Why Am I Bleeding 2 Weeks After My Last Period

Period 2 Weeks Early: Light Or Heavy 8 Main Causes

Why Am I Bleeding 2 Weeks After My Period?

Period 2 weeks early may cause women to panic especially if it happening for the first time.

Should your period come two weeks earlier than normal, it may not mean a serious problem. In fact, its possible you may have light vaginal bleeding or spotting that can occur for many reasons.

You should understand that most womens menstrual cycle lasts for around 28 days. However, this can vary from one woman to another If your period comes between 21 and 35 days, it is considered normal.

In some women, various activities like stress, severe weight burn out, emotion issues with your lover and many nights without bedrest may cause hormones to be secreted abnormally, resulting in an early period.

While the chances you could be pregnant may be slim, its still possible. This may occur because of implantation bleeding if youve had an unsafe sexual intercourse with your boyfriend

In this article, we explain the causes of 2 weeks early period and when you must see your doctor.

What Is An Irregular Period

The average length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days, which means that a normal cycle can last between 21 and 35 days with bleeding lasting three to seven days.1 Any pattern that strays from this is considered an irregular period.

It is important to differentiate between frequent periods that occur every two weeks and intermenstrual bleeding, which some women might mistake for a period. Let’s see how the two differ.

  • Intermenstrual bleeding is a medical term for bleeding or spotting between periods. The flow of blood is generally less heavy than during a period and not enough to soak through a panty liner.

  • Frequent periods, known as polymenorrhea, are defined as periods that occur less than 21 days apart, including every two weeks.2 Depending on a woman’s flow, she will likely use several full-size sanitary pads over the span of three to seven days.

Why Am I Bleeding In The Middle Of My Cycle

Spotting mid-cycle can happen for many reasons and is experienced by most women at some point. The most common reason for spotting is due to hormonal birth control. If you have just started a form of hormonal birth control , spotting is very common in the first few months. If it doesnt taper off after 3 months, see your doctor. Taking your birth control pill at the same time every day can help prevent mid-cycle bleeding even a few hours difference can cause spotting, especially for the progesterone-only pill.

Other reasons you might be spotting include:


Some women experience mild spotting during ovulation. This is likely due to hormonal changes related to ovulation. Estrogen causes the endometrium to thicken, and peaks at ovulation. Progesterone rises at that time to maintain the endometrium. If insufficient progesterone is present at the time the estrogen begins to drop, spotting may result. This spotting usually lasts from 1-3 days and is mid-cycle and is not cause for concern.

Implantation bleeding

If your egg was fertilized, it will usually implant in the endometrium about five to seven days later. This may result in light brown or pink spotting as some of the vessels are disturbed when the fertilized egg attaches to the endometrium.

Ectopic pregnancy


Cancer or precancerous conditions

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This Is When Bleeding Happens Between Menstrual Periods Sometimes This Can Be Normal But In Other Cases It Can Be A Sign Of A Problem

The majority of women will at some point experience bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This is called intermenstrual bleeding, or spotting. As with other variations from normal bleeding, sometimes spotting is not something you need to worry about, and other times it can be a sign of a problem.

You Have An Ectopic Pregnancy

What do yous think implantation or light bleed ...

Ectopic pregnancy, also known as eccyesis or tubal pregnancy, is a complication in pregnancy where the embryo forms and attaches outside the uterus. In a normal pregnancy, a fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg occurs in one of the tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy cannot end normally. The fertilized egg has no chance for survival, and the growing tissues might destroy some reproductive parts. It can lead to extensive blood loss and can be life threatening for the mother. In the beginning, an ectopic pregnancy might not show any symptoms. If symptoms do occur, they are usually the same as any pregnancy, such as missed period, tenderness in the breasts, and nausea. However, spotting and light vaginal bleeding and pain in your pelvis and abdomen are the first signs of an ectopic pregnancy. See a doctor immediately if you are experiencing severe pain in your abdomen or pelvis, vaginal bleeding, extreme lightheadedness, fainting, and shoulder pain. Ectopic pregnancies can occur for a few reasons, including inflammation, infection, fertility issues, structural concerns in your body, contraceptives, and smoking.

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Types Of Bleeding Between Periods

Here are the different types of bleeding that can occur between your periods.

  • Spotting: This is when there’s just a red tinge on the toilet paper or a drop or two of blood in your underwear. Medically, it’s only considered spotting if it’s not during your period and doesn’t require you to use a pad or tampon.
  • Light bleeding: This type of bleeding occurs just before or after your period and isn’t technically spottingit’s considered part of your period.
  • Breakthrough bleeding: Breakthrough bleeding is when bleeding occurs between your periods if you are taking oral contraceptives. It’s usually caused by low estrogen levels.
  • Abnormal bleeding: This describes any heavy bleeding outside of your cycle that isn’t due to hormonal birth control pills. It is often called abnormal uterine bleeding or abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Causes Of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

While in many cases it is not possible to determine the exact cause, there are a number of reasons a woman may experience abnormal uterine bleeding. Some of the known causes of abnormal uterine bleeding include:

  • spontaneous miscarriage in pregnancy
  • ectopic pregnancy lodgement of the fertilised egg in the slender fallopian tube instead of the uterine lining
  • hormonal disorders conditions such as hypothyroidism , polycystic ovarian syndrome and hyperprolactinemia can disrupt the menstrual cycle
  • ovulatory dysfunction this is when the ovary does not release an egg each month. Most commonly, this occurs at either end of a woman’s reproductive years, either during puberty or at menopause
  • endometriosis the cells lining the uterus can travel to, attach and grow elsewhere in the body, most commonly within the peritoneal cavity

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What Is Spotting Between Periods

A normal menstrual cycle occurs every 28 days, followed by menstrual bleeding that usually lasts for about 4-7 days. It doesnt have to be exactly 28 days interval but can range from 21 to 35 days. Young girls may experience their periods somewhere from 21 to 45 days or more apart. Women in their 40s will frequently have less frequent menstrual cycle. Some women experience menstrual cycles for longer times, some women experience less.

Spotting is the vaginal bleeding after your menstrual period and before your next period. It can be a pink or brown spot on your underwear or toilet paper while wiping. Spotting can also be noticed as a blood spot or two, or more, and can even potentially resemble a menstrual period. Spotting can occur for many reasons, ranging from normal to abnormal. Sometimes too, it is difficult to ascertain the real cause. If you think you may be experiencing spotting check to ensure that the bleeding is coming from the vagina and is not from your rectum or the urine. To check that the bleeding is coming from your vagina, cervix or uterus, insert a tampon into the vagina. If you are still not sure, a careful medical examination by your health care provider is most frequently the best way to discover the source of the bleeding. The medical exam can be done even while you are bleeding.

What Are The Causes Of Early Bleeding

Why am I bleeding a week after my period?

There are a number of causes of bleeding in early pregnancy which include:

Spotting or bleeding may occur shortly after conception, this is known as an implantation bleed. It is caused by the fertilised egg embedding itself in the lining of the womb. This bleeding is often mistaken for a period, and it may occur around the time your period is due.

Hormonal bleeding is when some women experience a light bleed at around four to eight weeks of pregnancy, or around the time their period would have been due. This can be very confusing for women who are pregnant and is the reason many women do not realise they are pregnant for a while. Again, it is totally normal. This usually settles around the 13th week of pregnancy as by this time the placenta is sufficiently developed to produce all of the hormones needed to sustain the pregnancy.

After the egg is fertilised, the fertilised egg then goes on to implant itself into the lining of the womb . Sometimes this results in a little bleeding that shows up on an early scan as a haematoma. This is not anything to worry about. When it happens the woman may notice a small amount of vaginal bleeding, but this is not necessarily the case.

The haematoma will gradually disappear and in most cases, the pregnancy remains safe.

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My Period Stops Then Starts Again Then Stops

Have you ever gotten to the end of your period, delightedly thrown your pads or menstrual cup to the side and thought its all over for the month!, only to find blood on your underwear a day later?

Periods that stop, then start, then stop again are actually really common. When this happens, it can be very confusing and scary, but most of the time its nothing to worry about.

Why does my period stop then start again? is one of my most commonly asked period questions, so I thought it was about time to shed some light on some of the many reasons why this may be happening.

What Should I Do If I Experience Bleeding During Pregnancy

If you experience bleeding, it is wise to have this checked out. If you have been seen in the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit during your pregnancy, you may contact us directly, up to 15 weeks + 6 days of pregnancy. Your GP or midwife can also help you.

If you have been seen in the EPAU and you then experience more bleeding contact the EPAU. Depending on how much bleeding and for how long the nursing staff will decide if you need to be seen again. A rescan is not always necessary. Sometimes the nurse will advise that you monitor this bleeding at home. A rescan will only be performed if bleeding heavy with clots. If there is a significant change in your symptoms then the nurse will make an appointment to come to EPAU and be either rescanned or to be assessed by the doctor. If bleeding unmanageable then the nurse may advise to be assessed on ward 30 or the Emergency department depending on your symptoms.

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Things You Need To Be Aware Of About Bleeding

A light spotting after your period doesnt always indicate that youre pregnant. Many women believe its the implantation process, but its not. The implantation spotting doesnt occur immediately after your period. Instead, it occurs a week before menstruation. The gynecologist at Rainbow Hospital Marathahallisuggests a blood test to reveal hormonal problems.

The women can conceive the baby successfully after successful ovulation and fertilization. The process takes place 10 days after the menstrual cycle. It means the likelihood of becoming pregnant the day after your monthly cycle is small. A week after youve had your period cant be caused by an early miscarriage. In contrast to spot, miscarriage can always be accompanied by bleeding and cramps.

How To Deal With Periods Every Two Weeks

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There are wholesome habits that can help women manage having a period every two weeks. They include:

  • Staying hydrated to flush the body properly

  • Keeping a period calendar with the exact dates of your periods to help you make sense of your menstrual patterns

  • Carrying sanitary pads and tampons with you at all times so as not to be caught off guard in public

  • Trying gentle, regular exercises, such as calisthenics, long walks, or stretching routines. Restorative yoga can also relieve muscle tension and cramping as well as greatly help with premenstrual syndrome .

However, some women who receive a period every other week for an extended period of time without reprieve may want to consider treatment for long-term effectiveness.

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Are There Any Complications From Having A Long Menstrual Period

Often, the biggest problem from having a long menstrual period is the way it impacts your quality of life. If this is the case, dont be shy about exploring ways to change your cycle with your doctor.

Its okay to treat something simply because its a bother. Women dont have to live that way, Thielen says

And since blood is rich in iron, women who bleed a lot are at risk of anemia, she says.

You Have Implantation Spotting

Some spotting is normal very early in pregnancy. If you are spotting, but your period isnt due for another few weeks, it could be because of implantation spotting. Implantation spotting, or implantation bleeding, is when a fertilized egg attaches itself on the inside wall of your uterus. When the embryo implants in the uterus, tiny blood vessels can erupt and cause the expectant mother to spot, usually a pink or brown type of discharge. Implantation spotting usually occurs before your next period and five to ten days after conception. Approximately 1/3 of women who reported having experienced implantation spotting claimed that this type of spotting was different than menstrual spotting. Reasons included the different color in the spotting , texture , and pain associated with spotting . The risk level is low, but If you have had an ultrasound that confirms you are pregnant, you need to get in touch with your doctor right away. Spotting can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy where the fertilized embryo develops outside the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy when left unattended to can be life-threatening for the woman.

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What Are The Possible Causes Of Spotting After Period

So many factors can affect how you feel during and after your menstrual cycle. Similarly, there can be different causes of noticing any light spotting after your period is over. Here’s more about it:

1. Remaining Uterine Tissue After Period

If you notice spotting a couple of weeks after your period, this could mean your menstrual blood couldn’t be expelled completely during your period. In simple words, it’s your body’s way to get rid of the remaining uterine tissue.

2. Fluctuating Menstrual Cycles

This is common among teenage girls because their bodies will take some time to adjust to the hormonal changes. It may take some time for teenage girls to finally get rid of untimely spotting and move to a consistent menstrual cycle. Irregular spotting is usually normal in this case.

3. Rough Sexual Intercourse

If you’ve had sex with your partner soon after the completion of your menstrual cycle, you may notice slight bleeding or spotting, which is usually the outcome of deep penetration. Your partner’s penis may hit the cervix and cause physical injuries that may result in bleeding.

4. Oral Contraceptives

If you’ve been taking oral contraceptives for quite some time and have stopped suddenly, you may end up dealing with light spotting a week after your period. This usually happens due to the hormones present in oral contraceptives. Spotting usually stops when your body adjusts itself to the elevated levels of hormones.

5. Polyps

6. Uterine Fibroids

7. Infections

8. Ovulation

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