What Can I Take For Period Cramps

Causes Of Menstrual Pain


Prostaglandins are chemicals the body makes that cause many of the symptoms associated with menstrual discomfort. The tissue that lines the uterus makes these chemicals. Prostaglandins stimulate the uterine muscles to contract. People who have high levels of prostaglandin may have more intense contractions of their uterus and more pain. Prostaglandins may also be responsible for vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches that accompany painful periods.

Other menstrual-type cramps can be caused by conditions of the reproductive tract, such as the following:

If you have had menstrual pain ever since your periods started, the condition is called primary dysmenorrhea. If a physical condition such as pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis has developed and is causing the pain, this is called secondary dysmenorrhea. Once the medical condition is treated, the menstrual pain usually goes away.

Risk factors for menstrual pain

You may be more likely to have menstrual cramps if:

  • You had your first period at an early age .
  • Your menstrual periods are heavy.
  • You are overweight or obese.
  • You smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.
  • You have never been pregnant.

Sooo Are There Any Other Remedies For Period Cramps That Just Wont Freakin Go Away

The truth is, painkillers are pretty much the gold standard for kicking period cramps. But if for some reason youre unable to take them or need additional relief , there are some other period cramp remedies you should know about. You may have seen cute lil devices like Livia, which are actually a form of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. This involves the delivering low voltage current to treat pain, or block the perception of pain, Dr. Fakih says, and a 2020 study confirmed that it can be helpful in treating painful cramps, when its programmed to a high intensity.

Wanna go au naturel with your period pain remedies? You do you, honestly. Getting some movement in along with using heating pads and other forms of heat application can never hurt, says Dr. Fakih. Many people turn to acupuncture for painful periods too. Theres some legit evidence that acupuncture will improve your cramps, Dr. Fakih points out, but its necessarily considered a primary remedy.

When To See A Doctor For Menstrual Cramps

The good news is that most cases of period cramps resolve within a day or two of your period arriving. If your abdominal pain lasts longer than the duration of your period, if you have cramps without a period, or if you are missing school or work because of severe pain, visit your healthcare provider. You may need a pelvic exam or ultrasound to diagnose whats causing your painful periods.

Serious period cramps arent something to put up with. Take them seriously. Seek help. You deserve to have a more manageable monthly cycle.

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Facts About Period Pain

If you have dysmenorrhoea you are not alone. Around 80% of women experience period pain at some stage in their lifetime. You can suffer from period pain from your early teens right up to the menopause. Most women experience some discomfort during menstruation, especially on the first day. But in 5% to 10% of women the pain is severe enough to disrupt their life. If your mother suffered period pains, you are more likely to suffer too. In 40% of women, period pain is accompanied by premenstrual symptoms, such as bloating, tender breasts, swollen stomach, lack of concentration, mood swings, clumsiness and tiredness.

There are two different types of period pain:

How Can You Relieve Mild Menstrual Cramps

Pin by Marylou Mills on good to know

To relieve mild menstrual cramps:

  • For the best relief, take ibuprofen as soon as bleeding or cramping starts. Ibuprofen belongs to a class of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . They reduce the output of prostaglandins. If you cant take NSAIDs, you can take another pain reliever like acetaminophen.
  • Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on your lower back or abdomen.
  • Rest when needed.
  • Avoid foods that contain caffeine.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Massage your lower back and abdomen.

Women who exercise regularly often have less menstrual pain. To help prevent cramps, make exercise a part of your weekly routine.

If these steps dont relieve pain, your healthcare provider can order medications for you, including ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory medication in a higher dose that is available over the counter. Your healthcare provider might also suggest oral contraceptives since women who take oral contraceptives tend to have less menstrual pain.

If testing shows that you have secondary dysmenorrhea, your provider will discuss treatments of the condition causing the pain. This might mean oral contraceptives, other types of medications, or surgery.

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4 Yoga Poses to Relieve Cramps

Yoga is a gentle exercise that releases endorphins and can help prevent or reduce menstrual symptoms.

One study compared the effects of aerobic exercise and yoga on PMS symptoms. The researchers found that both yoga and aerobic exercise significantly reduced PMS symptoms and pain intensity. However, yoga was more effective than aerobic exercise at reducing symptoms. Helpful yoga poses for PMS may include:

Get Yourself A Heating Pad

Heat is essential. Studies have established that applying constant heat at areas with cramps, reduces the severity of the pain.

Disposable heating wraps are subtle and easier to maintain, as it is placed under your clothes. The heat also lasts a few hours, which is convenient. MenstruHeat is one such heat patch you can get!

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Can Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Cause Menstrual Cramps

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the female reproductive tract that is most commonly caused by untreated sexually transmitted infections. Left untreated, PID can cause inflammation, scarring, painful menstrual cramps, and infertility.

most often occurs because sexually transmitted infections that cause PID can create scar tissue and adhesions in the pelvic region. During menstruation, hormones influence the uterus and surrounding structures including the scar tissue and adhesions which can increase inflammation, bleeding, and pain, says Shilpi Agarwal, MD, a board-certified family medicine and integrative physician in Washington, DC, and a columnist for Everyday Health. If caught early, PID can be treated with antibiotics, but antibiotics wont undo any structural damage caused by the infection. Practice safe sex, and get tested frequently for any sexually transmitted infections, especially if you have severe period pain, Dr. Agarwal advises.

Reach For Decaf Coffee To Improve Period Pain

What are period cramps and how to deal with them?

Caffeine causes your blood vessels to narrow. This can constrict your uterus, making cramps more painful. If you need your coffee fix, switch to decaf during your period. If you rely on caffeine to beat the afternoon slump, eat a snack high in protein or take a quick 10-minute walk to boost your energy.

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Are Cramps Normal During Early Pregnancy

Stomach cramps during early pregnancy are relatively common. If you get a few stomach cramps during the first trimester of pregnancy, its probably not a cause for alarm. These cramps are typically part of the normal physical changes in the body that occur in preparation for the baby.

Very early in your pregnancy, you may get cramps as well as light bleeding when the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus. This process can sometimes lead to implantation cramps and bleeding. As the pregnancy progresses, you may also feel cramping as your uterus changes and stretches to accommodate the baby.

In the following sections, we will talk about the causes of pregnancy cramps and when to call your health care provider.

Try Alternative Medicine For Pms Relief

Some people find relief with alternative medicine practices like acupuncture and acupressure. Acupuncture is a practice that stimulates the body by placing needles in the skin. Acupressure stimulates the body without needles by putting pressure on certain points of the body. These practices can help you relax, release muscle tension and improve blood flow throughout your body.

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Try Some Yoga Poses To Ease Menstrual Pain

Whether it’s the stretching of your muscles or the relaxing effect of the poses, a regular yoga practice can indeed help your cramps.

When 20 undergraduate students did an hour-long yoga program once a week for three months, they had less menstrual cramping and period distress than 20 women who didnt, according to researchers for a study published in September 2016 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

The Journal of Physiotherapy review that sanctioned heating pads also found benefits for yoga.

You can practice during your period or between them, but some instructors advise women against doing inverted poses in the midst of menstruation, so as not interfere with your natural flow.

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Do You Need To See A Doctor

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If your menstrual cramps are unusual or severe, or if they last more than a few days, you may want to see your doctor. Painful period cramping is treatable, so anytime youre worried about your symptoms, its a good idea to talk to your doctor.

Your doctor may perform a pelvic exam to make sure everything is normal. They may also ask you questions about your menstrual period history, suggest lifestyle modifications, or even recommend and prescribe medicines that may help relieve your painful periods.

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Reason For Painful Cramps: Ectopic Pregnancy

The fertilized egg didnt travel to the uterus to attach to the endometrium of the uterus. Instead, it is attached to the fallopian tube, most often in ampulla, ovarian, isthmus parts, fimbria site of the ovary or cervix.

Very often ectopic pregnancy is mistaken for appendicitis. The symptoms of the ectopic pregnancy are severe pain and bleeding. Shall you develop any of the symptoms, dont hesitate to address your healthcare provider.

How To Stop Your Periods Cramps

Period cramps are one of the annoying symptoms that accompany your menstrual cycle. These cramps can be painful, annoying, and causes a lot of discomfort. For most people, this can be the reason for them to want to stop their period permanently.

Period or menstrual cramps can be felt as a painful sensation that affects a majority of menstruating women before and during their menstruation cycle.

The pain is medically known as dysmenorrhea. It ranges from dull and annoying to severe and extreme. For most women, the pain will occur in the lower abdomen and lower back. It will start a day or two before your period and last for about four days top.

Medically, when the pain is only related to menstruation, then it is described as primary dysmenorrhea. On the other hand, when the pain is due to other conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease, the cramps are described as secondary dysmenorrhea.

The question now is, how do you stop your period cramps? Different options are available to help relieve and stop these painful cramps. For starters, there are some over the counter medication that can help treat most causes of menstrual cramps. If you are not sure what the best medication to use, have your health café provider prescribe one for you.

You could also use anti-prostaglandins to reduce cramping in uterus. This option will also help lighten the flow of menstrual blood and help relieve discomfort.

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A Sprinkle Of Cinnamon

In a study of young women, those who took capsules containing 420 milligrams of cinnamon 3 times a day for the first 3 days of their menstrual cycle had less menstrual bleeding, less pain, and reductions in nausea and frequency of vomiting compared to those who took a placebo. The women didnt report any side effects associated with taking cinnamon pills. Try a sprinkle of cinnamon on your cereal or cup of hot cocoa. It cant hurt and it might help your cramps and other period symptoms.

How To Get Rid Of Stomach Cramps At Home

Period Pain Relief: What Works? [Dr. Claudia]

Learn how to treat stomach cramps at home with these 12 home remedies for abdominal pain. Get rid of abdominal cramps in no time!

Sometimes a bad case of stomach cramps can seem like the worst situation in the world for men and women alike. Whether you are suffering from indigestion, diarrhea, pregnancy aches, constipation, or menstrual cramps during your period in the early morning or at night, their resulting symptoms can cause mild to severe pain and a highly uncomfortable experience. I know its troublesome to get to all the pain and uneasiness. That is why we present you with some home remedies that you can do to relieve and get rid of the pain.

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What Is Are Menstrual Cramps

Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for pain with your period or menstrual cramps. There are two types of dysmenorrhea: primary and secondary.

Primary dysmenorrhea is the name for common menstrual cramps that come back over and over again and arent due to other diseases. Pain usually begins one or two days before you get your period or when bleeding actual starts. You may feel pain ranging from mild to severe in the lower abdomen, back or thighs.

Pain can typically last 12 to 72 hours, and you might have other symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and even diarrhea. Common menstrual cramps may become less painful as you get older and may stop entirely if you have a baby.

If you have painful periods because of a disorder or an infection in your female reproductive organs, it is called secondary dysmenorrhea. Pain from secondary dysmenorrhea usually begins earlier in the menstrual cycle and lasts longer than common menstrual cramps. You usually dont have nausea, vomiting, fatigue or diarrhea.

Menstrual Cramp Causes And Risk Factors

Menstrual cramps happen because of contractions in the uterus, or womb, which is a muscle. If it contracts too strongly during your menstrual cycle, it can press against nearby blood vessels. This briefly cuts off oxygen to the uterus. Itâs this lack of oxygen that causes your pain and cramping.

You can also have cramps because of:

  • Endometriosis, a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus grows outside of the uterus
  • Fibroids in your uterus
  • Adenomyosis, when your uterine lining grows into nearby muscle
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease , an infection caused by bacteria that starts in the uterus and can spread to other reproductive organs
  • Cervical stenosis, or a narrowing of the lower part of your uterus, caused by scarring, as well as a lack of estrogen after menopause

Certain things put you at a higher risk of menstrual cramps. Youâre more likely to have them if you:

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Foods That Help With Cramps

Do you experience intense period cramping? Cramps are not only painful but also usually associated with fatigue and interfere with your ability to move around and go through your daily routines. If regular medication isnt enough to help ease your symptoms, you may want to try modifying your diet. What foods might help to ease period cramps and which are best to avoid during your period? Flo compiled a list of foods to eat and foods to avoid if you are experiencing severe cramping.

Start Hormonal Birth Control

Period Cramps Menstrual Cramps Natural Solutions Oils for

Birth control can stop period pain if cramps are caused by a hormone imbalance. Balancing your levels of estrogen and progesterone helps thin the uterine lining so it sheds more easily. Hormonal birth control also regulates the length and frequency of your period. Some forms of birth control can completely alleviate period cramps by stopping your period altogether. Talk to your OB-GYN about birth control options, including the pill, birth control shot or hormonal IUD. Then, youll be able to choose the type of birth control that works best for you.

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What Are The Origins Of Menstrual Cramps

Uterus is an organ with muscular layers, and during your period it does a lot of work. Cramps are the way that uterus responds in order to control the bleeding during menstruation. If you are having a lot of menstrual blood or a blood clot, the uterus is actually cramping to expel that.

For some of you, cramps are causing only a slight discomfort. For the others, the painful period cramps can interfere with your daily activities. So, why do period cramps hurt?

Menstrual cramps can be caused by several reasons. Lets see the most severe of them.

Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of endometrial cells.

Apart from the pain, other symptoms of endometritis include:

  • Cyclic pelvic pain
  • Defecation pain

How Long Period Pain Lasts

Period pain usually starts when your bleeding begins, although some women have pain several days before the start of their period.

The pain usually lasts 48 to 72 hours, although it can last longer. It’s usually at its worst when your bleeding is heaviest.

Young girls often have period pain when they begin getting periods. Read more about starting periods.

Period pain that does not have an underlying cause tends to improve as a woman gets older. Many women also notice an improvement after they’ve had children.

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