Does Having A Period Mean You Are Fertile

Do You Have Healthy Periods

What does a Heavy Period mean for fertility? | The Fertility Expert

If you can tick off these 8 checkpoints, you can feel confident that your menstrual health is in good order. And that means your fertility health probably is too.

Having said that, it IS possible to have what appears to be a perfectly normal menstrual cycle, but still have an underlying fertility problem. The most common example of this is a luteal phase defect.

Learning fertility awareness and charting your fertility is a great way to discover if your menstrual cycle and periods are normal. It can also help uncover issues such as a luteal phase defect and other more subtle abnormalities.

So when should you be concerned? When should you book an appointment to see your doctor or OBGYN?

Can I Use My Menstrual Cycle To Predict My Due Date

Yes. You can work out how far along your pregnancy is by counting from the first day of your last period.

This can be confusing because you probably didnt get pregnant until around 2 weeks later, after you ovulated. Even if do you know the date you got pregnant, this is counted as day 14 of your pregnancy , not day 1.

Your pregnancy is calculated from your last menstrual period because every time you have a period this is the bodys way of getting ready for pregnancy. It also gives healthcare professionals a standard to follow because its very difficult to know exactly when the sperm fertilised the egg.

If your period is irregular or if youve recently been on the pill it will be harder to try and work out your due date.

The most accurate way to work out your due date is to have an ultrasound scan when youre around 11 to 14 weeks pregnant. This is used to see how for along you are and check your babys development.

What It Can Mean If Your Period Seems Off

Light Bleeding

If your periods start off light and stay light, you might think youre just one of the lucky ones but your uterine lining may not be thick enough. The lining of the uterus needs to be thick in order for the fetus to attach. Things like age, hormones, birth control pills, and stress may cause the flow of your period to change so, its best to consult with your doctor if you are experiencing a lighter flow than usual.

Heavy Bleeding

It is common to have heavier flow days, especially toward the beginning of your cycle but if youre having consistently heavy periods that arent confined to the first few days of your cycle, it could be a sign of hormone problems, growths in the uterus, or certain female cancers.


Some clotting is normal throughout your cycle. However, when the clots are constant and larger than dime size, it could be cause for concern. Something could be blocking the flow from the uterus such as polyps, causing the clotting. Clotting can also be a sign of endometriosis.


Menstrual cramps are a regular experience. Stagnant blood is stuck inside the uterus so, your uterus uses cramps to shake the blood loose. If those cramps get to be unbearable, it may be a sign of a condition like endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or a narrowing of the cervix.

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Also Check: Why Do I Bleed A Lot On My Period

What Are Signs Of Fertility In A Woman

8 Signs of Fertility to Look for Each Month

  • Sign #1: A Positive Result from Your Ovulation Predictor. …
  • Sign #2: A Change in Your Cervical Mucus. …
  • Sign #3: Increased Sex Drive. …
  • Sign #4: Increased Sense of Smell. …
  • Sign #5: Lower Abdominal Pain. …
  • Sign #6: Change in Your Cervical Position. …
  • Sign #7: Breast Tenderness.

You Have An Average Amount Of Blood Flow

How Ovulation works

Everyone’s period is different, so you could experience a heavy flow or the lightest of trickles. And both can be OK. You do, however, want to be somewhere in the middle when trying to get pregnant. As Chang says, “Having normal flow volume and duration are reassuring signs that a good lining is produced and shed each month.”

If you have concerns about the amount of flow you have, let a doctor know. They see if it’s cause for concern, and may direct you to other fertility tests, if you’re trying to get pregnant.

Recommended Reading: What To Do When You Re On Your Period

What About Right Before Your Period

The likelihood of getting pregnant right before your period is extremely low. For women with a typical 28- to 30-day cycle or longer and their cycles are regular, it is fairly safe to say your ovulation occurred between Day 11 and Day 21. The egg is only available for 12 to 24 hours for conception.

This means the days right before your period are the safest to have sex without the expectation of getting pregnant. The number of safe days right before your period go up with longer cycles and lessen with shorter cycles.

If you wait 36 to 48 hours after ovulation, you should be beyond the possibilities of conception. The further you are from ovulation, the less likely your chance for conceiving. This is not the time to have sex if you are trying to conceive. Its still a good time to enjoy intimacy with your partner.

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Why Are My Periods So Heavy

Eliminating an underlying cause for heavy periods should be your first port of call. Polycystic ovary syndrome , endometriosis, fibroids and pelvic inflammatory disease are all possibilities. So consider a trip to your GP to rule these conditions out. It is not uncommon for periods to be heavy, and this may be whats normal for you. That doesnt mean you have to suffer in silence, however. Treatment options such as tranexamic acid are available to you.

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Ovulations And Regular Periods

Assuming a normal menstrual cycle of 28 days, a healthy woman who is not using hormonal birth control will ovulate on the 14th day of her cycle. During ovulation, your ovaries release a mature egg that is ready for fertilization. After the egg is released, it remains alive for an amount of time between 12 and 24 hours. If the egg isnt fertilized, it disintegrates and gets absorbed into the uterine lining called the endometrium.

Light Periods & Fertility

Does painful periods mean fertility? – Dr. Sangeeta Gomes

If youre trying to conceive, having a robust endometrial lining is the key to a successful implantation and a healthy pregnancy. One of the ways to determine if you may be having an issue with a thin endometrial lining impacting your fertility is determining whether you may be having too light of a light period or not. If you think you might fall into this category, read on because this could be a reason if you are experiencing fertility issues. In this article, Ill go over how our periods are a key sign of the health of our uterine lining and what you can do to improve your light periods and improve your fertility.

Ill begin with a story about a patient I saw in my clinic about 4 years ago named Nadeen. Nadeen was 39 years old, a marathon runner, and came to see me because she had been trying to conceive over the last 4 years unsuccessfully. Shed had 4 failed IUI cycles, 2 early miscarriages, and was at her wits end with trying to figure out why she couldnt conceive and hold a pregnancy. Her fertility doctors had recommended she move to IVF, but she was worried about the cost and also worried that the real reason she was not getting pregnant was not being addressed by the doctors and there may be a deeper issue.

Nadeens case is not uncommon, I have seen many many women with a similar light menstrual cycles become pregnant rather quickly after we reversed the underlying issue – sometimes after years of trying to conceive or multiple miscarriages.

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Can You Ovulate Without Having A Period

Lets clear up any misconceptions about regular vs. irregular periods and how they relate to ovulation and fertility. While ovulation and periods naturally go together, it is possible to ovulate without having a period. This often occurs for women with irregular periods. Conversely, it is possible to experience monthly bleeding with no ovulation. However, that

Your Periods Arent Extremely Painful

For many of these fertility signs, the absence of symptoms rather than the presence of anything specific indicates that you may have an easy time getting pregnant. Another benefit, in this case, is that the periods arent too painful.

The article is contributed by Dr Aindri Sanyal, Fertility Consultant, Nova IVF Fertility East, Uttam Kumar Sarani, Kolkata.

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How Else Can I Prepare For Pregnancy

In addition to tracking your ovulation to determine your fertile window, its important to schedule preconception counseling with your doctor. There are a variety of screenings and lifestyle modifications that can help increase your chances of a successful planned pregnancy.

If youre under 35 and have been trying to conceive for more than a year, or if youre over 35 and have been trying for six months, it may be time to talk to your doctor about why you cant get pregnant.

Lets Clear Up Any Misconceptions About Regular Vs Irregular Periods And How They Relate To Ovulation And Fertility

How many days after your period are you most fertile?

While ovulation and periods naturally go together, it is possible to ovulate without having a period. This often occurs for women with irregular periods. Conversely, it is possible to experience monthly bleeding with no ovulation. However, that bleeding is not a normal period and results from an anovulatory cycle. While this may seem confusing, it becomes clear when you understand how ovulation works.

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What Are Heavy Menstrual Periods

With heavy menstrual periods , your bleeding may be heavier or last longer than normal. You may:

  • Pass large blood clots and soak through your pads or tampons often.
  • Bleed for more than 7 days.
  • Have menstrual cramps.

Heavy periods may disrupt your life. But in most cases, they arent a sign of a serious problem.

Still, its a good idea to see your doctor. A doctor can suggest treatments to ease your symptoms and make sure that you dont have a serious condition.

Are Light Periods Cause For Concern

Light periods may not be a sign that you have something to worry about. Even a period as short as two to three days is considered normal. If you have missed a period or experienced light spotting and think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. Make sure to track your light periods and talk to your doctor.

Can stress make your period lighter?

If youre stressed, your brain can alter the menstrual cycle hormones. You may experience skipped or lighter periods because of it. Once a stressful event passes, your periods should return to normal.

Why are my periods getting shorter and lighter?

During this decade your ovaries slow their estrogen production, so your periods may get shorter and lighter, or come less frequently. Menopause occurs when your period stops completely for 12 consecutive months. For most women, this happens in their late 40s or early 50s.

How light is a light period?

Each period typically lasts from four to seven days. The amount of blood lost during a menstrual period ranges from 20 to 80 milliliters . Blood loss of less than 20 mL may be considered a light period.

What causes your period to be shorter or lighter than normal?

Many factors can alter a persons menstrual flow and make their period unusually light. Body weight, exercise, and stress can all cause light periods and knowing why can be helpful. Lighter periods than normal do not usually cause concern.

What causes extremely light periods?

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Chances Of Getting Pregnant While On Your Period

Its very unlikely you will get pregnant in the days immediately before your period. However, we are all unique and our cycles are not the same and so our peak fertility varies. This means for some women the days before menstruation are fertile. Getting pregnant 5 days before your period is a possibility for some women, if they ovulate close to the end of their menstrual cycle, but typically peak fertility occurs earlier in the menstrual cycle.

How To Track Ovulation Symptoms

Light periods & getting pregnant

Take note of when your period begins and ends and know how long your cycle lasts. Doctors say it’s best to have sex at least every other day, especially during the 5 days before you ovulate. They call this your “fertile window.” Your egg only lives for about 12 to 24 hours. But sperm can survive for a few days inside your body, so it’s ideal to have them already there waiting for your egg.

Watch for body changes

Your hormone levels change throughout your menstrual cycle. During the first half, your ovaries give off the hormone estrogen. When your estrogen levels get high enough, your ovary releases an egg. Then your body starts to make progesterone, another hormone. It makes your body temperature rise slightly.

Your hormones also change the texture of your cervical mucus, the sticky fluid that comes from your cervix, the bottom of your uterus. As your body gets ready to ovulate, you have more of it, and it feels more stretchy and slippery, like raw egg whites. The texture helps sperm swim inside your body. When your mucus feels like this, you should be in your fertile window.

Ovulation predictor kits

These tests, which you can buy at drugstores, give you a more precise idea of when to expect your fertile window. They test your urine to measure your levels of luteinizing hormone , which go up in the 24 to 36 hours before you ovulate. When your LH levels are highest, you’re in the fertile window.

Progesterone ovulation tests

A twinge of pain

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Do Regular Periods Mean Im Fertile

Fertility can be a tricky subject and two questions that I often hear are I have regular periods does that mean I am fertile? and if I have regular periods, why arent I pregnant

Theres a very good chance if you are experiencing a regular monthly period, you are fertile. While it is true that women have a finite number of eggs, lack of conception is predominately due to other causes.

From the moment a girl is born, she typically has between one and two million eggs in her ovaries. As she begins to grow, she will begin to lose these eggs so that by the time she hits puberty, she will be left with 300,000 to 500,000. Each month, menstruation, or your period occurs when your body releases one of these eggs along with the lining of your uterus because the egg has not become fertilised.

Before you begin to worry that you might be infertile, know that only about 10% of couples are affected by infertility. Unless there are complications that you are aware of, we recommend that you continue trying for at least a twelve months if you are younger than 35 before you look further into the possibility of infertility.

In some cases though, there are good reasons for asking your GP for a referral to a specialist and getting the answers you need sooner rather than later. If you have experienced pelvic infections, endometriosis, or pelvic surgeries, these can lead to scarring and damaging of the fallopian tubes.

Fertility can be a tricky subject

Ovulation Without A Period

Again, since your period results from ovulation, it is uncommon to ovulate without having a period, but not impossible. Factors such as uterine scarring or becoming pregnant can cause your period not to occur.

If you have had a dilation and curettage procedure, a C-section or reproductive disease, you may have scarring on your uterus. If so, the usual thickening of the uterus lining that normally happens after ovulation does not occur. You may ovulate without having a period, or you might have a light period.

You also may ovulate without periods if your ovaries release an egg between 12 to 16 days before you expect your period to begin.

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Long Or Irregular Periods And Fertility

Many women who go through this are often very unhappy as they experience very heavy flow and cramping as well.

What It Is

When a woman bleeds for longer than the normal eight days, it is considered a long period. Some women bleed excessively and have long and irregular periods.

Impact on Fertility

In this case, women either do not ovulate, or they ovulate very irregularly. This makes conceiving difficult, and fertility is an issue.

Period Tracking And Logging Sex


Women who use Natural Cycles take their temperature every morning and record it in the app. The method works by identifying a rise in body temperature just before ovulation. This means Natural Cycles can tell you when you can and cant get pregnant, so you will know your own fertility whilst on your period, or any day of your cycle, for that matter. On top of this, you will also know where you are in your cycle, meaning you can plan for your period, PMS or when to do a self breast exam.

If you are looking for a hormone-free birth control option that learns your unique cycle, then Natural Cycles could be the solution youve been searching for.

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