Why Do I Get Migraines On My Period

Take The Same Medications Youd Take For Normal Migraines

Menstrual migraine | Why do I get migraines during my monthly cycle | period?

Your doctor can also prescribe triptans, which are drugs that reduce inflammation by restricting blood vessels. They work as well or better than over-the-counter meds, but because of their effect on blood vessels they cant be used by people with coronary heart disease, a risk of stroke or uncontrolled high blood pressure.

You can prevent migraines completely, and you can stop head pain from developing into a full-blown migraine, Halker says. All it takes is a little bit of record keeping and some coordination with a doctor to see which protocols work best for you.

Should I Have A Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy has no place solely in the management of migraine. Studies show that migraine is more likely to deteriorate after surgery. However, if other medical problems require a hysterectomy, which can induce the menopause, the effects on migraine are probably lessened by subsequent oestrogen replacement therapy.

Gonadotrophin-releasing hormones create a medical menopause and have been used to assess the likely outcome of a hysterectomy, although symptoms of oestrogen deficiency such as hot flushes, limit their use. The hormones are also associated with bone thinning and should not usually be used for longer than six months without regular monitoring and scans to test bone density. Add-back continuous combined oestrogen and progestogen can be given to counter these difficulties. Given these limitations, in addition to their high cost, this type of treatment is generally only used in specialist departments.

What About Vaginal Estrogen

Vaginal estrogen is useful to help control local symptoms of pain and dryness in women who have no problems with hot flushes or sweats, or who still get vaginal symptoms despite using HRT. Vaginal estrogens can cause a temporary increase in migraine during the first couple of weeks but this quickly settles and there is no evidence that vaginal estrogens are a trigger for migraine with long-term use.

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More Menstrual Migraine Prevention Tips

A few other things you can try at home to prevent menstrual migraines:

  • Exercise every day. Moderate exercise, like a walk, bike ride, or swim, could help you have fewer migraine headaches and make them less intense. Be careful not to work out too hard, though. Sometimes strenuous exercise can trigger migraines.
  • Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. A lack of rest can set off migraine attacks.
  • Relax. Stress leads to migraine for many people. Try techniques like deep breathing, yoga, and meditation to take the pressure off.
  • Watch what you eat. Avoid foods that trigger your headaches. Some foods that are common migraine triggers include: chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, aspartame and other artificial sweeteners, processed meat, and cheeses.
  • Graze throughout the day. Hunger can give you headaches. Eat several small meals and snacks instead of three big ones.

Treatment Menstrually Related Migraine

Why Do I Get Headaches On My Period? OB/GYNs Explain The ...

As you review these, remember that all medications have side effects, and you should discuss them with your doctor.

In general, MRM can be effectively managed with strategies similar to those used for non-MRM. Behavioral management is an important concept in menstrual as well as nonmenstrual migraine. Menstruation is one of many factors that put women at risk for migraine disease. Hormonal changes are just one of many potential trigger factors.

Most women living with menstrually related migraine are treated with acute medications. When attacks are very frequent, severe, or disabling, preventive treatment may be required.

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Why Do I Get Really Bad Headaches During My Period

If your head starts throbbing around the first day of your period, its probably more than just a headache: Its a menstrual migraine. And the short answer to this question is hormones. As estrogen drops in the days leading up to a menstrual period, a womans risk for migraine rises. This could be because estrogen helps activate parts of the brain that regulate the brains’ perception of pain. The lower the estrogen, the fewer resources the brain has to mute the pain.

Of the four in ten women who experience a migraine in their lifetimes, more than 50 percent say that migraines and menstruation go hand in hand. Research shows that migraine risk rises 25 percent in the five days leading up to the first day of a period, and that risk increases to 71 percent within two days before the period starts. The risk of migraine is highest on the first day of a period and two days afterward.

There are a few ways to both treat and prevent headaches during your period, but they depend on what kind of menstrual migraines you get, says Dr. Rashmi Halker, an assistant professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic Arizona and a fellow at the American Headache Society.

“If a woman has very predictable, regular cycles and she has a very predictable headache that comes on with her menstrual cycle, sometimes we use a mini-prevention’ around that vulnerable period, Halker explains. “If her cycles are irregular, kind of sporadic, then youd treat it like any other migraine.”

Oral Contraceptives May Reduce Menstrual Migraine Frequency

There is some evidence to suggest that certain types of oral contraceptive pills can actually reduce the frequency of menstrual migraine and menstrually related migraine, Hindiyeh says.

This doesnt apply to all kinds of oral contraception, so you should talk with your gynecologist, primary care doctor, or neurologist about which ones youd want to consider, says Hindiyeh. There are specific ones that will keep your estrogen level from fluctuating so much, she adds.

If youre considering taking oral contraceptives as a means of birth control or to try to improve your migraine symptoms, tell your healthcare provider about your migraine history, says Hindiyeh.

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How To Manage Bad Headache Before Period

Being female comes with its own struggles, especially when it comes to headaches. Fortunately, there’s help.

Over-the-counter pain relievers can be of great help. They may soothe your pain soon after your headache begins.

Triptans are another option. You might feel their effects 2 hours after you take them.

You can also try acupuncture. This ancient Chinese practice may lower the number of tension headaches you get and could prevent a migraine before period.

Many women also report using biofeedback. Biofeedback may relieve your headaches by helping you monitor how your body responds to stress. Apart from biofeedback, you can also try relaxation techniques.

Sometimes, holding an ice pack to the painful area is the best solution. Simply wrap the ice pack in a towel in order to protect your skin.

Does This Feel Like Your Typical Headache Or

I get bad headaches during my period. What can I do?

They may present a little differently than a typical headache or migraine. Menstrual headaches can range from mild to severe when it comes to pain, says Dr. Talebian, and they tend to start on one side of your head before spreading .

Classic migraine symptoms could strike, too for instance, you might feel super-sensitive to light and sick to your stomach.

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How Is Menstrual Migraine Diagnosed

There are no tests available for menstrual migraine. The most accurate way to tell if you have menstrual migraine is to keep a diary for at least three months recording both your migraine attacks and the days you menstruate.

For menstrual migraine to be diagnosed migraine should occur predominately between two days before and up to three days into menstruation, in at least two out of three consecutive menstrual cycles.

What Can I Do To Help Relieve The Symptoms Of A Menstrual Migraine

Do your best to figure out what makes your hormone headaches better or worse. For example, if light causes pain and you feel overheated, stay in a cool, dark room. Additional tips include:

  • Keep your blood sugar levels up by eating small, frequent snacks. Never miss a meal.
  • Learn relaxation techniques.
  • Avoid too little or too much sleep, and keep a regular sleep pattern.
  • Change your diet, if needed.
  • Avoid stress when you can, and learn how to manage it when you cant.

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How Estrogen Levels Impact Migraines

The explanation for why drops and fluctuations in estrogen cause migraines is not completely clear, but there are several possible mechanisms.

Estrogen has a known impact on the action of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that modulates pain and mood. Estrogen also affects blood vessels and blood pressure, and blood vessel alterations are known to play a role in migraines as well.

It is likely that both of these factors, and possibly others, could mediate the estrogen-migraine connection.

Who Gets Menstrual Migraine

Headache During Period: Causes, Treatments, and More

50 60 per cent of women notice a link between migraine and their periods. This may not be apparent until a woman reaches her late 30s or 40s, despite having had migraine since her teens or 20s. Women with other period problems often do not recognize that the accompanying headaches are actually migraine. This under-recognition of migraine by patients is compounded by a similar under-recognition of migraine by doctors.

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Treating Your Menstrual Migraine

90% of our Brisbane patients with Menstrual Migraine find drastic relief within the first 5 treatment consultations. We have treated a countless number of patients with menstrual migraines with significant results. Our treatment is effective in alleviating or dramatically reducing migraines in 85-90% of sufferers.

At the Brisbane Headache and Migraine Clinic, we use world-class techniques in assessing and treating menstrual migraines by assessing the neck. A thorough examination of the upper cervical spine is initiated to determine the severity of your sensitised brainstem. During your initial consultation, your headache clinician should be able to reproduce your menstrual migraine pain, by applying pressure in one of the first three vertebrae of your neck. If your symptoms can be reproduced and resolved, expect a significant improvement to occur rapidly.

An important note to remember is that menstrual migraines do not have anything to do with hormonal abnormalities. Hence, medicating to alter ones own natural hormonal levels have been shown to not be the safest or best treatment option.

If you suffer from menstrual migraines, have your neck assessed to see whether that is the cause of your problems.

Should I Have An Hysterectomy

All research points to the fact that hysterectomy worsens migraine. The menstrual cycle is controlled by the brain, which sends messages to the ovaries to stimulate the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These in turn prepare the lining of the womb for a potential pregnancy. If a woman does not become pregnant, then the lining of the womb is shed at menstruation and the cycle starts over again. If the womb and ovaries are removed, the hormone cycle is disrupted and the brain hormones initially go into overdrive as they are not prepared for this early menopause. Migraine can worsen but generally settles again over the subsequent couple of years. Replacement estrogen can help lessen the symptoms following hysterectomy, particularly if the ovaries have been removed. Even when the ovaries are retained, the natural hormone cycle can be disrupted, so additional estrogen may be helpful.

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Menstrual Migraine Treatment And Prevention

Since period-related headaches are fueled by hormonal changes, it can help to prevent large fluctuations, explains Dr. Woods. A birth control pill that levels out those hormones throughout the month … can really help, he says.

Some women will still get headaches during the placebo week of a 28-day pill regimen, Dr. Woods adds. If that happens, he says, doctors may recommend that patients skip the placebo week and start right in on a new pack of pills.

You can do that for a couple years, and you effectively level the playing field across the whole month, he says. If theres no change in hormones, youre less likely to get those headaches.

Hormonal Contraception For People With Migraine

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People with migraine with aura are not recommended to use combined hormonal contraceptives . Having migraines with aura is a risk factor for experiencing a stroke , plus taking combined hormonal contraceptives up to doubles that risk . The combination of these risk factors is associated with a 3x increased risk of stroke, compared to people with migraine who donât use combined hormonal contraceptives .

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says people with chronic migraine are safe to use certain forms of contraception:

Most people who experience migraine without aura can use combined hormonal contraceptives, too, as the risk of increased stroke is outweighed by the benefits that the pill offers however, people with other risk factors for stroke, such as older age and cigarette smoking, may be advised not to use combined hormonal birth control .

People with non-migraine headaches do not have any restrictions on hormonal birth control .

Some birth control options may be safer than others, depending on your age and other risk factors . Speak to your healthcare provider to figure out what is the best contraceptive method for you.

to track your headaches and see how they appear in relation to your cycle.

Let’s support one another.

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What Causes Period Migraines

A quick biology refresher for people with periods: Though most people only bleed for three to five days, your body goes through the menstrual cycle all month long. The levels of both estrogen and progesterone drop off sharply at the end of each monthly cycle, signaling to your body that its time to reset your cycle and begin your period. Dr. Lucky Sekhon, a New York City-based, board-certified OB-GYN and fertility specialist, tells Allure that migraines that show up two or three days before your period can be triggered by this steep hormone drop.

If you switched birth control and began to experience menstrual migraines shortly after, that switch may be the culprit. Its possible that a higher dose of estrogen in your birth control pills can make the hormone drop even steeper. Sometimes, all that is required to improve or prevent migraines is switching to a pill with a lower estrogen content, says Sekhon.

A 2013 literature review published in the Journal of Headache and Pain suggests that people who have migraines might even want to stick to progestin-only pills if they are going to use an oral contraceptive.

And menstrual migraines may be worse for people who are approaching menopause.

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