Does Birth Control Make Your Period Stop

The Pill Is An Effective Way To Prevent Pregnancy

How to Stop Your Period with Birth Control | Birth Control

If you follow the instructions and use the birth control pill correctly, it gives you great protection against pregnancy.

All you have to do is stick to your daily pill schedule, and make sure you start your new packs on time thats it. But if you miss or forget pills, it wont work as well. You can use our birth control reminder app to keep you on track.

You can use condoms along with your birth control pills to get extra protection from pregnancy. Bonus: condoms also help protect against STDs.

You Can Get Pregnant Before You Even Get Your Period Again

When your body realizes youve stopped taking the birth control , you might begin to ovulate, which means you can get pregnant right away, she says.

No period in sight? Says Dr. Dweck: Number one, two, and three on the list of why someone isnt getting their period after coming off the Pill for a while is pregnancy, pregnancy, pregnancy.

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Number : Because Of Pregnancy

Okay, this is the reason we’ve all been waiting to hear. Note that doctors say that it’s common for women on birth control to have irregular or no periods, and further evaluation usually isn’t needed unless there are concerning symptoms. That said, every contraceptive has a failure rate. If you’ve missed birth control pills during the month and had unprotected sex, you should consider this possibility.

Here are a few common symptoms the Mayo Clinic says women experience in early pregnancy:

  • Missed period

  • Cramping

  • Constipation

If you’re wondering more about when to take a pregnancy test, click here for more info.

Note that if you’re breastfeeding, that could also be a reason you’re missing your periods on birth control. Entering menopause will also do that to you!

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Stopping Your Period While Taking The Pill

It is possible to stop your period while on birth control pills simply by leaving out the placebo pills, or by carrying on with a pack if youre supposed to take a break. However, you shouldnt try this on purpose without talking to your doctor.

Forgetting dates or accidentally mixing up days is okay, as your health provider should give out information on what to do if this happens. Theyre also likely to suggest that you have some backup methods of contraception if youre sexually active in the meantime forgetting your pills reduces their effectiveness from 99% to 91%, after all!

If You Just Cant With Your Period Anymore Talk To Your Doctor About The Options At Your Disposal


Dont wait until youre looking to stop your period for a specific window of time, like for a wedding or vacation. Try to give yourself some lead timeif you can give yourself three months, thats better than the month before, Dr. Shirazian says. The longer youre trying methods to stop your period, the more likely they are to give you no bleeding.


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Can Contraceptive Pills Stop Periods

In order for us to effectively answer this question, there are some things you should know about the pill. There are two types of birth control pills: the combination pill and the progestin-only pill.

As its name implies, the combination pill contains a mix of estrogen and progestin. It primarily works by stopping ovulation from occurring. In other words, it stops your ovaries from releasing an egg. Without an egg for sperm to fertilize, a pregnancy cannot take place.

Most combination pills require you to take three weeks worth of pills containing hormones. The fourth week is typically your placebo week.

The progestin-only pill, as youve likely gathered by now, only contains one hormoneprogestin. Its often called the mini-pill because of its low hormonal dose.

With this in mind, the combination-pill would be your go-to for stopping your period. However, it also comes down to the type of pill youre taking.

If you werent already aware, not all combination pills are the same. There are multiphasic and monophasic pills.

According to Bedsider, multiphasic pills have a mix of hormones which changes from week after week. On the other hand, monophasic pills contain the same mix of hormones each week.

Its possible to control the timing of your period with both a monophasic pill and a multiphasic one. However, skipping periods with multiphasic pills is not as well studied and, according to Refinery 29, may be a little more difficult to use .

Stopping Periods When Using Birth Control

People who are taking the combined contraceptive pill can plan their period to some extent as they know that it will come during the week that they are taking either the dummy pills or no pills.

If they have started their placebo pills or pill break for the week and their period has commenced, they could begin taking their next pack of pills.

Doing this will increase the level of hormones in their body, which may shorten the duration of bleeding, although there is no guarantee of this.

People can stop their periods in the long term by using hormonal birth control. Doctors refer to this as âmenstrual suppression.â

Long-term methods for stopping your period include:

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Should I Have A Period Every Month Even If Im On Birth Control

Birth control options vary depending on what you use and how you use them. The IUD, patch, pill, or ring is generally the only method of contraception that will cause menstrual periods. Taking the shot may not cause women to have periods as often or as often as they would if they were not taking it.

Can Taking The Pill Have Side Effects

Why You Don’t Want to Stop Your Period With Birth Control

Its possible that you may get some slight side effects when taking OCPs, but these are usually minor and can disappear after two to three months of taking them. A few of us out there probably even prefer the side effects to our periods the pros can definitely outweigh the cons, in a lot of cases!

Some common side effects of taking the combined Pill include:

  • A decreased libido
  • Bloating
  • Breast tenderness
  • Nausea or vomiting

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How Do The Options Compare

Compared to the various other medications and hormonal treatments, hormonal IUDs are the most effective at reducing bleeding and the related problems. The effect of hormonal IUDs is comparable to that of surgery to remove the lining of the womb. There was no real difference between the two treatments in the studies.

Hysterectomies have the greatest benefits of the various surgical procedures: The less invasive procedures that involve removing or destroying the endometrium don’t reduce the problems associated with heavy periods as completely as a hysterectomy does. Those procedures may also have to be repeated if the lining grows back. But serious side effects and complications are much less common after endometrial ablation or resection than after hysterectomy.

What Tests Are Needed Before Starting Menstrual Suppression

There are usually no tests needed before starting menstrual suppression. Your doctor will take a careful medical and gynecologic history before recommending or prescribing treatment. A pelvic exam is not needed before starting menstrual suppression.

Menstrual suppression takes time to regulate and stop menstrual bleeding. Unexpected bleeding is most common in the first three months but can continue for longer. At Childrens Hospital Colorado, we will continue to work with you until you are satisfied with your treatment.

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Your Period On Birth Control: What Is A Withdrawal Period

Before we can get into what birth control stops your period, theres something you should know.

Did you know that your period while on hormonal birth control is an imposter? Dont panic! We can explain.

Women taking hormonal birth control typically have what are called withdrawal periods. While they may look and feel like regular periods, they arent actually true periods at all.

These periods usually occur during your placebo week when taking hormonal birth control such as the ring, the patch, or the pill. However, as mentioned, this bleeding isnt really a true period. According to the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals , its the bodys reaction to not having the hormones it gets the other three weeks of the cycle.

Dont You Wish Your Periods Could Be Shorter And Lighter Well It Can Be Made Possible

How to Stop Your Period Early

Every month as you deal with cramps during periods, all you want is for the dreaded five days to pass in a blur. But not every wish comes true, right? Wrong. While its not practically possible to put on a fast-forward mode, you can make your periods end faster than usual.

Here are 4 simple ways to do that:

Exercise regularly

According to a report published in LiveStrong, exercise can have a significant impact on your menstrual cycle. By keeping fit and maintaining a regular exercise routine, you may shorten and lighten your menstrual flow. Moreover, its going to make your period cramps go away. It also reduces stress, and even alleviates mood, because of the release of happy hormones called endorphins.

Bank on vitamin C

According to a report published in the blog Menstrual Cycle Calculator, If you take this vitamin in right amount, it can reduce the level of progesterone inside your uterus and help to shed the walls of your uterus a lot quicker. This will help to end your menstrual cycle faster than normal. However, make sure you drink lots of water and consult a doctor before taking in large doses of vitamin C.

Have Lots of Sex

Use sanitary napkins instead of tampons

So there you go ladies, happy periods!

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Is It Safe To Use The Pill To Stop Your Periods

In a 2014 Cochrane Review of continuous versus cyclical birth control use they concluded that, the studies were too small to address efficacy, rare adverse events, and safety regarding the continuous use of birth control.

Or in other words, there’s not enough information. I think this is something worth mentioning to women prior to writing a prescription.

By comparison, the findings regarding extended birth control use versus 21 day with one week of withdrawal were favorable. But keep in mind the comparison is based on using the pill for 21 days or continuously. They did not compare the effects of extended use to that of a woman not using any hormonal birth control.

And as we know, birth control already comes with a hefty load of side effects as is. I think we should at least acknowledge that it could possibly harmful to dose continuously. At minimum women should be told that the evidence to assess the safety is limited.

Hormonal Contraception And Periods

Some forms of hormonal contraception may affect your menstrual cycle. This could cause your periods to change in frequency or flow.

Usually, oral contraceptive pills will make your periods lighter. You may find that your periods are irregular and the flow changes while your cycle adjusts to the changing hormones. After taking the pill for around 6 months, your periods should have formed a regular routine, so you will be better able to plan when they are due. Some women have also reported that their periods stop completely while taking the contraceptive pill.

Hormonal injections can also cause your periods to be irregular for a while before your body adjusts to the hormones. Some women report heavier periods when they start receiving hormonal injections, although periods usually become much lighter and less regular over time. A contraceptive implant can give you irregular periods. Things should improve after about 3 months, and about 1 in 5 women wont have periods after this time.

The IUD coil may also affect your periods. If your coil has been fitted in the last 6 months, you may experience some irregular bleeding or spotting . After the initial 6 months, many women find that their periods completely stop. Some also say their periods become much lighter or irregular. This is quite common and nothing to worry about.

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Can You Stop Or Shorten Your Period

Many women may want to shorten their periods or stop them altogether because they experience painful periods. If your pain is so bad that it stops you from completing normal daily tasks then you dont have to live with it, you can talk to your GP about your period symptoms. They may be able to offer you advice and treatment to help relieve your symptoms. There are many ways that you can skip, shorten or stop your periods, whether you chose to take medication or try a more natural way.

Effectiveness Health Risks And Benefits

Will taking birth control pills regulate my periods, or will they be irregular again after I stop?

Lybrel is one of a few safe medications for people who would like to stop their periods.

From a safety perspective, OCPs like Seasonale or Lybrel are options for most women. If your health care provider has determined that you can take birth control pills safely, you can probably take these. It is important to keep in mind that people trying to suppress their periods using the pill will take a few dozen more active hormone pills over the course of a year than someone taking the 21-day version of the pill. However, there does not seem to be a meaningful increase in health risk although no long-term studies have been done. The small risk of stroke or blood clots associated with traditional oral contraceptives – increased in women who smoke, are over 35 years of age, or have high blood pressure – are similarly associated with extended use pills. In addition to the time limitations, another hurdle appears to be the dropout rate and sample size of the related clinical trials. The FDA approval for Seasonale, for example, was based on a one-year study involving only 809 women.The main study supporting the efficacy of Seasonique began with 1,013 participants but concluded with the data from only 534 due to dropout from adverse event and lost-to-follow-up.

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How Could Birth Control Affect My Period


Birth control can be very helpful for women who are sexually active and who do not want to become pregnant. However, certain forms of birth control can affect a womans body in different ways. This includes potential effects to the menstrual cycle. Since some of these effects can be positive in nature, certain forms of birth control may be prescribed to women experiencing issues with their period. Still, many women select their preferred method of birth control without even considering the impact it can have on their periods. Thats why our board-certified gynecologists have provided some details on how the most common types of hormonal birth control can affect a womans menstruation.

Birth Control Pills

The most common form of birth control, birth control pills are made up of the hormones progestin and estrogen. Although taking The Pill can have different effects depending on each person taking it, it is somewhat common for women on birth control pills to experience shorter or lighter periods. This can mean a cycle that normally lasts 5 7 days being cut down to 3 4 days. Birth control pills can also be used to help women who experience irregular bleeding, endometriosis pain, and more.


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