Why Did My Period Come Early

Skipping Or Stopping Birth Control

8 EARLY Pregnancy Symptoms: How I knew before I missed my period, BEFORE my BFP!

Oral contraception suppresses your normal menstrual cycle with hormones that keep your body from ovulating.

Birth control pills usually come with a three-week supply of pills with hormones followed by a week of pills without any hormones . The lack of hormones during the placebo week triggers your period.

The same thing can happen when you go off of the pill or even miss just a pill or two. This can happen even if you’ve had a recent period, leading to two periods in one month.

Your body can also react this way if you make a mistake with another form of hormonal birth control like the birth control patch or the ring.

The right way to restart birth control after missing one or more doses depends on the type. Always read the information that comes with your pills. You can also ask your provider or pharmacist what to do if you forget a pill.

Youre Really Stressed Out

Stress can screw with just about everything in your life, so its hardly shocking that it can mess with your cycle, too. High levels of stress can cause an increase in the production of cortisol which in turn can cause a disruption in the way our bodies function normally, Dr. Wider says.

Under normal times, your brains hypothalamus produces chemicals that trigger your pituitary gland to signal your ovaries to release estrogen and progesterone, she explains. With an increase in cortisol from stress, that axis can get messed up and the menstrual cycle can become irregular, Dr. Wider says.

The less estrogen, the less stimulation of the lining of the uterus, so less bleeding, Dr. Minkin adds.

Not Sure What To Do Next

If you are still concerned about bleeding between periods, check your symptoms with healthdirects online Symptom Checker to get advice on when to seek medical attention.

The Symptom checker guides you to the next appropriate healthcare steps, whether its self-care, talking to a health professional, going to a hospital or calling triple zero .

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When Will I Get My Period

No one can say exactly when you’ll get your first menstrual period, but it will be sometime during puberty. Puberty is the time in your life when you begin to become an adult. This means a lot of growing and changing both inside and out.

Some girls start puberty at age 8, and others may start as late as 13 or 14. Each girl goes at her own pace. So don’t think you’re weird if you start puberty a little earlier or a little later than your friends.

At the beginning of puberty, you’ll notice that your breasts are developing and hair will start to grow on your genitals . A little later, hair also will grow under your arms.

For most girls, their first menstrual period, or menarche , begins about 2 years after she first starts to get breasts. For most girls this is around age 12. But it can be as early as age 8 or as late as 15. Talk to your doctor if your period started before age 8 or you are 15 and havent started your period.

If you think you’re getting close to your first period, it might make you more comfortable to be ready. Put a pad and change of underwear in your backpack or purse in case your period comes when you aren’t at home.

Are you thinking a lot about when your first period will come? You’re not alone. Lots of girls wonder and wonder when will it come? If you feel a little worried or nervous about getting your period, it can help to talk to someone you trust, like your doctor, mom or older sister.

Change In Normal Routine


Changes in your normal routine can affect your hormones and cause your period to come early or late. For example, some research suggests that people who switch between day and night shifts, like nurses, often experience irregular periods. Switching time zones may have similar effects.

Researchers dont know exactly why this happens, but it may be related to a disruption in your circadian rhythm. This may, in turn, disrupt the sleep hormone melatonin.

More research is needed to explore a connection between melatonin and reproductive hormones.

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Is It Ovulation Or Anearly Period

Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of your cycle, and that can roughly be two weeks before youre supposed to get your period. Therefore, what you think is your period coming early, could actually just be spotting.

Spotting is caused by normal hormone fluctuations in your cycle and can be recognized by the color and length of bleeding. The main difference between your period coming earlyand entering ovulation is that spotting is much lighter and doesnt increase in volume.

It only lasts for about one or two days and is usually pink or red in color. Some light cramping can be expected, too.

Unexpected Bleeding On The Contraceptive Pill

Spotting can happen outside of your usual withdrawal bleed time. This is called breakthrough bleeding. It doesnât mean your pill isnât working, but it can be frustrating to deal with .Up to 1 in 5 people experience breakthrough bleeding when first taking the contraceptive pill .It is not usually a cause for concern and will often stop after a few weeks or months . Others will need to try a different pill brand, with different levels of hormones. Many experts recommend choosing a pill with the lowest dose of estrogen , and only changing to a higher dose if breakthrough bleeding is a persistent problem .

Spotting can also be caused by missed pills, as the drop in hormone levels can cause a small amount of withdrawal bleeding.

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What Is The Difference Between Premature Menopause And Premature Ovarian Failure

Premature menopause isnt the same as premature ovarian failure, although some people use the terms interchangeably. Healthcare providers now refer to premature ovarian failure as primary ovarian insufficiency .

POI is a condition where your periods stop suddenly and spontaneously, either early or prematurely. POI isnt the same as premature or early menopause, because with POI, theres a chance your period will come back. People with POI may still ovulate, menstruate or become pregnant. With early or premature menopause, you dont ovulate or menstruate, and you lose the ability to get pregnant.

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Is Not Having Your Period During Placebo Week Normal For Women

Earliest Signs Of Pregnancy (that you didn’t know about!) Pregnancy Symptoms BEFORE MISSED PERIOD!

The cause of menstruation is a sudden drop in female hormone levels. Estrogen and progesterone are produced artificially with the pill. As a result, having menstruation while on the pill is not a natural period.

The period of a woman is never necessary when using birth control. Whenever a woman is on the pill, the body reveals that a woman is not pregnant.

Using birth control to skip a period is safe when using pills that have an extended life span. These offer women four periods a year and skip placebo week by using the 21 or 28-day packs of pills.

Whenever a woman uses birth control, it is also common to bleed outside of the placebo week. In fact, 20% or 1 out of 5 women experience this when using the birth control pill. Any bleeding should no longer occur after three months of pill use. Women will want to contact a physician if bleeding does not stop after this amount of time.

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Am I Pregnant If I Havent Had A Period During The Week Of Placebo

Women should not worry if they are not getting their period during the placebo week if they are using a birth control pill. This is quite normal if women take the pill every day.

According to medical experts, having a period for a shorter amount of time than usual is normal if youve been on birth control pills for a few months. Between 10% and 20% of women experience light or no period after having the sixth pack of birth control pills. It is also true that 10% of women who use the birth control pill never have any bleeding.

Women who have missed their period and are experiencing common pregnancy symptoms that include nausea and soreness of the breasts should get a pregnancy test immediately.

Period Is One Or 2 Weeks Early

A period that is a week or two earlier than the norm can be due to various reasons including the following

  • Ovulation ovulation spotting occurs midway a 28-day menstrual cycle which is 14 days or 2 weeks before your next period. In such a case, you will not experience the normal heavy period but a lighter and shorter-lived spotting that may not even require pads or tampons.
  • Implantation implantation is the attachment of the fertilized egg on the uterine wall. This takes place approximately a week to the next period. Just like ovulation, implantation will have a lighter and shorter-lived spotting compared to an actual period.
  • Cycle changes after the use of a contraceptive such as birth control pills, your cycle may change especially after stopping the use of the contraceptive. You can thus have a period at any time after stopping the method .
  • Hormonal imbalances when you have a hormonal imbalance that randomly initiates certain processes, you might have a period at any time.
  • Health conditions with hyperthyroidism, you are likely to have early periods often. Hypothyroidism has the opposite effect.

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When To See A Gp

You don’t need to get medical advice if you have always had slightly irregular periods or you’re still going through puberty.

But see a GP if:

  • your periods suddenly become irregular and you’re under 45
  • you have periods more often than every 21 days or less often than every 35 days
  • your periods last longer than 7 days
  • there’s a big difference between your shortest and longest menstrual cycle
  • you have irregular periods and you’re struggling to get pregnant

There might not be anything wrong, but it’s a good idea to get checked out to see what the cause might be.

You might be referred to a specialist called a gynaecologist if you need any tests or treatment.

Why Did My Period Come Early 10 Reasons

Period Blood Colour: What Does Yours Mean?

Why did my period come early? Well, there are a few possibilities. Here are ten reasons Aunty Flo may have shown up before you expected her.


Your period has come early, and youre unprepared.

Now you have to ask the only other person in the gym bathroom if they can help.

Weve all been there and its not only annoying but can also be unnerving.

Ok. Take a deep breath. If youre wondering, why did my period come early? weve got you covered.

And before we get going, while an early period is often nothing to worry about, if you are experiencing other uncomfortable symptoms, its a good idea to check in with a healthcare professional.

You dont have to struggle through this alone.

With that in mind, lets dive in.

In this article:

  • What can cause your period to come early?
  • Early periods: the bottom line

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You Have Uterine Or Cervical Polyps Or Fibroids

Uterine issues like polyps or fibroidsbenign lesions or tumors that can grow in the uterusare very common and may be related to hormonal issues. Uterine polyps can cause bleeding in between periods, says Dr. Dweck, especially if they are touched, like during sex, and fibroids can cause pain, back pain, abdominal bloating, anemia, pain with intercourse, and spontaneous bleeding because theyre not associated with the menstrual cycle, explains Dr. Richardson.

While fibroids can affect women of any age or race, Black women are about three times more likely to develop them compared to white women, and their symptoms tend to emerge at an earlier age with greater severity. Its unclear why exactly Black women are disproportionately impacted by fibroids, but some studies suggest that greater exposure to racial discrimination or genetics could play a role.

As the Black Womens Health Imperative notes, heavy, painful periods may seem like a fact of life since theyre so commonand many women wait years to seek treatment for fibroidsbut you dont have to needlessly suffer.

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How Can I Reduce My Risk Of Early Menopause

Most causes of early menopause are beyond your control. Smoking cigarettes is the only lifestyle factor that may cause early menopause. You can reduce your risk of menopause by quitting smoking. The other causes of menopause like health conditions, surgeries or treatment for cancer are unpreventable in most cases.

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What Others Say: Experience And Advice

In my opinion, having an early period on the pill is normal and it occurs occasionally. The period occurs early sometimes for no actual reason and sometimes if you miss your pill or take it later than you have to. I think that when you are in the middle of using the pill, the body is adjusting to hormonal changes taking place. Sometimes, spotting, breakthrough bleeding or the skipping of a period can occur too, which isnt abnormal as well. Keep on taking the pills without changing the way you take them. I think it is best to take the pills in the pack without getting too concerned about what the body is doing. With the bleeding occurring early, it is normal that you wont bleed during the inactive week. I dont think you need to worry as it only means that the cycle is a little off thats all.

I have been taking the yaz birth control for over 5 months and I had a heavy period this morning. The blood that came out was of a brownish red color. However, the bleeding stopped afterwards. However, I wasnt supposed to have my period today even though I am sexually active.

Starting A New Medication Or Supplement

First Period – Girl Talk Episode 1

Starting a new medication or supplement can interfere with birth control and cause breakthrough bleeding.

Medications and supplements that can cause breakthrough bleeding

  • certain antibiotics

Always speak with your doctor before starting a new medication or supplement. This is especially important if youre on the pill.

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Spotting Between Periods While On Birth Control

Monique Rainford, MD, is board-certified in obstetrics-gynecology, and currently serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale Medicine. She is the former chief of obstetrics-gynecology at Yale Health.

Birth control pills are one of the most common causes of spotting between menstrual periods. This spotting is also known as breakthrough bleeding. If it occurs, it typically happens when an oral contraceptive is either started or switched.

Most cases of breakthrough bleeding are not reason for concern. But itâs important to keep track of spotting that is heavy or frequent. This may be a sign of a more serious health concern.

This article explains the symptoms of spotting and how birth control pills cause breakthrough bleeding. It also reviews the different medical conditions treated with oral contraceptives and how this can also lead to abnormal or irregular bleeding.

Verywell / Nusha Ashjaee

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How Early Can Your Period Come

Most girls start their periods when theyre about 12, but they can start as early as 8, so its important to talk to girls from an early age to make sure theyre prepared. Respond to questions or opportunities as they arise and do not be embarrassed. Periods are natural.

Is it bad if my period is a week early?

Getting your period early usually means your hormones are a slightly off-balance. Fluctuations in your hormones from month to month are common and are typically nothing to worry about, especially if youve only just started menstruating.

What happens when you miss your period for 3 days?

If you miss your periods for more than three cycles, flow thats much heavier or lighter than usual, periods that last longer than seven days, periods that are accompanied by severe pain, cramping or nausea or bleeding or spotting that happens between your periods or with sex. You said they came two weeks early.

Is it normal for my period to start early?

Menstruation might start early because of a change in your lifestyle, intense physical exercise, illness, or stress. However, sometimes it happens with no reason, and this is still not necessarily abnormal.

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How Does Ovulation Relate To Periods

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovaries. The same hormones that cause the uterus lining to build up also cause an egg to leave one of the ovaries. The egg travels through a thin tube called a fallopian tube to the uterus.

If the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell, it attaches to the wall of the uterus, where over time it develops into a baby. If the egg is not fertilized, the uterus lining breaks down and bleeds, causing a period.

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What can I do if my menstruation is 14 days delayed?

Nope, experts say. Some people may experience bleeding or spotting, but those are different bleeding patterns from the cyclical menses your body experiences in absence of a pregnancy.

Dr. Michele Hakakha, an OB-GYN and author of Expecting 411: Clear Answers and Smart Advice for Your Pregnancy, told Parents that people definitely can experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, but that when they bleed, they are not having a period. Thats because your body needs to reserve the uterine lining as nourishment for the growing pregnancy.

Although bleeding during pregnancy doesnt always mean cause for concern, it can indicate something more serious like a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, according to the Mayo Clinic.

In the earliest stage of pregnancy, however, some very light bleeding is totally normal and leads us to our first pregnancy clue: implantation bleeding.

Implantation bleeding usually doesnt last more than a couple of days, and its much lighter than most peoples periods .

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