cramps may stop entirely if you have a baby. Weâve got some tips on how to ease period pain. So, sit back, grab a hot water bottle, and keep reading.

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Chronic Low Back Pain Of No Specific Origin

Low back pain is defined as pain, tightness, and stiffness between the lower end of the rib cage and the buttocks. “Chronic” means the pain has lasted for twelve weeks or longer, and “no specific origin” means the pain cannot be traced to any specific cause, incident, or injury.

Most susceptible are individuals who perform heavy physical work, especially when there is ongoing anxiety, depression, and emotional stress at the same time. The longer the stress and back pain continue, the more difficult it is to ease the symptoms and return the patient to normal functioning.

Treatment involves nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and sometimes opioid medications for pain, though both have risks when used long term. Antidepressants may also be tried, along with psychological counseling.

Corticosteroid injections for the back are effective for some patients, and fusion surgery is sometimes attempted. Lifestyle changes in the form of improved diet, exercise, and stress management are very helpful in most cases.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: lower back pain, unintentional weight loss, back pain that shoots to the butt, fever, involuntary defecation

Symptoms that always occur with chronic low back pain of no specific origin: lower back pain

Symptoms that never occur with chronic low back pain of no specific origin: thigh numbness, buttocks numbness, lower back pain from an injury

Urgency: Primary care doctor

What Causes Menstrual Cramps

Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Stand Too Long?

Period cramps occur as a normal part of the bodyâs monthly cycle. Each month, the lining of the uterus builds up in preparation for getting pregnant. If a pregnancy occurs, the fertilised egg attaches itself to the lining to be nourished as it develops into a baby. If the egg isnât fertilised, the lining isnât needed. So, it breaks down and hormones called prostaglandins are released. Prostaglandins trigger muscle contractions, which is when the muscles contract and squeeze strongly, which can cut off oxygen to your uterus, causing painful menstrual cramps. The muscles are the same ones that push a baby out during childbirth, so they are extremely strong. Some women may have higher levels of prostaglandins, which unfortunately means they get worse menstrual cramps.

And, if youâve ever found yourself wondering if tampons make menstrual cramps worse, Dr Melisa Holmes, OB-GYN, has your answer. âNo, they donât… tampons have nothing to do with prostaglandin synthesis or the way theyâre used in the bodyâ. Thank goodness for that!

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Reasons Why Your Lower Back May Be Cramping

While they could be fitness related, back cramps can also be an indication of an underlying problem.

No one enjoys dealing with different aches and pains throughout their body, especially when it comes to those located in the lower back.

Whether its from pushing yourself too far at your last workout , sleeping funny, or slouching at your desk all day, there can be many culprits that could be causing your lower back to cramp.

While the aforementioned are easily corrected with lifestyle changes, some back cramps can be an underlying sign of a greater complication happening within the body. To help us break down and differentiate the causes and symptoms, we spoke to medical professionals and health experts on the twelve different reasons why you could be experiencing pain and cramping in your lower back.

*While we trust the knowledge of our experts, its important to read over the potential causes and then see a medical physician to help diagnose why you may be having lower back cramps.

That Doesn’t Mean You Should Take The Back Pain Lying Down Though There Are Plenty Of Easy Hacks For Finding Relief From Your Back Pain

If you feel comfortable engaging in a little physical activity, getting the blood flowing is a great way to relieve a sore back, since it derives from a lack of oxygen flowing to the muscles. Going on a light jog could help your body loosen up and relax the muscles, too. Better yet, a hot yoga class will do wonders for the more tense parts of your body.

I know, it might be the last thing you want to do when you’re in the throes of an especially insidious cycle, but odds are, you’ll feel amazing once you finish.

If that doesn’t convince you, throw a hot water pack on your back and settle in for a Netflix marathon. There’s no need to be a hero.

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Unexplained Acute Low Back Pain

Unexplained low back pain means chronic pain that comes on gradually, over time, with no specific injury, event, or illness causing it.

Common causes:

  • Prolonged sitting and lack of fitness can weaken back muscles and cause pain from lack of support.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis, a form of arthritis.
  • Spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal column that puts pressure on the spinal cord.
  • Certain types of cancer, in rare cases.

Those most susceptible are over 30, overweight and/or pregnant, and not physically fit. Smoking interferes with healing after any sort of stress to the back.

If there are additional symptoms, medical care should be sought: fever, unexplained weight loss, leg weakness or numbness, or trouble urinating.

An exact diagnosis is made through blood tests and through imaging such as x-rays, CT scan, or MRI.

Once more serious causes are ruled out, treatment may include medications to ease pain, swelling, and inflammation. Steroid injections are useful in some cases.

Overall, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can be very helpful with easing chronic low back pain.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: lower back pain, back pain that shoots to the butt, fever, back pain

Symptoms that always occur with unexplained acute low back pain:lower back pain

Symptoms that never occur with unexplained acute low back pain:buttocks numbness, thigh numbness, involuntary defecation, fever

Urgency: Self-treatment

Other Causes Of Period

Back Pain During Periods – Common Causes and Treatments

If you do not have any of the conditions above, you may have another reason for your period-related back pain. Once you rule out the most common issues for your symptoms, you can move on to the lesser known causes. Some alternative reasons for lumbar discomfort during your menstrual cycle may include:

  • Referred pain: When you feel pain in a part of the body other than its actual source, you are experiencing what is known as referred pain. It can happen in different places, including your back and abdominal areas. When your period is about to begin, your uterus contracts to help shed uterine lining. Some women may notice aching in their lumbar region or even notice period-related leg pain and discomfort in the upper thighs.

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When Should You Contact Your Healthcare Provider About Menstrual Cramps

Bad cramps keep some women from working and going to school. You dont have to suffer and you dont have to put your life on hold. Contact your healthcare provider if you have painful periods.

It may be helpful to keep track of your periods and the days on which pain is the worst so you can make a complete report. If you notice other symptoms, like headaches or heavy flows, you should keep track of those, too.

Your provider will probably ask you when you started getting your period, how long they last, if you are sexually active, if other women in your family have problems with their periods and what kinds of treatments you might have tried already.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Menstruation is normal. You might get cramps, but you dont have to suffer silently with them. There are ways to make painful periods less painful. Make sure you talk to your healthcare provider about painful periods.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 11/20/2020.


What Causes Low Back Pain

It might develop suddenly, like after you lift something heavy. Or it might come on slowly.

As you get older, the structure of your back begins to show wear and tear. Doctors call it âspondylosis,â which means your spineâs joints, disks, and vertebrae get worse over time. This slow decline can lead to many problems, like the following:

  • Strains. This means you overstretch or tear your tendons or muscle. You can do this by twisting, lifting something thatâs too heavy, or lifting something the wrong way.
  • Degenerated disks. When these are healthy, they cushion your back as you bend, flex, and twist. As disks begin to wear out, they no longer absorb the shock of these movements well.
  • Herniated or ruptured disks. Normal disks are rubbery. When they become squeezed, a portion bulges out between your vertebrae.
  • Radiculopathy. A spinal nerve can become pinched or inflamed. This can cause low back pain to travel down your legs. It can also cause numbness or tingling.
  • Sciatica. This is the type of radiculopathy that affects the sciatic nerve, which runs from your butt down the backs of your legs. When itâs inflamed, you may feel burning or pain like an electrical shock that may go all the way down to your feet.
  • Spondylolisthesis. In this condition, a vertebra slips out of place and pinches spinal nerves.
  • Spinal stenosis. Your spinal column may narrow over time, putting pressure on your nerves. Your legs may feel numb and grow weaker.

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The Question: I Have My Period And My Back Hurts Why Also Ow

We’re just going to say it: periods aren’t fun.

It’s understandable if you just want to crawl into bed and never come out during that time of the month. Especially when body aches — particularly the lower back pain — kick in.

And, really, what’s the deal with that? Why is your back throbbing when your uterus is the one doing all the work?

Let’s break it down.

First of all, nothing’s wrong with you. Lower back pain during your period is totally common. It’s caused by contractions in the uterus, which radiate through the web of nerves within your pelvic region. As your body contracts to rid itself of the uterine lining, it can sometimes press on blood vessels in the area, limiting or cutting off the supply of oxygen to the nearby muscles.

“Many women get back pain during their periods,” Dr. Houman Danesh, director of integrative pain management at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, told The Huffington Post. “This pain is from the uterus contracting to shed the lining which has built up since the last cycle… The phenomenon is described as ‘referred pain.'”

“Referred pain” is pain felt in a part of the body other than its actual source. If you’re just about to get your period, your uterus might be contracting in preparation for the upcoming activity. This is totally common and normal, and the pain can affect your thighs as well as your lower back.

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When To Call The Doctor

What Causes Period Pain and How Do You Stop It?

Most back pain gets better after a few weeks. But you should call the doctor if:

  • Your pain is constant or intense, especially at night or when you lie down.
  • Your pain spreads down one or both legs.
  • You feel numbness or tingling in one or both legs.
  • Youâre losing weight without trying.

Go to the emergency room right away if you have any of these symptoms:

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Why Do I Get Lower Back Pain During My Period

Lower back pain and cramping are caused by a variety of different gynecological conditions. Some common causes include:

  • Premenstrual Syndrome Hormonal changes that occur prior to menstrual can cause premenstrual syndrome. PMS symptoms such as cramping, bloating, headaches, breast tenderness, and lower back pain before your period are experienced by almost everyone who menstruates.
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Similar to PMS, women who experience premenstrual dysphoric disorder have severe forms of PMS symptoms. These symptoms can impact activities of daily living.
  • Dysmenorrhea Abnormal amounts of uterine contractions leads to profound cramping and lower back pain during the period. The pain is often described as sharp, shooting, or stabbing in the uterine and lower back areas.
  • Endometriosis Severe, constant lower back pain during your period could be caused by endometriosis. The endometrial tissue within the uterus can grow outside of the uterus, like the pelvic and abdominal cavity. During your time of the month, the tissue acts like endometrial tissue should, and sheds. This results in severe pain to affected areas during menstruation.

While it is normal to experience body changes during the menstrual cycle, it is not normal to be in severe pain. While traditional treatment options for period back pain are commonly used, they may not always be the best option available.

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