Does Chocolate Help With Period Cramps

When To Contact A Doctor

Does Chocolate Help Cramps? #shorts #periodcramps

A person may wish to speak with a doctor if home remedies do not help reduce cramps or if they are experiencing very severe cramping.

A doctor can suggest other home remedies to try or prescribe medications, such as birth control pills or some types of pain reliever, to manage the symptoms.

Other symptoms that may warrant contacting a doctor include:

  • cramps that get worse over time or with age
  • severe pain or discomfort
  • cramps that interfere with daily life

These symptoms may indicate an underlying condition, for which a doctor will be able to suggest an effective treatment.

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about home remedies for menstrual cramps.

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Chocolate: The Sweet Truth About Your Cravings

According to some studies, many people report that they enjoy chocolate cravings. It may be beneficial to alleviate menstrual cramps in some cases, but chocolate may not be the best choice. Furthermore, Dr. Salas-Whalen claims that chocolate increases the rate at which your prostaglandins react. You may experience more severe cramps if you consume this food. Milk chocolate may be less harmful than other types of chocolate because it does not contain as many prostaglandins. Although it is still important to remember how much chocolate you consume, too much can actually cause a woman to develop heavier periods.

Dark Chocolate V/s Milk Chocolate

Its important that you know that when it comes to chocolates, we have no biases. Milk chocolates are an instant mood-lifter any day. But when its a question of whats healthier, dark chocolate definitely has an upper hand. Primarily because milk chocolate contains less cocoa beans than dark chocolate, and is often diluted with milk solids, lots of sugar, and cream. Cocoa content is significant here, because it is a fabulous source of flavonoids a special class of antioxidants that makes chocolates such a tasty and healthy treat.

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/8refined Carbs And Sugar

Your blood sugar fluctuates a lot when you are menstruating. If you consume more sweetener during this phase, it adds fuel to fire. Your blood sugar level will rise and drop drastically. Additionally, sugar is inflammatory and can increase cramping and you surely do not want this to happen. Refined sugar also causes your body to retain sodium and water, which leads to bloating and mood swings.

Do Yourself A Favor And Dont Say These Things To A Girl On Her Period

Chocolate &  Menstrual Cramps

Rather than writing off your lady as crazy when shes on her period, it can be helpful to take a moment to really think about how what you say and do might come off to her.

Because her emotions are on high alert, not to mention the utter pain shes feeling, she may act a little different.

So why not help her out a little, especially during this time of the month, and refrain from saying ANY of the following phrases.

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How Chocolate Can Help Ease Your Period Cramps

Chocolate cravings and PMS go hand in hand, but it turns out theres a good reason. Find out why chocolate can ease period cramps and so much more.

The chocolate-craving woman on her period is such a textbook trope that it starts to feel almost annoyingly cliché. But maybe its a cliché for a reason. Truthfully, most of us can relate to that chocolate craving that hits at a certain stage of the menstrual cycle.

However, unlike movies and TV shows have led us to believe, this craving doesnt stem from an irrational need for comfort and indulgence. In fact, it may be because chocolate is the very thing your body needs to combat difficult hormonal imbalances and soothe painful cramps.

You might chastise yourself for grabbing a bar of chocolate when you feel your period coming, but science tells us there could be some very good reasons why.

7 Ways Chocolate Helps With Menstruation

Menstrual cravings are typically the result of mineral deficiencies and hormonal imbalances that we try to medicate intuitively. You might not be aware of the minerals or hormones your body needs to feel okay but it does, and it will give you clues through the kind of food you crave.

Theres a reason why chocolate is such a consistently popular snack choice for women whore menstruating. Its chock full of essential nutrients and minerals that menstruation and PMS cause the body to lose.

Yes, youre hearing right. Eating chocolate while on your period is good for you!

Here are seven reasons why.

Can You Control Your Chocolate Cravings

Yes, you can and you should. Progesterone levels during the luteal phase can give rise to increased appetite for foods like chocolate, but this is not an exaggerated increase that can result in an addiction or loss of control. Chocolate has great health benefits and is a perfect comfort food but as we know, an excess of anything is bad. Quantity control is everything.

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Pay Special Attention To Your Skin

Unless youve been blessed with a flawless complexion, your skin probably gets wacky around your period due to all the shifting hormone levels. Be extra vigilant with your skincare routine to get ahead of any breakouts. The last thing you need when youre already feeling crappy is a massive pimple on your forehead.

Massage With Essential Oils For Pain Relief

Here’s Why You Crave Chips and Chocolate Before Your Period

Massaging your skin with certain aromatic essential oils can relieve menstrual cramp pain, according to research published in The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. Investigators asked 48 women with menstrual cramps and other symptoms to massage either essential oils or a synthetic fragrance into their lower abdomen between periods.

Women in both groups reported less pain, but the essential oils group did better. Based on the womens reports, researchers found that the duration of pain was reduced by almost a half a day after self-massaging with the essential oils.

Some oils thought to be helpful include lavender essential oil, clary sage essential oil, and .

Just be sure youre using essential oils safely. Buy high-quality oils that are tested for purity. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy suggests diluting pure essential oils in an unscented cream, lotion, or carrier oil before placing it on your skin to avoid irritation.

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Do Hot Drinks Help Period Cramps

Chamomile, fennel, and ginger tea are simple, natural ways to get rid of menstrual cramps.

Here are seven drinks that will help with your cramps. Dairy is not a particularly comforting beverage because it has a high level of arachidonic acid, which causes cramps . In addition to the effects of caffeine and too much soda, your system may also be damaged by an excess of carbonation. Peppermint tea is effective at reducing cramps caused by uterine spasms. As an alternative to espresso, green tea is high in antioxidants. Pineapple juice has an enzyme known as bromelain that helps relax muscles. According to Faraj, parsley and ginger green juice has anti-inflammatory properties.

Apples and bananas contain Vitamin B, which aids in the prevention of cramps. According to Faraj, bone broth contains amino acids that are beneficial for the immune system. Dark chocolate is an antioxidant-rich treat that relieves menstrual cramps.

Its Only For A Few Days Thats Not So Bad

Just dont bring this up around a girl on her period. Not unless you want a chronological breakdown of how many times this has to happen for only a few days.

When it all adds up, women spend an insane amount of their lives on their periods, or being pregnant, or going through menopause. Just be grateful all you have to worry about is your sperm count.

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Can I Eat Dark Chocolate On My Period To Get Rid Of Period Cramps

Dark chocolate is a unique product that has been around for centuries. It’s excellent for health and can help with various issues, including period cramps.

It’s also an excellent source of magnesium and other minerals that help ease menstrual cramps.

In this article, we’ll cover the benefits of having dark chocolates during menstruation. We’ll also give you an overview of how dark chocolate help get rid of period cramps.

And if you want to find out what’s the best dark chocolate during period cramps, then you have come to the right section.

But, Let us understand how dark chocolate helps during period.

The Real Reason Why You Crave Chocolate On Your Period

Chocolate For Period Pain, Cramps

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Onyinye Elizabeth Mbata, MD

I must admit I thought my intense chocolate cravings during my period was unique. Chocolate is blissful perfection to our taste buds, and maybe that is why most of us crave it during this phase of our menstrual cycle. For a long time it has been my go-to reward snack, and after all, what better time to reward yourself than during your period? While some scientists think its simply a cultural desire, others believe it is hormonal. So who is right? Lets find out.

In general, women crave a variety of foods during our periods. The most commonly craved foods are carbs, sweets and fats. Chocolate offers a perfect combination of sweet and fat, and is one of the most craved food/snacks based on studies carried out in women in the USA, UK and Spain. In fact, almost 50% of American women say they crave chocolate just before their menses. As we already know, during the luteal phase of our menstrual cycle , the rise in progesterone can increase our cravings for food and chocolate is clearly no exception.

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Improving Your Diet May Alleviate Period Cramps

When researchers put 33 women with dysmenorrhea on a low-fat vegetarian diet, they found it eased their cramps, according to research published in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Start by swapping out less healthy fats like the saturated fats found in animal products for healthier ones like unsaturated fats found in olive oil, suggests the American Heart Association. Overall, try to make the fats you eat better quality, such as those found in fish or nuts, the organization suggests. Examples of meals not overly reliant on fats can be found in the healthy eating plate guide from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

  • cramping in your pelvic area
  • pain in your stomach, lower back and legs
  • a constant ache.

You may have stronger pain on the first day of your period and there might be some blood clots in your period.

Other symptoms include:

Is Chocolate Good For Periods

Stress Buster

In simple terms, dark chocolate reduces the levels of stress hormone in your body, and increases the levels of happy hormones . And since stress can have a negative impact on your period cycle, there is an added advantage to indulge in one.

Relieves menstrual cramps

Dark chocolate contains vitamin A, B1, C, D and E. In addition, it also contains antioxidants of phenol and flavonoids, rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, a little omega 3 and 6, and high magnesium which can reduce menstrual and premenstrual pain in women. Plus, the potassium in dark chocolates relieves you from retaining water and feeling bloated.

Helps with mood swings

If PMS sends you on the dark path of mood swings, beat it with some chocolate. Since dark chocolate helps stimulate the production of endorphins and serotonin, it can help elevate your mood and manage mood-swings. Although, it is not advisable to make a habit of finding comfort in food and consuming dark chocolate every time you feel low.

Gives you a boost in energy

Pick up a dark chocolate when you are feeling low on energy and just want to curl up in bed . It is a natural energy elevator that contains caffeine, and will increase your endorphins to give you a quick boost. The energizing and mood-boosting powers of dark chocolate come from the caffeine present in it and other stimulants, including theobromine and tryptophan which is a precursor to serotonin, a compound that helps you to feel calm.

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Should I Be Worried About These Cravings

Increased cravings during our period are normal. Remember it is as a result of increased progesterone levels in the luteal phase, so no need to panic. As in everything else, we have to indulge our cravings with moderation. Controlling the portion of whatever food we crave and taking a walk or doing some kind of exercise will help us keep the calories at bay and control our weight gain.

Bliss Pads Sends A Message

Why Women Crave Chocolate During Their Menstrual Cycle? Dr. Berg on Period Cravings

Even if your monthly cycle is perfect, cramps might make you feel less than stellar. Itll be OK. Bliss products will help you deal with everything your period throws at you.

At BlissNatural, were changing the way people think about periods. Our natural and holistic solutions are designed to help you feel more in control of your period. Every woman has the right to good period care and relief from cramps when they happen.

Do you suffer from leg cramps? Its not even a problem. Grab some dark chocolate and some healthy meals for a lovely, cramp-free day.

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The 11 Best Ways To Ease Period Cramps

Ugh, cramps. You know what we mean. Menstrual cramps are very common: More than half of people who have periods get them, according to the Office on Womens Health.

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It helps to understand why you may be doubling over in discomfort: Menstrual blood itself is an irritant to your uterus, Shannon Schellhammer, MD, an ob-gyn at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer, tells The result of that irritation is inflammation, which triggers uterine muscles to cramp. Therefore, menstrual cramp cures that decrease inflammation or lessen bleeding can help treat the pain.

In addition, theres a hormonal change. Your body releases prostaglandins, hormones that help the uterus shed its lining, ob-gyn Kelly Culwell, MD, tells Prostaglandins not only cause the uterus to cramp, but they also affect surrounding organs. Prostaglandins can also affect the bowels and bladder. You may experience more intestinal cramping or diarrhea, she says.

When it comes to getting rid of period cramps, its important to keep in mind that what works for one person might not work for another, Dr. Culwell says. You might find that a remedy that science shows is effective does nada for you, while a complementary therapy that doesnt have much data behind it zaps your cramps into submission. If you find something that works for you and it is not harmful, then go for it, she says.

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/8avoid These Foods During Your Period

The monthly menstrual cycle is often accompanied by a lot of symptoms like fatigue, bloating, mood swings and cramps. The symptoms are even worse for some, making the entire period a big struggle. In between the unbearable cramping and mood swings, all you do is reach out for some comfort food. But unfortunately, there are some foods that can make your period symptoms even worse and you surely do not want that to happen.

We tell you about 7 foods that you should avoid a week before or during your period for some relief.

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Stock Up On Heating Pads

Heating pads go a long way in reducing and alleviating cramps since when applied, heat encourages blood flow to relax the uterine muscles, Dr Dweck tells us, adding that she recommends Midol Heat Vibes, a new, portable and discrete wearable patch that uses heat therapy to relieve the back pain and cramps associated with menstruation. A hot water bottle can also do the trick.

Why Is Chocolate Beneficial

Does Hot Chocolate Help With Period Cramps [Updated]

Certain nutrients in dark chocolate are thought to affect the process that causes cramps.

A period occurs when the uterus sheds its lining. To do this, hormone-like lipids called prostaglandins are released to cause the uterus to contract. These contractions are the cause of painful period cramps .

Magnesium, a mineral found in dark chocolate, is known to help relax muscles and, therefore, may ease uterine contractions and pain. Its also possible that magnesium can inhibit the production of prostaglandins, which stimulate contractions (

The same amount of dark chocolate also provides 56% of the DV of the mineral copper.

The potential role of copper in reducing period pain is less clear than the role of magnesium. Some researchers speculate that since copper is used by the body to create pain-relieving chemicals known as endorphins, it may help ease menstrual cramps .


Dark chocolate may help ease menstrual cramps due to its high magnesium content. Magnesium helps relax muscles and may stop the production of compounds that signal cramps. Copper, another nutrient found in dark chocolate, may also play a role.

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How Can You Make Your Own Chocolate

When you first become pregnant, you probably start having a lot of changes in your body, including changes to your period. These changes can include vaginal discharge, which may be white or pink, or changes to your period. These changes can last for a while or only last for a short time. However, one change that you may notice is your mood. This is because you may feel sad, depressed, and even angry. These changes are called period cramps. You may also have back pain or discomfort, as well as some changes to your vision or hearing. Because of these changes, you may feel like youre going through menopause. Luckily, you dont have to go through all of these uncomfortable and frustrating changes. You can help make sure that your period is as comfortable and pain-free as possible. One way that you can do this is by making your own chocolate.

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