Does The Period Go Inside The Quotation Marks

What Is A Floating Quote And How Do You Correct It

Do periods go inside or outside quotation marks?

Floating quotations are quotations which seem to have been thrown into a paragraph randomly, without any explanation. Here is an example of a floating quotation: Petrarch notices how quickly time goes by therefore it makes him question why he waited so long to change his ways to reach eternity in heaven.

Do You Put A Period After A Phrase

The MLA Style Center A sentence should never have two periods at the end. If a sentence ends with an abbreviation followed by a period, do not add an additional period: She explained the rules for periods, commas, semicolons, etc.

How do you punctuate quotation marks?

Quotation marks and other punctuation marks In the United States, the rule of thumb is that commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks, and colons and semicolons go outside: There was a storm last night, Paul said. Peter, however, didnt believe him.

How Do You Cite A Quote That Is Longer Than 40 Words In Apa

Prolonged quotations Direct quotes of 40 words or more should be included in a free-standing block of typewritten lines, with quotation marks omitted. Begin the citation on a new line, indented 1/2 inch from the left margin, just as you would a new paragraph. Include the page number within this block of text.

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Quotation Marks Inside Quotation Marks

This section is slightly off-topic, but it’s just as confusing to a lot of people. Always use single quotation marks when quoting something that is inside double quotation marks. For example:

“We tell the kids all the time, ‘Control what you can control. The other stuff doesn’t matter,'” Frank said. “Thankfully, they do a good job of listening to that advice.”

Alicia added, “I couldn’t help but say to myself, ‘Come on, girl. You’ve got this.'”

Is The Period Inside Or Outside The Quotation Marks

Punctuation Inside or Outside Quotation Marks?

The period always goes inside the quotation marks.

Do you put a comma or a period inside a quote?

Commas and Periods. In American usage, commas and periods at the end of quotes always go inside the quotation marks. In British usage, they can go either inside or outside . American style guides such as Associated Press ,

Do you put the punctuation mark inside or outside the quote?

If youre confused about whether to put the punctuation mark inside or outside the quotation mark, youre certainly not alone. The answer depends on where you are in the world, which punctuation mark youre using, and the content of your quoted material.

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Use Of Quotation Marks And Mla In

In this class, we will be using MLA in-text citation for quotations and U.S. conventions of punctuation. This means that periods and commas are placed INSIDE quotation marks all other punctuation marks are placed OUTSIDE. See the below examples and also the relevant sections in the MLA handbook, The Bedford Handbook, and the use of quotations in the sample papers on reserve.

Line Quotation:

The poems title, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, is actually an ironic commentary on Prufrocks failure to develop any sustainable relationships and his own recognition of his failure to act: I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker .

Line Quotation :

Eliots use of repetition, such as the refrain In the room the women come and go/Talking of Michelangelo, demonstrates both the passage of time and Prufrocks ineffectiveness to make decisions or pursue his desires .

Line Quotation :

Futility appears as a theme in many of Eliots poems, demonstrated by Prufrocks constant rhetorical questions, And should I then presume?/And how should I begin? and images of death: In this decayed hole among the mountains/In the faint moonlight, the grass is singing/Over the tumbled graves .

Quotation within a Quotation:

Unbeknownst to her, Marys assertion to her husband that I am of no more use at home than you are reflects all too well on her ineffectual domestic abilities .

Block Quotation:

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A Word Please: Should You Use One And Where Does It Go Apostrophes Can Be Complicated

Grammar columnist June Casagrande shares six advanced apostrophe uses even astute writers can get wrong.

Single quotation marks indicate a quotation within a quotation: Tracy recalled, I was shocked when Rick said, I hate spinach. A lot of news agencies use single quote marks in headlines instead of regular quotation marks because they save space and are easier on the eyes. But thats the only time they can be used like regular quotation marks in American English.

Dont use single quote marks as what I call quotation marks lite, for example instead of double quote marks in this sentence. Even if when youre just pointing out a word youre talking about, like this, or if youre writing the title of a movie or book, double quotes are the only correct options.

For quotes within quotes within quotes, alternate between double quotation marks and singles: Tracy recalled, I was shocked when Rick said, I call spinach bitter leaves. Theoretically, you could go on like that indefinitely, nesting single quotes within double quotes within single quotes and on and on. Obviously, that doesnt come up much. But no matter how many quotes in quotes youre writing, the period stays inside all of them.

The same doesnt apply to quotation marks or exclamation points, which can come either before or after a closing quotation mark depending on whether they apply to the whole sentence or just the quoted portion: Did Bob just say hello? Bob just asked, How are you?

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Quotation Marks With Exclamation Points And Question Marks

When combining exclamation points and question marks with quotation marks, however, Americans follow the same logical system as the British. Where you place the other marks relative to the quotation mark depends on the context of the quotation.

If the whole sentence, including the quotation, is a question or an exclamation, then the question mark or exclamation point goes outside the closing quotation mark but if only the part inside the quotation marks is a question or exclamation, then the question mark or exclamation point goes inside the closing quotation mark. Examples will help.

In this sentence, the whole thing is a question, so the question mark goes after the closing quotation mark:

Did she ask you whether you enjoyed Aardvarks song Ode to Ants?

However, in this sentence only the part in quotation marks is a question, so the question mark goes inside the closing quotation mark:

I love Aardvarks song Where Have All the Ants Gone?

The same rules apply for exclamation points.

Is The Period Before Or After The Parentheses

Using Periods & Commas in Quotations: Madison College Writing Center

Answer itPeriodsParenthesesparenthesesperiodafter the parenthesis

In respect to this, do you put periods inside or outside quotations?

quotationperiodsinside or outsideweput periodsinside quotationperiodscaninside or outside

Do periods go before or after parentheses when citing?

goes AFTERparenthesisdoquotation marksperiod afterparentheses

Do commas go inside or outside of parentheses?


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Quotation Marks With Semicolons And Colons

With opens in a new windowsemicolons, opens in a new windowcolons, opens in a new windowasterisks, and opens in a new windowdashes, we get back to a simple rule. They go outside the closing quotation mark.

I love Ode to Ants its insightful and moving.Ode to Ants: A Moving and Insightful SongAardvarks greatest hit is Ode to Ants.*I love Ode to Antsits insightful and moving.

Does The Period Go Inside The Quotation Marks In The Chicago Manual Of Style

The period should be placed between the quote marks. A question mark or an exclamation point would be the only end punctuation that would go outside the quotation marks . However, some publications may choose to use these symbols within quotations for various reasons.

In general, periods and commas are used within quotations to indicate words spoken by someone else or included from a source such as a book or article. These internal quotes can be used to highlight a particular word or phrase without altering the meaning of the sentence overall. For example, if you were writing about the dangers of alcohol and wanted to include the word irresponsible when describing drinkers’ behavior, you could insert a quote sign around the word and then use a comma instead of a period because commas are used to separate quoted phrases or words.

Internal quotes are also useful if you want to use a term that has multiple definitions. An editor might suggest changing this to include only one group at a time to avoid confusion between the two terms. You could respond by saying that you were not sure which definition of mammal to use so wanted to be inclusive and include both kinds of animals.

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Does The Comma Go Inside The Quotation Marks

The use of quotation marks and surrounding punctuation Even if they aren’t part of the original quotation, commas and periods that are part of the overall phrase belong within the quotation marks. All markings other than commas and periods are inserted outside the quote marks unless they are part of the original quotation. For example: “I like apples,” she said.

For Appearance Sake: Chicago 1937

Do Quotes Go Inside Or Outside Period

The reason for Chicagos continued exception for commas and periods alone would become evident, but not until 1937, when the tenth edition of the Manual was published:

133. The period is placed inside the quotation marks for appearance sake. . . .

Tennysons In Memoriam.Put the period inside the quotation marks.

The rule for periods is still a rule without exception, as it was in 1906but this time the reminder is in italics, a bit of emphasis that echoes Harts own insistence in 1905 on the opposite principle. Just as interesting are those three words of explanation that precede the example: for appearance sake.

What does that mean?

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Punctuation Inside Or Outside Quotations

Commas and Periods inside in the US, outside in the UK “I know,” she said.
Semicolons and Colons There are two meanings for “381”: an activist group and I love you.
Exclamation Marks and Question Marks inside or outside according to logic She asked, “Do you love me?”Did she say, “I love you”?

A Rule Without Exception: Chicago 1906

When the first edition of Chicagos competing guide went on sale to the publicin 1906, as Manual of Stylethe quotation marks were double, and the commas and periods went inside. So did semicolons, but not colons :

113. Put the period inside the quotation marks.

123. The colon should be placed outside the quotation marks, unless a part of the quotation.

127. The semicolon is always placed inside the quotation marks.

146. The comma is always placed inside the quotation marks.

By 1910, when the second edition of the Manual was published, Chicagos editors had changed their minds about the semicolon, borrowing instead from the rule for colons:

140. The semicolon should be placed outside the quotation marks, unless a part of the quotation.

But why? Isnt a semicolon just a fancy hybrid, stronger than a comma but weaker than a period?

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Where Do You Put The Period After A Quote

1. The final period or comma goes inside the quotation marks, even if it is not a part of the quoted material, unless the quotation is followed by a citation. If a citation in parentheses follows the quotation, the period follows the citation.

Does the period go before or after the quotation mark MLA?

The MLA Handbook notes, By convention, commas and periods that directly follow quotations go inside the closing quotation marks . Thus, in the following sentence, the comma is placed after taught: Youve got to be carefully taught, wrote Oscar Hammerstein II.

Does period go before or after quotation?

When a comma or period is needed after a quotation, publishers in the United States typically put the punctuation mark before the closing quotation mark. The reason for this convention is to improve the appearance of the text.

Where Do The Quotation Marks Go

Does a period go inside quotation marks?

Other punctuation symbols and quotation marks In the United States, commas and periods usually belong within quote marks, but colons, semicolons, and dashes go outside: “There was a storm yesterday night,” Paul stated. “It blew down some trees in our yard.”

Parentheses are used to enclose quoted material or explanations of anything not directly related to the topic at hand. Parentheses start with an open bracket” and end with a close bracket . Within parentheses, other punctuation is allowed.

Quotes start with a single quote mark and end with a single one. Within quotes, other punctuation is allowed except for periods and commas.

A single word or phrase that is quoted is called a syllable. Within quotes, each syllable takes up one unit length of text. So “red”, “green”, and “blue” are three separate words, but “rude”, “kind”, and “sweet” are all one word.

Within quotes, most letters take up one unit length only the letter o takes up two units when used as a single word, so “no” and “too” are two separate words, but “dog” and “zoopies” are one long word.

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Does The Period Go Inside Or Outside The Quote

Would you believe this is the most common mistake writers make when punctuating dialogue? When completing a spoken sentence, the period always goes inside the quote.

Its time to pay the piper.

You might see British editors occasionally place a period outside the quote marks. But in those cases, it is not used for spoken dialogue but for quoting sentence fragments, or perhaps when styling the title of a short story like The Gift of the Magi.

Question Marks And Exclamation Points

If a quotation is a question, but the main sentence is not, we typically place the question mark inside the final quotation marks. In this case, you dont also need a period to end the sentence.

Correct: She looked at me and asked, What is your name? Incorrect: She looked at me and asked, What is your name?

If both the quote and the sentence are questions, you only need a single question mark inside the quotation marks to end both the quote and the sentence.

Correct: Who asked, Are we there yet? Incorrect: Who asked, Are we there yet??

The same rules are typically used for exclamation points: use a single exclamation inside the quotation marks if the quote itself is an exclamation or both the quote and the sentence are exclamations.

Correct: He shouted, Hooray!

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How To Emphasize Book Titles

The way you format titles isnt really governed by grammar rules. Its a matter of style. If you want to, you can emphasize whatever you want, however you wantbut that could make your writing nearly unreadable. Consistency is also very important for emphasis, which is why businesses, institutions, and publications look to style guides.

Book titles are usually put in the same category as other big, standalone, or complete bodies of work like newspapers, symphonies, or publications. Style guides that prescribe the use of italics, such as The Chicago Manual of Style or the AMA Manual of Style, say that titles of such works should be put into italics when appearing in text.

Some writers still use underlining if italicizing is not an option, but generally its considered outdated. You should also note that these guidelines apply to titles that appear in a text and are surrounded by other words. Titles at the top of the page or on the front cover dont require italics or underlining. Their separation from the rest of the text is already enough to get the readers attention. You dont have to italicize the title of your thesis, for example, when it appears on the cover.

Do Commas And Periods Go Inside Or Outside Quotation Marks

Pin by April Michael on me, myself and I

I recently fielded a question about punctuation from a loyal Facebook follower and friend. He asked this: “Question, O Grammar Guru … When a ‘quote’ ends the sentence, sentence-ending punctuation inside or outside the quotes? Or, should I just wait for an upcoming blog?”

The quick answer is inside the quotation marks, and I didn’t even make him wait for this blog! But I wanted to talk a little more about this topic since there are exceptions to everything.

Here are a few basic examples to get you on the right track.

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Does Punctuation Go Inside Quotation Marks

Whether youre writing dialogue or citing information in a paper, its natural to wonder about quotation mark rules. Does punctuation go inside quotation marks? The answer depends on the type of punctuation you are using. This simple break-down, including American and British rules, and quick reference guide will help.

The Us And Uk Rules For Commas And Periods With Quotations

  • Bindle, to todays youth, means a small pack of drug powder.
  • Bindle, to todays youth, means a small pack of drug powder.
  • Conquest, said Thomas Jefferson, is not in our principles.
  • I like apples, said John.
  • . Clearly, we cant use a period here because that would confuse the reader. So, a comma has replaced the period and has been correctly placed inside the quotation to recognize that the quotation had its own end punctuation.)


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