Ways To Slow Down Your Period

Exercise The Right Way

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Exercising regularly can help reduce the intensity of cramps and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, says Ross. Exercise may even reduce the frequency or length of your period. However, its also important to note that exercising too much or suddenly starting an intense new exercise routine can cause your period to stop or become more irregular.

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Know Your Options For Next Time

With advance notice, you can try skipping a period next time you have plans and a period just wont do.

Hormonal birth control pills can safely reduce or eliminate periods in most people, but its a good idea to check with a healthcare professional first to make sure theres no medical reason for you to keep your cycle as is.

How you skip a period with birth control pills depends on the type youre using. Keep in mind this method can still result in breakthrough bleeding, especially at first.

How Can Hormones Help

Painkillers like ibuprofen and diclofenac both of which are non-steroidal are often used for the relief of menstrual pain and cramps, and also for heavy periods. In addition to relieving the pain, they may also help to lower the amount of blood lost. Acetylsalicylic acid is not suitable for heavy periods because it has an anti-clotting effect so it can increase the amount of blood lost during menstruation.

The most common side effects of NSAIDs are stomach problems, nausea, vomiting, headaches and drowsiness. The women who took NSAIDs for heavy periods in studies didnât experience many more side effects than women who took a placebo for comparison.

Another medication that can help in the treatment of heavy periods is tranexamic acid. It affects blood clotting and reduces the tendency to bleed. Studies have shown it to be more effective than NSAIDs. Tranexamic acid may cause headaches, tiredness and muscle cramps. But these side effects are not more common than with NSAIDs.

There is no good-quality research on whether herbal products can relieve heavy periods.

If excessive loss of blood is causing extreme tiredness, iron deficiency anemia is probably the reason. It is normally treated by taking iron tablets. Iron supplements may have side effects such as stomach ache and constipation, and can cause your stool to turn black.

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Can You Stop Or Shorten Your Period

Many women may want to shorten their periods or stop them altogether because they experience painful periods. If your pain is so bad that it stops you from completing normal daily tasks then you dont have to live with it, you can talk to your GP about your period symptoms. They may be able to offer you advice and treatment to help relieve your symptoms. There are many ways that you can skip, shorten or stop your periods, whether you chose to take medication or try a more natural way.

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Try An Iud To Thin The Uterine Lining

10 Ways To Slow Down a Busy Day
  • An IUD with progestin effectively reduces bleeding during your period. This device is implanted in your uterus by your doctor. An IUD can last up to 5 years and during that time, you’ll progressively bleed less.XTrustworthy SourcePubMed CentralJournal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of HealthGo to source
  • If you’ve always had a relatively light period, you might find that you no longer have a period once you get an IUD.
  • Common side effects of an IUD include acne, spotting, mood swings, and breast tenderness. They also sometimes cause the growth of benign cysts in your ovaries, but these aren’t harmful and will usually go away on their own within a year.
  • Talk to your doctor if you’re interested in an IUD. Serious side effects or complications are really rare, but you might not be able to get an IUD if you have a sexually transmitted disease, pelvic infection, cervical cancer, or uterine cancer.XResearch source
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    Is It Safe To Delay Your Period At All

    So there’s some good news here: You absolutely can delay your periodand do it in a safe way. But that can only be done with one specific hormonal birth control method: the combination pill .

    “A birth control pill has 21 days of hormones, usually ethinyl estradiol and progestin, and seven days of a placebo pill that prompts you to have an artificial period,” Alyse Kelly-Jones, MD, an OB-GYN in Charlotte, N.C., told Health. “To delay your period, you would skip the placebo and immediately start a new pack of pills.”

    Doing this for just one cycle can delay your period by as much as another three weeks, said Dr. Kelly-Jones. The only caveat is that you need to plan accordingly and with plenty of notice if you’re not already on hormonal birth control to begin with. “If you come to me two weeks out from your wedding or vacation and aren’t already on birth control, I probably won’t be able to help you,” said Dr. Kelly-Jones. “At best, you might be able to delay it in time, but at worst, you might cause all kinds of irregular bleeding, which would be even less appealing.”

    That’s because, with your birth control pills already in place, your body is like a well-oiled machine, while starting birth control from scratch can sometimes be a lengthy process to find one that works with your body to your liking.

    Is It Safe To Reduce Heavy Period Flow With Ibuprofen

    First and foremost, touch base with your doc to make sure its safe for you to take high doses of ibuprofenfor any reason. Once you get that OK, the recommended dose to reduce heavy period flow is between 600 and 800 mg of ibuprofen once a day , starting on the first day of bleeding. This daily dose can be continued for four or five days, or until menstruation stops, says Dr. Lewin.

    Keep in mind: Ibuprofen wont totally eliminate period blood flow, and the research backing the method is super limited. A 2013 review of studies assessing the management of heavy menstrual bleeding, published in the medical journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, suggests that taking NSAIDs may reduce bleeding by 28 to 49 percent for those who experience a heavy period flow .A more recent review published online in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found that NSAIDs are modestly effective at reducing heavy menstrual bleeding, noting that other medicines commonly used to alleviate heavy period flowincluding IUDs, tranexamic acid , and danazol are more effective. So, while taking ibuprofen to reduce heavy period flow isnt necessarily a foolproof method, it could be a good option for those who experience occasional heavy menstrual bleeding and cramping.

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    What Should I Expect During Menstrual Suppression Treatment

    There are many different options for menstrual suppression, and your doctor will work with you to find the best one based on your individual medical history. Most teens have no side effects or minimal side effects depending on which option they choose. Menstrual suppression typically takes 3 to 6 months before periods are stopped completely.

    The hormonal medications used for menstrual suppression act on receptors located in the cells of the uterine lining to keep this lining thin. When the lining does not build up, it is safe to go without menstrual periods.

    Menstrual suppression medications are known as hormonal therapies, and there are many ways these medications can be delivered, including a pill, skin patch, vaginal ring, injection or an implant. All these options contain progestin, which causes the lining of the uterus to grow thin so menstrual bleeding can be safely suppressed. The progestin-containing intrauterine device is a way to deliver medication directly to the lining of the uterus.

    Who Should Consider Menstrual Suppression

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    Any girl, teen or young woman with menstrual periods can consider using medication to safely reduce or stop their periods. Sometimes doctors suggest menstrual suppression for medical reasons like heavy periods, painful periods or endometriosis. Menstrual suppression can also help with other medical conditions that may get worse during menstrual periods such as headaches, seizures, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and chronic pain.

    Young women with physical or developmental disabilities may prefer to not have periods if personal hygiene is difficult. Finally, some may choose to have fewer or no menstrual periods because it is their personal preference to not experience menstrual bleeding each month.

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    Natural Treatments For The Heavy Periods Of Teenagers

    Heavy periods are a temporary thing for teenagers. They happen because:

    • estrogen receptors are quite sensitive for the first few years of periods
    • cycles are often still anovulatory, so there is no progesterone being made to lighten the period.

    As estrogen receptors become less sensitive and girls start to ovulate, periods should lighten.

    Here are some simple ways to reduce heavy menstrual flow in teenagers:

    • Conventional anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen block prostaglandins and reduce menstrual flow by half. I learned this simple treatment from Canadian endocrinologist Jerilynn Prior. The recommended dose is 200mg every 6 hours during the first day or two of the period. Ibuprofen is not a natural treatment as such, but in my view, it is a very sensible and practical solution. Two days of ibuprofen per month is a better strategy than the pill.
    • Turmeric also works to reduce bleeding. Take it every day throughout the month.
    • Avoid cows milk products to reduce inflammation and lighten periods. Dairy-free really works for some girls, but it might take two to three months to see the full benefit. A2 milk is usually ok. Read What dairy does to periods.
    • Supplement iron. Heavy periods cause iron deficiency and iron deficiency worsen heavy periods. Use a good quality, gentle chelated iron . The dose is 15-50 mg and is best taken after the evening meal.

    Can Other Hormonal Methods Delay Your Period

    So, the pill is the most effective way to safely delay your period, according to experts. But there are some other methods that may work, as well.

    One of those methods, according to Dr. Kelly-Jones, is the vaginal ring . This hormonal contraception method is FDA approved for use through the same 21 days on, seven days off cycle as the pill. But Annovera has enough hormones to be left in for a full year without changing it, said Dr. Kelly-Jones. The NuvaRing, meanwhile, only has 28 days’ worth of hormones before it has to be replaced with a new one.

    Keep in mind, though, that this is not the FDA-approved use for these methods. “While it’s safe to do this, neither ring is FDA approved for this method,” said Dr. Kelly-Jones.

    Along the same lines, the birth control patch could technically be used in this way, as well. “Similarly, you can also use the birth control patch continuously by using a new patch every week, and on week four, place a new patch on your body to skip your period,” said Dr. Horton. However, it’s a great idea to keep your healthcare provider in the loop if you plan to try any of these methodsnot only to get their go-ahead but to make them aware of any changes happening in your body.

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    Take Time To Menstruate

    Sure, it sounds corny to take a few days off from your usual life just to sit on the couch and bleed, but sometimes its just what your body needs. Susun Weed calls it Crones Time Away, and its all about acknowledging the changes your bodys going through. As you take time off from your usual routine or duties, make space to ponder the meaning of your fertility cycle and how its end will change you, for whether you will it or not change is coming. For me, that kind of time is bittersweet. I relish the time when my life is no longer dominated by the hormonal ups and downs of fertility, yet I grieve the passing of my child-bearing years just as well. Flooding, as much as I wish Id never experienced it, gives me time and reason to acknowledge my grief then tip the emotional scales in the direction of moving into my Elder Years free of regrets over what might have been.

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    How to Slow Down and Feel More In Control

    A: The options might vary, depending on how far in advance the patient consults us.

    If patients contact us a couple of months ahead of an event, birth control is likely their best chance to reliably delay a period. If they ask for help a week or two in advance, a high dose of progesterone can delay their period for a week or so.

    But remember: Everybody is different. Some women can skip periods for a whole year, and have no bleeding, on certain treatments. Some can only delay periods for two to three weeks, and then will start to get breakthrough bleeding.

    For others, we cant ever completely stop their periods, but we can slow or delay them.

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    Can Exercise Shorten Your Period

    Getting regular exercise can have an impact on the length of our period. By staying fit and keeping active you might be able to shorten your periods as well as lightening your flow. Also during your period exercise is a great way to relieve any pain that you may be experiencing, as the body releases its natural painkillers- endorphins.

    By doing exercising that stretches your muscles such as yoga, you can help to loosen the muscles in your abdomen, back and thighs which may help to make you feel better while youre on your period.

    Emergency Treatment To Rapidly Stop Heavy Bleeding

    Some women have very heavy bleeding during a period. This can cause a lot of blood loss, and distress. One option as an emergency treatment is to take a course of norethisterone tablets. Norethisterone is a progestogen medicine. Progestogens act like the bodys natural progesterone hormones they control the build-up of cells lining the womb .So, if a period is very heavy or prolonged, your doctor may advise that you take norethisterone tablets. A dose of 5 mg three times daily for 10 days is the usual treatment. Bleeding usually stops within 24-48 hours of starting treatment. If bleeding is exceptionally heavy then 10 mg three times daily may be given. This should then be tapered down to 5 mg three times daily for a week, once your bleeding has stopped.

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    Reasons To Stop Your Period

    During menstruation, your breast may feel tender. You may also notice bloating around your abdomen or mood swings. Other symptoms will include acne, cramping, and sleep issues.

    With such symptoms, some people may choose not to have their period altogether. Medical experts say that there is no harm in skipping your period. Stopping your period, therefore, does not harm your general health or fertility.

    So what are some of the reasons you would wish to stop your period? You might opt out of your monthly vaginal discharge if:

    • Youre an athlete or are set to perform some strenuous activities
    • You experience heavy flow
    • You will need to change your gender, this is an example in cases where you are assigned a female birth, but that does not reflect your true gender identity.
    • You h a ve serious condition such as endometriosis, a condition where the tissues lining your uterus grow outside. This may make your period painful.
    • You are tired of buying a sanitary towel
    • You would wish to stop premenstrual syndrome symptoms such as nausea, cramp and mood swings
    • You simply do not want to have your periods!

    Take The Right Nutrients

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    It is also important to provide your body with the right nutrition. Micronutrients like vitamin B complex are very significant for your overall health. Vitamin B6, in particular, is found to promote progesterone and decrease estrogen . This can be quite helpful in regulating your periods.

    Zinc and magnesium are two other essential nutrients that can help reduce period cramps , . These minerals can help you plan your cycle and manage its symptoms.

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    Top 64 Best Tips On How To Stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Flow

    1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    The first and foremost best tip on how to stop heavy menstrual bleeding flow that we want to introduce here is apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar, also known as cider or ACV, can be found easily in many kitchens. This apple must is widely used in salad and has a lot of amazing health benefits. It can benefits your health in many ways such as regulating blood sugar levels, enhancing weight loss, lowering cholesterol, improving skin health, reducing blood pressure, relieving acid refluxs symptoms, fighting fungus, soothing sunburns, treating warts, healing itchy poison ivy rash, warding off seasonal allergies, keeping hair shiny, whitening teeth, stopping colds symptoms and even heavy menstrual bleeding flow.

    ACV is well known for treating symptoms associated with heavy menstrual bleeding such as headaches, fatigue, cramping, bloating, intestinal discomfort and irritability. It has the antiseptic properties that can cleanse the internal system. Moreover, the vinegar with amber color can also act as a tonic to kick toxins out of your body and balance hormones. A study found that women with irregular and heavy periods due to polycystic ovarian syndrome should consume apple cider vinegar daily because this can help them boost their fertility and make periods regular. Thanks to all these advantages, apple cider vinegar is used as an effective home remedy for heavy menstrual bleeding. All you have to do is:

    2. Red Raspberry Leaf

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