Signs That You Started Your Period

When Will I Get My First Period Quiz

5 Signs Your FIRST Period is Coming! (how to tell) | Just Sharon

As a girl waits for her first period, her mind is filled with queries and questions. Generally, a girl has her first period by the time she reaches 12 or 13 years of age. Though, few may start it as early as 8 or 9 years, while others may not have it until 15 or 16 years of age. Following are 3 quizzes which can help you know how far you period is.

Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3

Signs To Tell When You’ll Get Your First Period

Every woman during the reproductive ages will have menses. Menstruation or period is the shedding of the uterine lining called the endometrium, which is in the form of bleeding from the womb and appears in the vagina. A period is a part of the woman’s menstruation cycle and may repeat every 24 days to 35 days. In most women, it is usually about 28 days approximately.

Youre Crying At Cat Videos

This is the big one: premenstrual syndrome, or PMS for short. Normally you experience PMS one or two weeks before your period begins so this is a sign that your period is right around the corner! Recognizing the symptoms of PMS can be a bit tricky some people dont get it at all, other people really do.

You may experience some of the following symptoms: acne, tender breasts, tiredness, bloating, an upset tummy, or strange food cravings, not to mention you may feel super emotional. Even period veterans sometimes get their periods, then look back on the past week and think oh, thats why I was crying over that cat video two days ago! Pesky hormones can catch us all by surprise, so dont worry if you dont recognize the symptoms straight away.

Mood swings happen throughout puberty, so knowing if its just a mood swing or your period knocking on the door can be pretty tricky!

Though its easier said than done, try not to compare yourself to your friends. Your period will come when your body is ready if you hit 16 and you still have no sign of it, go and speak to a doctor, they will be able to run tests and give you some clear answers.

A big step towards handling your first period smoothly is being prepared.

Carry a spare pair of undies in your bag and a panty liner, just in case you get your period when youre not at home. Do a bit of research into some of the period protection products out there. You can try out everything to find out what works best for you and your body.

Recommended Reading: Spotting A Few Days After Period

Further Reading For Girls

Page last reviewed: 05 August 2019 Next review due: 05 August 2022

What If I Bleed Through My Clothes Are They Ruined

Talking about First Period

Not necessarily! Before we get into the nitty-gritty, know that leaks happen to everyone.

When you first start your period, youre learning about how much you bleed, how much your menstrual product can hold, and when your flow is heaviest.

If you can, keep a couple of stain wipes in your bag. They can help get the worst of the stain out and hold things over until youre able to clean the fabric properly.

You can also tie a jacket or sweatshirt around your waist to help cover the stain until youre able to change.

When you get home, try this method to get blood stains off:

  • Soak the stained fabric in cold water as soon as possible. Warm or hot water will cause the stain to set into the fabric, so make sure the water is cold.
  • If you have stain remover handy, nows the time to spray it on. Make sure the affected area is completely soaked. Allow it to sit for as long as the products label recommends.
  • If you dont have a stain remover or you want to double up on your technique rub bar soap or dab liquid soap into the affected area. You should get a small lather, where little bubbles appear on your pants.
  • Rinse and repeat the soap scrub until the stain lifts.
  • If the stain doesnt remove all the way, you can wash the clothing in the washing machine. Just make sure you use cold water instead of warm or hot.
  • Allow the clothing to air-dry. The heat from the dryer can make the stain set permanently.
  • Also Check: Can I Go In The Pool With My Period

    What Are Signs Of Period Coming Discharge

    Vaginal discharge before period is thick white discharge.

    During your menstrual cycle, your vaginal discharge may change from time to time. At the beginning of your cycle, after menstruation ends, vaginal discharge is thick white. Some women may experience vaginal dryness just after period ends.

    At the middle of your cycle or just before ovulation occurs, vaginal discharge becomes stretchy and egg white. After ovulation occurs and before your period, vaginal discharge is thick white again.

    Changes in vaginal discharge are due to hormone changes during menstrual cycles. Thick white discharge is a sign your period is coming. It occurs due to low levels of progesterone and estrogen.

    How Will I Know When My Periods Are Going To Start

    Signs that your period is on its way are if you’ve grown underarm and pubic hair. Typically, you’ll start your periods about 2 years after your breasts start growing and about a year after getting a white vaginal discharge. The average girl will get her first period around 12 years old, but it varies from person to person.

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    What Do I Need To Know About My Period

    Menstruation is when blood from your uterus drips out of your vagina for a few days every month. You start getting your period during puberty, usually when youre around 12-15 years old.

    Your menstrual cycle is what makes your period come every month. Its controlled by hormones in your body. The purpose of the menstrual cycle is to help your body get ready for pregnancy. Your menstrual cycle = the time from the 1st day of your period to the 1st day of your next period. Learn more about how your menstrual cycle works.

    Most people get their period every 21-35 days around once a month . The bleeding lasts for 2-7 days its different for everyone. Your period might not always come at the same time each month, especially when you first start getting it. It can take a few years for your period to settle into its natural rhythm, and some people never get regular periods throughout their lives.

    Missing your period can be a sign of pregnancy if youve had penis-in-vagina sex without using birth control. But there are other reasons your period might be late, too. Learn more about what to do if you miss your period.

    There are lots of ways to deal with the blood that comes out of your vagina when you have your period. You can use pads, tampons, period underwear, or a menstrual cup to collect the blood, so it doesnt get on your clothes. Learn more about using tampons, period underwear, pads, and cups.

    Can A Girl Get Pregnant As Soon As Her Period Starts

    20 Signs Your Period is Coming (how to tell period symptoms) | Just Sharon

    Yes, a girl can get pregnant as soon as her period starts. A girl can even get pregnant right before her very first period. This is because a girl’s hormones might already be active. The hormones may have led to and the building of the uterine wall. If a girl has sex, she can get pregnant, even though she has never had a period.

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    Signs You’re About To Start Your Period

    It is important for every girl to know the signs that her period is about to start. You really don’t want to get caught unprepared or unaware, do you? The good thing is that your body will show some signs telling you to get ready your first period. These signs could be different for different girls. Some may experience bloating, nausea, light cramping, and constipation, while others may also experience fatigue, puffy face, hot flashes, tooth pain, and general achiness. Your breasts may swell a bit and you may experience lower back pain with increased urination. Why do you experience these signs? Will there be some other common signs?

    Recognizing Signs Of Puberty

  • 1Look for breast development. Your breasts may take several years to fully develop, but when they first start to grow, you will know that you have started puberty. Most girls get their first periods about two to two-and-a-half years after their breasts first begin to develop.XResearch source
  • 2Watch for pubic hair. Most girls start growing hair in the pubic area shortly after their breasts begin developing. This is another sign that your first period will probably come within the next year or two.XResearch source
  • You will probably notice underarm hair developing around this same time.
  • 3Notice vaginal discharge. Many girls will notice small amounts of white or off-white discharge in their panties during puberty. This is usually a sign that your period will start within the next few months.XResearch source
  • 4Pay attention to growth spurts. Your first period usually comes shortly after the growth spurt in puberty, or when you are growing rapidly in height. So if you recently shot up a few inches, your period might not be far behind. Also, your hips will get wider, but don’t worry! This might be an awkward phase.XResearch sourceAdvertisement
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    Signs Of Period Coming But No Period

    If you experience signs of period coming but no period, then it may be due to pregnancy.

    Pregnancy may cause you to have signs of period Headache and cramps, but no period coming.

    If pregnant, you may experience brown spotting before period or sometimes an unusual early light period.

    Are you getting tired easily? Do you feel like vomiting? Are you craving for a specific kind of diet? Then its possible you may be pregnant.

    Other causes of signs ofperiod coming but no period are stress, weight loss, contraceptive pills, obesity, weight loss, ovarian cyst and polycystic ovarian disease.

    What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Menstruation

    Have You Ever Encoutered These Signs During Your Period ...

    Bleeding from the vagina is the primary sign of menstruation, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t experience a whole host of signs before your menstrual flow begins and during your period. These symptoms can include :

    • Cramping, bloating, and sore breasts
    • Water retention
    • Mood swings and irritability
    • A headache and fatigue

    emotional or physical changes around the time their period occurspremenstrual syndrome . may also experience positive sensations

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    Who Is This Quiz For

    The quiz is designed for girls aged over the age of 8 years who have not yet started their periods, but who have started to show some signs of puberty. It consists of seven simple questions relating to changes in your body that might indicate your period is on its way.

    Each time you select an answer you will be given some information about the symptoms you are experiencing and what they might mean and, at the end, your result will give you an indication of whether your first period might be on its way.

    Quiz: When will I get my first period?

    Having Your First Period Is A Big Event In A Girls Life But When Does It Happen

    Many girls start their period around 12 years of age , but it can happen anytime between 10 and 15. Some start as early as 8. Most girls have their first period at about the same age as their mothers and older sisters. Ask yours when they started, and itll give you a good clue about when youll get your first period. Youre probably already noticing changes in your body that are letting you know youve reached puberty. All these changes come about because of hormones, estrogen, and progesterone , that are flowing through your body. Estrogen causes menstrual periods and breast development. Watching for the changes in your body will let you know when to expect your first period.

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    How Do I Choose A Pad Or Tampon That Is Right For Me

    There are smaller, slender pads and tampons available that young women often prefer, particularly when they first start menstruating. You may find it helpful to use different products over the course of your period, with more absorbent tampons or pads being used on heavier flow days, and smaller tampons or pantiliners on low flow days. Each woman has her own preferences and whatever works best for your body is just fine!

    How To Prepare For Your First Period

    How to Tell Your Period Is Coming | First Period Signs!

    There are a few suggestions that can help in managing the first period effectively.

    1. Know What It Is Like

    Usually the first period is very light and may not even look like blood. Instead, it is a bright red drop or brownish or sticky discharge in the underwear. On average, a woman loses around 1 Oz or 30 ml of blood which equals to two bottles of nail polish during her period. As the first period happens, some may feel wet or liquid flowing out of the vagina, while others may not feel anything. This blood from the vagina is a sign of good healthy and hence those phobic for blood should treat it as a sign of good health.

    2. Buy Necessary Supplies

    There are a wide variety of feminine hygiene products available in the market. Start with pads that aren’t bulky and have light or medium absorbency. Practicing wearing a pad before the actual period starts helps in understanding its required middle position. Either one uses a tampon or a menstrual cup, it is more important to be comfortable with the protection that one chooses.

    3. Bring Pads with You

    If your “When will I get my first period quiz” tells you that you period is just around the corner, you should always bring pads with you. It is possible that one may get her period while away from home. In such situation, having a pad surely gives peace of mind. They can be stored in a makeup bag or pencil case to avoid falling or getting noticed. Cramps in period can be very well managed with over the counter medications.

    Read Also: Light Pink Blood When I Wipe But No Period

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