Why Do I Only Get My Period Every Other Month

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Why do women have periods?

Dont panic if you notice brown discharge typically this happens when your uterus is expelling the first few bits or last little bits of period blood, causing your discharge to have a brown tint to it. Completely normal.

But keep in mind: if you experience green, yellow, or a strong-smelling discharge, definitely consult your doctor to make sure everythings healthy down there. Things like yeast infections and other conditions can cause discharge that youll need to clear up with medication.

No One Is Perfectly Regular

A period that comes every cycle at exactly the same time is not the norm. Of course cycles are irregular when theyâre first starting, as theyâre coming to an end, and around the times of pregnancy and changes to contraceptive methods. But even outside of those times, slight variations in timing and symptoms are common. If you are stressed out during the first half of your cycle, for example, your ovulation may happen a couple of days later than usual. Progesterone will then peak later in your cycle. This will cause certain symptoms to happen later as well. Your period will also then be a couple of days late .

These types of variations are extremely common and happen in most peoplesâcycles . They can be caused by changes in your environment, behavior, or health, including things like diet and exercise, sleep changes andjetlagand smoking . Slight changes in your cycle length, period length, and period volume are also normal over time

Your Thyroid Isn’t Working Properly

An underactive or overactive thyroid gland can cause your period to come twice in one month. The thyroid gland is regulated by hormones produced and regulated in the same area of the brainthe pituitary and hypothalamusas the hormones that control menstruation and ovulation, explains Dweck. When one is off, the other might be affected.

If you have hyperthyroidism , you may also lose weight unexpectedly, feel nervous or anxious, have a rapid heartbeat, or have trouble sleeping. Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain, constipation, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to cold, among other symptoms.

Your risk of developing a thyroid disease could vary by race, potentially due to a combination of environmental and genetic factors. According to a 2014 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Graves disease, an autoimmune disorder often at the root of hyperthyroidism, is more common in Black, Asian, and Pacific Islander women compared to white women. On the other hand, Hashimotos disease, which often causes hypothyroidism, is more common in white women.

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Why Do Some Menstrual Periods Become Irregular

There are many variables that can affect the length and timing of your menstrual cycle. Some are correctable, but others can signal significant medical issues.

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome This metabolic and hormonal disorder occurs when the ovaries or adrenal glands overproduce the male hormones and the body has insulin resistance. Studies have shown that 87 percent of women with irregular menstrual cycles have PCOS.
  • Thyroid or pituitary disorders Hypothyroidism , hyperthyroidism , and hyperprolactinemia can all affect menstrual regularity, says Dr. Lynn. One study found that 44 percent of study participants with irregular periods also had thyroid problems.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease An inflammation of the female reproductive system, PID is usually caused by sexually transmitted infections.

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If stress is a possible culprit in your irregular cycle, try stress management techniques, such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, visualization, cognitive behavioral therapy, and biofeedback. Avoid over-exercising, and try not to diet excessively. If you need help figuring out whats best for you, contact a registered dietitian. For all medical issues, consult your healthcare professional.

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How Can The Risk Of Abnormal Menstruation Be Reduced

Here are some recommendations for self-care:

  • Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising moderately and eating nutritious foods. If you have to lose weight, do so gradually instead of turning to diets that drastically limit your calorie and food intake.
  • Make sure you get enough rest.
  • Practice stress reduction and relaxation techniques.
  • If you are an athlete, cut back on prolonged or intense exercise routines. Excessive sports activities can cause irregular periods.
  • Use birth control pills or other contraceptive methods as directed.
  • Change your tampons or sanitary napkins approximately every four to six hours to avoid toxic shock syndrome and prevent infections.
  • See a doctor for regular check-ups.

What Are Irregular Periods

Even though girls get their periods on a cycle, that cycle can take different amounts of time each month. For example, a girl might get her period after 24 days one month and after 42 days the next. These are called irregular periods.

Irregular periods are very common, especially in a girl’s first few years of getting her period.

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Two Periods In One Month: What Causes Irregular Menstruation

An average menstrual cycle ranges anywhere from 24 to 38 days. After all, every woman is different, which also means that their menstrual cycles will also differ. Not to mention that the cycle can vary every month individually. That said, ones menstrual cycle may last a couple of days longer or shorter in a particular month than the previous one. And if a person generally has shorter cycles, they might even get two periods in one month, e.g., at the very beginning and very end of the month. In that respect, having a period twice a month doesnt have to be a reason for concern. However, if this is not a common occurrence for you, or you suspect that the bleeding may not be menstruation at all but spotting, you should check in with your doctor and see whether you need a gynecological treatment. Only a professional can identify the cause of getting a period every two weeks.

What Is Abnormal Menstruation

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Most women have menstrual periods that last four to seven days. A woman’s period usually occurs every 28 days, but normal menstrual cycles can range from 21 days to 35 days.

Examples of menstrual problems include:

  • Periods that occur less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart
  • Missing three or more periods in a row
  • Menstrual flow that is much heavier or lighter than usual
  • Periods that last longer than seven days
  • Periods that are accompanied by pain, cramping, nausea or vomiting
  • Bleeding or spotting that happens between periods, after menopause or following sex

Examples of abnormal menstruation include the following:

  • Amenorrhea is a condition in which a womans periods have stopped completely. The absence of a period for 90 days or more is considered abnormal unless a woman is pregnant, breastfeeding, or going through menopause . Young women who haven’t started menstruating by age 15 or 16 or within three years after their breasts begin to develop are also considered to have amenorrhea.
  • Oligomenorrhea refers to periods that occur infrequently.
  • Dysmenorrhea refers to painful periods and severe menstrual cramps. Some discomfort during the cycle is normal for most women.
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding may apply to a variety of menstrual irregularities, including: a heavier menstrual flow a period that lasts longer than seven days or bleeding or spotting between periods, after sex, or after menopause.

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Age And Frequent Periods

Period frequency, how many days it lasts, and how much you bleed are all influenced by your bodys hormone levels. These levels fluctuate throughout your life.

During your teen years, cycles are often irregular because of all the hormone changes that are taking place.

Your cycles may normalize in your 20s or 30s only to once again become irregular in your 40s and early 50s as you make the transition to menopause.

Hormonal Changes

Why Did My Period Come Early

Now, if youve known your cycle to be pretty regular, suddenly getting a period every two weeks can feel alarming. If this is not common for you, the reason for extra bleeding might be some medical conditions. Whats more, some of the following conditions are known to cause vaginal bleeding, which can then be mistaken for a menstrual flow, such as

spotting during pregnancy, irregular periods, and pregnancy are more common than one may think, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. Of course, while some light spotting is nothing unusual, you should always seek medical attention if youre dealing with heavier bleeding while pregnant.

If you believe youre pregnant and you suddenly start bleeding heavier than what could be considered mere spotting, it might be a miscarriage, which is why its necessary to call your doctor quickly.

Aside from irregular periods and pregnancy, a change in the menstrual cycle is also associated with polycystic ovary syndrome . In this case, you might also notice some outward changes such as skin issues like acne, unusual hair growth on the face and body, hair loss on the head, etc.

Sexually transmitted infections are often accompanied by unusual vaginal bleeding and discharge. If youve had unprotected sex with a new partner relatively recently before suddenly getting a period twice a month or noticing vaginal discharge of strange color and odor, make sure to schedule an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible.

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Should You Get Tested For Perimenopause

The short answer: No.

The blood tests that measure your ovarian reserve are rarely accurate during perimenopause. FSH and estrogen change by the day and throughout the day so they are generally not helpful.

We do consider testing these hormones if you experience perimenopausal symptoms under the age of 45. We generally will also check other pituitary hormones, like TSH and prolactin, if you are experiencing these symptoms prematurely.

Keeping a menstrual diary is generally the best test you can do. This will give you and your OBGYN insight into what your body is doing and for how long.

Any time you experience abnormal uterine bleeding , checking in with your doctor is a good idea to make sure it is normal and that no other work-up is needed.

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The Ovarian Condition That Causes Skipped Periods And Possible Infertility

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A woman missing her period is often a sign that shes pregnant. But for women who arent pregnant and keep skipping periods or have irregular cycles, the reason might be polycystic ovary syndrome .

PCOS, which affects 1 in 10 women, is a reproductive hormonal imbalance that affects ovulation.

Normally, a woman releases an egg every month as part of her menstrual cycle. With PCOS, eggs may not develop properly, or the ovaries may fail to release eggs regularly.

All reproductive-aged women have tiny cysts on their ovaries, called follicles. Women with PCOS tend to have more of them, hence the word polycystic. Women with PCOS can also experience higher levels of androgen, a reproductive hormone that regulates the development of male characteristics, increasing a womans risk for excess hair growth and acne.

PCOS is a syndrome, which means its a constellation of symptoms, says Jennifer Mersereau, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist at UNC Health Care. Some people have all the symptoms, and some people have barely any. Its not one-size-fits-all.

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Are You Supposed To Have Your Period At The Same Time Every Month

Nope when it comes to periods, different is normal. First of all, it may take a while for your body to get things going smoothly and regularly. For the first few months or even years of having a period, they may not always last the same number of days or come the same number of days apart. You may even skip some months. Most likely your periods and cycles will become more regular as you grow older.

Having a regular period usually means that your periods come roughly the same number of days apart, and last roughly the same number of days each month. So you can have a regular period that shows up at a different point in each month for instance, if you have a 22 day cycle, you might get your period towards the end of one month but in the middle of the next.

Some people have irregular periods all their lives, whether its unpredictable when itll come, or unpredictable how long itll last.

Tags:irregular periods, menstrual cycle, period

Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of people worldwide. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. is a registered 501 nonprofit under EIN 13-1644147. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law.

What Does Your Menstrual Cycle Say About Your Fertility


One of the most common questions OB/GYNs have for their patients is When was the first day of your last period?. The answer to this question may feel like part of the usual routine at your annual OB/GYN appointment. If you have been trying to conceive without success, the answer could provide important insight into factors central to the menstrual cycle and conception such as hormonal imbalances and ovulation.

Medical contribution by Isaac E. Sasson, M.D., Ph.D.

Isaac E. Sasson, M.D., Ph.D., FACOG, is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive endocrinology and infertility. He has expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, including in vitro fertilization, donor egg treatment, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, and preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Dr. Sasson sees patients at SGFs Chesterbrook, Pennsylvania, office.

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Medicines And Medical Treatment

As discussed above, a number of contraceptive treatments can stop you having periods. Other medicines can affect periods too. Examples are some medicines for schizophrenia , an anti-sickness medicine called metoclopramide and strong painkillers called opiates.A number of operations may result in absent periods. For example, after a hysterectomy you will not have periods. A hysterectomy is an operation where the womb is removed. As the blood during a period comes from the womb, you will never have periods again afterwards. Another operation , which is sometimes done for heavy periods, also causes periods to stop. In this operation the lining of the womb is removed. This is not usually permanent and periods start again in time.

Treatments for cancer, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy, can also damage the ovaries and result in absent periods. Recreational drugs such as heroin may also cause periods to stop.

You’ve Been Traveling Recently

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If you get back from vacation and find an earlier-than-expected period welcoming you home, you might be able to blame said vacation on your irregular bleeding. Depending on how far from home you went, excessive traveling can disrupt your period.

Interfering with your circadian rhythms, like changing time zones or working night shifts, can cause changes in the hormones that trigger your cycle, says Dr. Masterson.

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Ive Been Using Contraception Will This Affect My Cycle

This depends on what type of contraception youve been using. If youve been taking the pill, your period may be irregular when you first come off it, so try to give yourself up to 3 months for your natural menstrual cycle to get back to its normal routine.

The first period after stopping the pill is known as a withdrawal bleed. The next one after this is your first natural period.

The contraceptive injection can also affect your cycle. Your periods may change and become irregular, heavier, shorter, lighter or stop altogether. This can carry on for some months after you stop the injections.

If you use the contraceptive implant your fertility will return to normal as soon as it is taken out.

When You Have Your Period You Might Experience Painful Cramps

One annoying side effect you may experience when you have your period is cramping, which tends to be different for each and every woman who experiences them. For some women, period cramps are just small pains they feel every now and then in the lower abdomen. For others, they can be serious enough to leave you bedridden or worse, in the hospital. Usually, thats a sign of a more serious condition like endometriosis, according to Mayo Clinic.

Period cramps are caused by your uterus contracting to assist in the shedding of its lining. When that happens, Mayo Clinic explained, Hormone like substances involved in pain and inflammation trigger the uterine muscle contractions. No matter how severe your period cramps are, they all tend to have the same key features: Menstrual cramps occur in the lower abdomen, and they tend to start before your period and last a few days. Cramps can make you feel terrible, but, in most cases, they arent anything to be concerned about. However, if you are concerned, speak with your gynecologist.

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You Have Precancerous Or Cancerous Cells

When found in either the uterus and cervix, precancerous and cancerous cells can cause irregular bleeding. Suffice it to say, a tumor growing on the cervix or uterus can bleed erratically, says Dr. Dweck. One study even found that irregular periods are more likely to lead to ovarian cancer, so early detection is key.

Incidence rates of gynecological cancer vary by race and ethnicitycervical cancer disproportionately impacts Hispanic women, while Black women and white women are more likely to develop uterine cancer, per the CDC.

What to do about it

These are diagnosed with an ultrasound and uterine biopsy, and a pap smear and cervix biopsies, respectively, so if youve ruled out other causes, get to an ob-gyn STAT.

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