Healing Period For Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom Tooth Removal Recovery Timeline


When Aurora area residents need to have their wisdom teeth removed, they often ask Dr. Williams about what their recovery will be like. Pain, swelling, and discomfort are all-natural results of the tooth pulling process, but you should know what to expect in the hours and days after you have your wisdom teeth removed. Keep reading to learn a little more about wisdom teeth removal and the recovery timeline.

Lets Talk Wisdom Tooth Extraction Healing Process

The timeline for wisdom tooth removal recovery is a big concern for parents and teens. This is especially true if wisdom tooth extraction is being planned around a school calendar. If youre having wisdom teeth extracted as an adult, youll also need to know what to expect after oral surgery, particularly when it comes to days taken off work.

One of the biggest factors that have to do with your wisdom tooth removal recovery is swelling or inflammation. Although its natural to see some swelling before you have your third molars removed, the surgery itself can cause inflammation in the tissues immediately around the extraction site. Knowing how to plan for your surgery and steps to take afterward can minimize potential discomfort.

Restrictions On Activities / How Much Time Will You Need To Take Off

The amount of postoperative rest and recuperation you require will vary according to the circumstances of your extraction process.

a) With routine extractions.

Most patients are probably best served by just going on home after their tooth extraction and taking it easy.

  • Doing so will give you some privacy and adjustment time during that awkward period while your anesthetic is wearing off and your sites bleeding is coming to an end.
  • It will also give you an opportunity to familiarize yourself and get in sync with your dentists all-important postoperative instructions.

Possible guidelines.

Returning to routine non-strenuous activities the next day should present no problem. If you have more aggressive or involved activities in mind you should clear them with your dentist.

Generally speaking, for people who are healthy who have had the easiest, most routine kind of extraction:

  • After a short period of recuperation, you may be able to return to non-strenuous activities even the same day of your surgery.
  • With extractions involving small-sized wounds whose bleeding has been easily controlled , returning to moderate physical activity the day following your extraction may be permissible too.

Ask your dentist for instructions. And of course, it always makes sense to error on the side of caution.

b) With difficult or involved extractions.
c) Taking time off / Sick leave What research studies have found.


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Days Four To Seven Of Wisdom Teeth Recovery

Though the time it takes to recover from wisdom teeth removal surgery varies, most patients can return to their normal routine by day four. You should still avoid strenuous activities, like running or heavy lifting. Swelling usually peaks at day four or five, and should start to recede after this. Your pain should also noticeably subside. If the pain has not subsided or, especially, if it has gotten worse or extended to your ear, you may have an infection or dry socket and you should contact your dentist or surgeon immediately.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Caution: Loose Stitches

You may notice after day five that your stitches feel loose, or some may even come out or dissolve. Dont worry this means your mouth is healing normally. Resist the urge to touch or pull at the stitches with your tongue. Let them come out or dissolve naturally. Attempting to pull on the stitches can slow the wisdom teeth removal healing process. If swallowed, the stitches wont hurt you, so dont worry if some go missing.

What Will You Notice / What Will Your Extraction Site Look Like

Tips to Help You Recover after Wisdom Tooth Extraction ...
a) During the first 24 hours following your extraction, you should notice that
  • A blood clot has filled the tooths empty socket.
  • And the bleeding from your wound has stopped. If not , in cases where bleeding persists, it interferes with the formation of tissues that are needed for the healing process to progress.
b) Also during the first 24 hours
  • Youll hopefully notice that the level of any discomfort associated with your extraction site has begun to slowly subside.
  • Youll probably find that the region immediately adjacent to the empty socket is tender when touched.
  • Traumatized gum tissue immediately surrounding your socket may have a whitish appearance.
  • Its possible that youll find some degree of swelling has already started to form, both in the tissues that surround your extraction site and possibly your face too.
Whats taking place with the gum tissue around your extraction site at this stage?

While you wont really be able to notice anything, the creation of new gum tissue around the edges of your wound has already begun. This starts as early as 12 hours post-extraction.

Whats going on inside your tooths socket?

Immediately following your tooths extraction its socket will fill with blood and the formation of a clot will begin. The blood clot typically fills the socket up to the level of the gum tissue surrounding it.

The clot itself is composed of platelets and red and white blood cells, all embedded together in a fibrin gel.

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How Long Will It Takes To Heal From Wisdom Tooth Extraction

It usually takes one week to remove stitches sometimes, surgery-induced swelling, bruising, and pain will also take a week or two to heal.

The healing process includes the following stages:

  • In the First 24 Hours Blood clots will form
  • After 2 to 3 Days Swelling of the cheeks and mouth will subside
  • After One Week Your dentist will remove the stitches
  • Within 7 to 10 Days Jaw stiffness and soreness will subside
  • After 2 WeeksAny mild bruising on the face will heal

Oral Surgery After Care Instructions:

  • Bite down with firm pressure on cotton gauze or damp cotton pack placed over the extraction socket for at least 30 minutes
  • Use ice packs for first 24 hours to minimize chances of swelling
  • Take a mild strength painkiller for reducing pain and discomfort
  • Avoid spitting, sneezing or coughing
  • Do not smoke
  • Avoid sucking on a straw with pressure to avoid clot dislodgment
  • Eat soft, cold and non-spicy foods
  • Restrict your physical activities and take complete rest for 24-48 hours
  • Avoid vigorous rinsing, spitting and repeated touching or licking the area of surgery,
  • Perform warm water saline rinses 4-5 times a day after 24 hours to flush out food debris for soothing and antibacterial effect,
  • Minimal post-operative bleeding is a common occurrence. Do not panic. However if persistent bleeding is encountered, bite firmly on a wet tea bag and call your oral surgeon
  • If any silk sutures were placed in your mouth, visit after 7 days for their removal.

If Wisdom Teeth Healing does not follow the schedule above, and especially if there is not progress after days 3-4 and the pain even worsens, you should call you Oral Surgeon Immediately because you may have a Dry Socket. Dry Socket requires immediate attention and treatment by the Oral Surgeon.

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Rinse With Salt Water

After the first 48 hours, rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water a few times daily to keep your wound clean.

  • Some other tips that you can follow to recover post wisdom tooth extraction are:
  • Get photobiomodulation therapy to reduce pain, swelling, and trismus
  • Dont let your mouth dry out
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Avoid overusing medications

At your one-week post-op check, we may dispense an irrigating syringe to use in the extraction sites to keep them clean of food debris until fully healed.

What To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Recovery Tips From San Rafael CA Dentist

For the first 24 hours after your surgery, you should have only liquids and very soft foods like applesauce or mashed potatoes. Avoid very hot, spicy, crunchy, hard-edged foods .

During days 2-3, you can start to eat a larger variety of foods. Its important to get plenty of calories and nutrients, but you may not have much of an appetite. Prepare ahead of time for an easy-to-fix menu.

How long after wisdom teeth removal can you eat normally? 4 days after wisdom tooth extraction, you should be able to eat normally, unless you have complications like dry socket or infection.

Check out my free guide for how to eat after oral surgery for a complete shopping list and the best foods to encourage fast healing.

I recommend plenty of vitamin K2 and D3 foods after a wisdom tooth extraction. These nutrients, together with vitamin A and calcium, encourage bone growth.

If you cant or dont eat foods rich in K2 and/or D3, you may also supplement both vitamins.

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How Long Is The Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Period

Your healing timeline is highly dependant on the condition of your mouth and the complexity of your surgery. On average, most patients feel they are back to normal after about seven days.

Some patients need stitches to close up the wound after a wisdom tooth extraction. In this instance, the stitch is typically removed after a week.

In very complex cases there may also be bruising, pain and swelling, and these symptoms will also require a healing period.

Your healing process will probably follow these stages:

Blood clots

A Dental Surgeon Can Remove Wisdom Teeth In Less Than Two Hours Says Dr

How long does it take for wisdom teeth to heal. After wisdom tooth extraction extracted wisdom teeth sockets tooth extraction healing time wisdom teeth removal what to expect wisdom teeth removal recovery to. Impacted wisdom teeth can be a big oral problem when left untreated, as it does not only cause discomfort and pain associated with mouth uses, but also lead to other more severe complications. Most people fully recover within three to four days after surgery.

It can take up to 2 weeks to recover fully after wisdom teeth removal. It takes about 6 weeks for the jaw bone and gum tissue to repair itself following wisdom teeth extractions. The healing time following a wisdom tooth extraction may last several weeks, according to the american association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

Tissues to completely heal after a few weeks and up to a few months. Wisdom teeth removal recovery survival why we have wisdom teeth surgery pain tooth extraction healing time dry socket symptoms treatment and more how long does it take for a wisdom tooth extraction to heal s been close week and the pain has stopped me from working quorawhat are those grey clumps on my wisdom tooth To sum up, you can expect roughly 3 days of mild discomfort after your procedure, with up to.

What are those grey clumps on my wisdom tooth hole it s been 16 hours since the extraction quora. Healed and you can enjoy life without the worry of wisdom teeth! How wisdom tooth is removed.

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What You Can Expect From The Third Molar Extraction Procedure

A wisdom tooth is best tackled by a trained and certified oral surgeon. The procedure begins with an X-ray and then the numbing of the area being operated on. An X-ray is taken to help the dentist view the exact condition of your gums and teeth. Before the removal of your tooth, your dental specialist will administer an injection of local anesthetic or pain medicine and the area will become numb. They may give you general anesthetic if you are undergoing real gum surgery to remove a tooth that stayed under the gums or erupted partially. General anesthetic will get rid of pain in the whole body. This is a decision that only your dentist can make correctly.

Next, the dental specialist will cut bone tissue and gum that covers your tooth. Using forceps, he or she will grasp the tooth and gently move it back and forth to cause it to loosen from the jaw bone and ligaments. If this doesnt work out, he or she may remove your wisdom tooth in smaller pieces or through real surgery. A surgically removed tooth requires suturing to encourage quick recovery. It all depends on the degree of complexity met when trying to remove a tooth.

If it occurs, you can only be cured at the dentists office, where a medicated dressing will be placed over the socket for a number of days. This dressing is known to protect the area from an infection and encourage the formation of a new clot. Once it does, the area will heal quickly and fill up.

Is Wisdom Teeth Recovery Painful

Why did a piece of something come out of my wisdom tooth ...

It is important the patient must make themselves comfortable during the wisdom tooth extraction recovery period. As swelling and pain is the most common cause of the discomfort, one must follow all the steps to take the inflammation down. Following the guidelines recommended by the oral surgeon, can lessen the severity of swelling following the wisdom tooth removal.

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Foods To Eat And Foods To Avoid

Staying hydrated and eating healthy after your wisdom teeth removal is an important factor for a healthy recovery. However, you may need to change some eating habits for the first week or so following the procedure. Here are some foods to eat, and some to avoid, during wisdom teeth recovery.

Eat. For the first few days after surgery, start by eating soft foods that dont require chewing, such as:

  • Soup
  • Pudding
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Smoothies

Avoid. Some foods can easily get into the sockets and in teeth and cause pain and damage to the healing wounds. Avoid eating foods like:

  • Sticky candy
  • Hard, crunchy food like chips, pretzels, nuts, and seeds
  • Extremely hot food

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a procedure you should take seriously but not something to fear. The recovery period usually takes a few days, and, in some cases, there may still be swelling and discomfort for a week or more. You can help reduce pain and prevent infection by using ice packs, enjoying soft foods, and keeping your mouth clean with salt water. Dont hesitate to call your oral surgeon if you notice any unusual symptoms after your surgery. They will help get you on the road to recovery and back to a healthy and confident smile.

What Will You Notice As The Bone Fills In


During the initial weeks following your extraction, it will be easy for you to see and feel the pronounced hole left in your jawbone.

In some cases, it may be deep enough that it traps food and debris. When. How to. to keep them clean during the early weeks of healing.)

As the healing process progresses.

The formation of new bone first starts adjacent to the bony walls of the tooths socket, which means that as the healing process progresses the socket will fill in from the bottom and sides first.

In terms of appearance, that means that over time the width and depth of the wound will become more narrow and shallow. What once was a hole will gradually transform into less of one, then just a divot, then a dimple, ultimately smoothing out and blending in with the contours of the surrounding bone.

A healed extraction site.

Note the sunken appearance of the bone due to ridge resorption.

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