Period Symptoms But Period Like Bleeding
If you are already pregnant, period like bleeding may be due to a miscarriage, rough vaginal intercourse or vaginal infections. You should inform your doctor.
Spotting before period with early pregnancy symptoms nausea, fatigue and breast changes, is likely because of implantation.
Now its your turn. Still worried you have pregnancy symptoms after period? Let us know if we could help.
You Have An Ectopic Pregnancy
Do you have severe abdominal pain, light brown discharge and pregnancy symptoms? Then its possible you have an ectopic pregnancy.
What does ectopic pregnancy mean?
In normal pregnancies, fertilization occurs inside the Fallopian tube, which is a 10cm tube attached to the body of the uterus. After fertilization, the embryo or fertilized ovum is transported back to the uterus for implantation.
However, in ectopic pregnancies, this process fails to result in implantation outside the uterus, or in the fallopian tubes. Implantation inside the Fallopian tube will cause bleeding into the abdomen with symptoms like
- Pain especially in the right or left side of the abdomen
- Heavy vaginal bleeding, though it may be light bleeding or no bleeding at all.
- Dizziness or fainting attack
- Severe pain in the abdomen that gets worse with time
Who are at risk of an ectopic pregnancy?
- Untreated chlamydia or gonorrhea infection
- Pelvic inflammation disease
- Drugs like Clomiphene citrate used to stimulate ovulation
- Previous history of an abortion
What to do?
You should inform your doctor ASAP about your symptoms. Ectopic pregnancy is an emergency worldwide and may cause death in young women if not treated early.
Can Your Get Pregnant Right After Your Period
For most people, pregnancy isn’t likely to happen right after your periodbut it is possible. As early as the third day of your menstrual cycle, your levels of the reproductive hormones progesterone and estrogen, which taper off at the start of your period, begin to climb and help your uterine lining rebuild.
Although an egg isn’t released during in the immediate post-period phase, called pre-ovulation, your chances of conceiving aren’t zero. Sperm can live up to five days in hospitable cervical mucus. That means they can stick around for a few days until your body does release an egg during ovulationespecially if you have a shorter menstrual cycle. “One study showed that people who had sex only one time during this phase still got pregnant,” says Steven R. Bayer, M.D., a Boston-based reproductive endocrinologist.
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Can You Get Pregnant While Still Recovering From The Previous Pregnancy
The postpartum period entailing the first 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth is also known as the fourth trimester, or, in medical terms, puerperium.
Doctors and midwives recommend women to take it easy during this time. Nonetheless, you may have had an easy birth and desire to quickly become sexually active again.
In this case, it is important to realize that it is possible to become pregnant during the fourth trimester. Giving an exact time frame is impossible, since every woman is different, as are her menstrual cycles. Some women conceive within a month of giving birth.
Why Am I Bleeding Yet Am Pregnant
You may experience some spotting when you expect to get your period. This is called implantation bleeding and it happens around 6 to 12 days after conception as the fertilized egg implants itself in your womb. This bleeding should be light perhaps lasting for a couple of days, but it’s perfectly normal.
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Why Can’t You Technically Have A Period When You’re Pregnant
Throughout the month, your body prepares for pregnancy. It does this by building up the endometrium, or uterine lining. If you become pregnant, this lining serves to help nourish the fertilized egg at the very early stages of pregnancy. If you don’t become pregnant, your body sheds the endometrium, via your period. Therefore, it’s impossible to be pregnant and have a period, because you don’t shed your endometrium while pregnant.
Can You Get Pregnant Without Having A Period
Rachel Gurevich is a fertility advocate, author, and recipient of The Hope Award for Achievement, from Resolve: The National Infertility Association. She is a professional member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and has been writing about womens health since 2001. Rachel uses her own experiences with infertility to write compassionate, practical, and supportive articles.
Brian Levine, MD, MS, is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology as well as in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.
Can you get pregnant without having a period in months? Yes, its possible, but its not likely. If youre not getting your periods, this is a good reason to see your gynecologist. There are some normaland some not-so-normalreasons this can occur. What could cause you not to get your periods? Could you be pregnant and not know it?
What do your periods have to do with getting pregnant? And, if you want to get pregnant, how can your doctor help you conceive if youre not menstruating?
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If You Do Not Want To Get Pregnant
If you dont want to get pregnant, you shouldnt rely on your lack of menstrual cycles as birth control. This is true even if youve been previously diagnosed as infertile .
As mentioned above, depending on why youre not getting your periods, its possible to ovulate and not get a period first as an indication that youre fertile again. Talk to your doctor about the best contraceptive choice for you.
When Can You Get Pregnant
It is possible to have an idea of when you will be most fertile. You have to keep track of when your period starts every month. Also, count the number of days between each period. It is also a good thing to notice any changes that happen in your body during that time.
The very first day of when your period starts is the first day of your cycle. For a 28-day cycle, you should expect ovulation to happen between day 12 and 17. You will notice certain changes in your body during this time. In a 35-day cycle, the signs of ovulation may appear around day 20 or later. Therefore, it is important to first determine the length of your cycle to know if it is possible to become pregnant when you have unprotected sex before period. The following chart gives the ranges:
You will experience certain symptoms when you ovulate, which is extremely helpful if your period is irregular. For instance:
- You will notice cervical mucus becoming very thin, slippery, and clear like egg whites. If you take some of it on your fingers, it will stretch.
- You may also notice lower abdominal pain by the time you ovulate. It is usually nothing more than a twinge in the lower abdomen. Some women even experience a backache by the same time.
- Your basal body temperature will increase by 0.4-1.0°F after ovulation.
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Why Did My Period Only Came For 2 Days
The bottom line Bleeding for only a day or two may be a sign of pregnancy, but there are many other possible causes, too. If you’re concerned about your shorter than usual period, make an appointment to see your doctor. They can help you figure out what’s triggering the change and start treatment, if needed.
Can You Get Pregnant While On Your Period
The chances of getting pregnant while on your period are low, but pregnancy is still possible.
The answer lies in understanding the fertile window. For people who are trying to get pregnant, menstruation is not the best time to conceive. Getting pregnant depends on ovulation, which happens when an egg is released from the ovary and moves toward the uterus. The day of ovulation varies from one person to another and from cycle to cycle.
Although the chances of getting pregnant while on your period are low, there are exceptions. For example, it is possible to conceive during a period if ovulation occurs early in your cycle or if your periods last longer than five days.
The chances of becoming pregnant during menstruation are higher for people with shorter monthly cycles. Shorter cycles mean ovulation occurs early in the cycle. Because sperm can live for up to five days inside your body, having sex near the end of a period could lead to pregnancy if ovulation occurs early .
Generally, most people ovulate sometime between days 10 and 17 of their menstrual cycle. The earlier ovulation occurs, the earlier the fertile window will start. The fertile window begins five days before ovulation. If ovulation occurs on day 14 of a cycle, then the fertile window starts on day nine. But if ovulation occurs on day eight of a cycle, the fertile window begins on day three possibly in the middle of a period.
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Conception That Occurs Close To Menstruation Or Low Progesterone Levels May Cause What Looks Like A Period While Pregnant
Conception may not occur until mere days before your period is due if you have a short cycle or dont ovulate mid-cycle.
For example, lets say youre regularly maintaining a 26-day cycle. Chances are youll ovulate around day 13. Even if fertilization occurred that day, it would still take six to twelve days for the fertilized egg to reach and implant in your uterine lining.
If those hormone levels are insufficient, such as in a situation of low progesterone from luteal phase defect or had already begun to fall, you might have what seems like a lighter than usual period. You might even have what seems like an entirely normal period. In that case, its possible not to have any indication youre pregnant until you are already around eight weeks pregnant.
This type of bleeding is often referred to as break through bleeding, and is the most common type of bleeding mistaken for a period while pregnant. Break through bleeding is usually seen during the first month of pregnancy but may continue in the first trimester if hormone levels stay low.
Its important to note that any bleeding following the first bleed would not occur in a timely, predictable manner like a period. It would be sporadic bleeding with a varying flow. Multiple timely bleeds like a period, whether irregular/light for you or not, are very unlikely to be pregnancy bleeding.
How Does Conception Occur
The ability to conceive is miraculous. It requires the meeting of a males sperm with a females egg. Once a womans ovary releases an egg, the egg lives for only between 12 and 24 hours. The male sperm can live for about three days.
The typical female cycle is 28 days. Day 1 is when she starts her period. A woman typically ovulates around day 14 .
Ovulation is when a womans ovary releases an egg for fertilization. If a sperm is available in the uterus, pregnancy can occur.
Ovulation can vary based on a womans cycle. Some women have a longer cycle of around 35 days between periods. Ovulation would then happen around day 21. Women with a shorter cycle of 21 days ovulate around day 7.
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Pregnant Again After Giving Birth Now What
A second pregnancy within the first year of giving birth usually causes major emotional upheaval . This may be what you are going through right now. Your baby is only a few months or weeks old and now you are pregnant again…many women caught in this situation begin asking themselves how they will be able to manage another pregnancy and an additional child so soon.
We want to encourage you to keep looking forward and to keep sight of your strengths. Solutions are out there. Lets find them together!
Can You Get Pregnant On The First Day Of Your Period
It’s possible though not very likely for you to get pregnant on the first day of your period, especially if you have a regular, 28-day cycle.
If you have an irregular or a shorter menstrual cycle, however, ovulation might occur much closer to day one of your period, which would cause you to get pregnant on the first day.
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How Not To Get Pregnant
If you want to get pregnant, plan to get frisky halfway between periods for the best chances. But if youre trying to avoid pregnancy, dont use your period as a guide. Instead, choose a reliable form of birth control.
Thats the best way to prevent pregnancy, Dr. Stephens says.
Yeah, you probably already knew that. But now you know the whole story.
If It’s Not Period What Is It
Since the answer to Can you be pregnant and still have a period? is no, you may be wondering what the bleeding is really all about. Here are some ideas:
1. Implantation Spotting or Bleeding
This is a type of bleeding that occurs when the fertilized embryo finally attaches to the uterine lining. When the egg digs deep into the uterine lining, it can cause bleeding when the embryo and the lining come together. This can result in a slight amount of bleeding about a week before the normal period is supposed to happen, which is usually a bit of red spotting, pink discharge, or a light brown discharge in most women but it can become just as heavy as a light period. You can easily confuse this bleeding with an early period or a period that just happens to be lighter than normal.
2. Bleeding Following Birth Control
It is possible to have irregular bleeding when you are taking the birth control pill. If you have just stopped the pill and have become pregnant, the hormonal changes associated with this change can result in some off and on spotting. If you get pregnant immediately after stopping the birth control pill, it can be hard to tell the difference between this bleeding and a normal period. You might actually be pregnant and experiencing some intermittent vaginal bleeding.
3. Ectopic Pregnancy
4. Miscarriage
5. Other Causes
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Can You Have A Period And Still Be Pregnant
No once pregnancy begins, the uterine lining no longer sheds each month. Once the body starts releasing a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin, monthly periods will stop. However, some people experience light bleeding after conception, around the same time their period would have started. This is called implantation bleeding.
If youre pregnant and experience bleeding or spotting, contact your health care provider.
Pregnancy can occur even if youre on your period. To avoid pregnancy, it is important to use contraception.
Birth control methods that can prevent pregnancy on your period include:
- Male condom