Chances Of Getting Pregnant While On Your Period

Can I Get Pregnant Just After My Period Has Finished

Which is the Best Time to get Pregnant after Periods?

Yes, although it’s not very likely. If you have sex without using contraception, you can conceive at any time during your menstrual cycle, even during or just after your period.

You can also get pregnant if you have never had a period before, during your first period, or after the first time you have sex.

There’s no “safe” time of the month when you can have sex without contraception and not risk becoming pregnant.

But there are times in your menstrual cycle when you’re at your most fertile, and this is when you’re most likely to conceive.

Pregnancy Chances After Period And Before Ovulation: Low To High

The likelihood of pregnancy increases with every day that passes following a period and hugely depend on the cycle length. The closer a woman gets to her fertile window, the higher are her chances of getting pregnant after period.

  • For women with 28-day cycles, chances of pregnancy right after period are very slim. However, because their fertile window is projected to begin on Day 9, having sex up to five days before ovulation is the best time to get pregnant.

  • For women with long cycles, it is generally safe to have sex after a period until Day 16, which is when their fertile days are expected to start. In those five days before ovulation, their chances of pregnancy are high.

  • Those with short cycles might already be in their fertile days when their period stops and before their ovulation takes place. Having sex in those days is very likely to lead to conception.

Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle

Most women have a cycle that lasts for 28-32 days, while other women have cycles much shorter or longer than this average.

Understanding the ovulation period for pregnancy is important. It is measured near the halfway mark of the length of the period and is counted for a 28-day period. Normally, this is between day 10 and 15. During this period cycle, pregnancy is most likely to happen. Ovulation is the time when a woman will be most fertile and sex during ovulation increases the chances of conception. The chances of a pregnancy occurring during a womans menstrual cycle are higher during the 5 days that lead up to day 10 and continue from days 16 to 21. Ovulation can generally be gauged by a difference in vaginal secretions which resemble egg whites. Basal temperatures are also higher at this time.

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What Is The Best Time For Conception

There are certain days in a womans menstrual cycle when pregnancy is possible. Pregnancy is technically possible during the five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. These days are the fertile window of opportunity to conceive. The likelihood of becoming pregnant is dramatically increased if you have intercourse in the three days leading up to and including ovulation.

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If You Want To Get Pregnant

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Doctors usually recommend trying to conceive for one year before getting a fertility evaluation. However, this doesnt apply if you have signs or symptoms of a fertility problem. That would include amenorrhea.

If youre not getting your periods, you may be dealing with infertility. Make sure that you andyour partner are evaluated. There may be more than one reason you arent conceiving, and male infertility is more common than you may realize.

Depending on why you arent ovulating, and if there are other fertility problems, treatment possibilities include lifestyle change, weight loss or gain, or medication change. You may also need treatment for an underlying medical condition, or fertility treatments.

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Can You Get Pregnant On Your Period

Period sex can be a divisive matter. For some people its a regular part of their sex lives, for others its a messy no, no. Whatever your stance on the matter, here at Natural Cycles, were all about clearing up the myths and misconceptions about reproductive health, so were on hand to answer one simple question: can you get pregnant on your period?

The Chances Of Getting Pregnant On Your Period

Chances of becoming pregnant on your period have been a debate for decades. But really, can you get pregnant during your period? Yes, it is possible though the chances are very slim. Women have a cycle that ranges from 28 to 32 days. Women with such kind of cycle, their periods last for a maximum of seven days. If you have such a cycle, chances of getting pregnant while on your period are almost nil. However, chances of getting pregnant while on your period are possible if:

  • You have a short cycle

If your period is short for example a 21-day cycle, the time between ovulation and completion of your period is short. You will ovulate while having periods. If you engage in sex, pregnancy will occur. If your cycle is short, you will be fertile during your period.

  • Longer menstruation

Chances of conceiving on day one or day two during your menses are almost impossible. However, possibilities rise with each day that follows. As your body slowly sheds the inner lining of the uterus, ovulation is a just around the corner. If your monthly period is long, chances of getting pregnant on your period are high. Usually, a period lasts three to five days, though you may bleed seven to 10 days at times. If you have sex, you are likely to become pregnant since the sperm is waiting to fertilize your egg.

  • Sperms that have a long lifespan
  • Presence of cervical mucus

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What If My Cycle Is Irregular

It can be more difficult to get pregnant if you have irregular periods because you may not ovulate regularly.

There are many possible causes of irregular periods, which may affect your fertility. For example:

Having irregular periods does not mean you wont get pregnant and there are things you can do to boost your chances of success.

See your GP if your periods have stopped, youre missing monthly periods or you have irregular periods and are struggling to get pregnant.

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What To Expect At Your Appointment

Getting Pregnant: Everything you need to know (tips from a Fertility Doctor)

During your first visit with a fertility specialist, your doctor will ask a lot of questions about your history, to try to understand factors that may be making it harder to become pregnant. They may order some blood tests to try to understand any irregularities that might be keeping you from getting pregnant, and to make sure you are in the best possible health to become pregnant. Theyll also order a on your partner though this wont be performed on the day of your initial appointment. Depending on your medical history, you might also plan an ultrasound and additional imaging to further explore. If you arent ovulating, your doctor may prescribe medications, including ones that can help induce ovulation. The best choice is very personal and your doctor will help you understand all of your options.

Wherever you are on your fertility journey, remember that approximately 85% of healthy women will get pregnant within a year of trying. For those who struggle to conceive, you can increase your chances by mixing love with science and seeing a doctor who specializes in fertility.

We want our patients to feel as comfortable as possible during this emotional and sometimes stressful time. Our team is committed to providing the most caring, compassionate, and leading-edge fertility care available.

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Early Symptoms Of Pregnancy

The most reliable pregnancy symptom is a missed period followed by a positive pregnancy test.

Many pregnant people do not have symptoms early in the pregnancy, just as many people who are not pregnant have symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.


are reliable , especially if a person waits until the day their period is due.

If the test is negative, try waiting a few days. This gives levels of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin time to rise, increasing the likelihood of a positive result.

A doctor or midwife can test for pregnancy using blood or urine tests that may be more sensitive than a home pregnancy test. It is not typically possible to see a developing baby on an ultrasound until several weeks into the pregnancy.

A doctor or midwife can test for pregnancy, check for normal fetal development, and advise about early pregnancy health.

A healthcare provider can also help discuss a persons options for managing an unintended pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not an emergency, and it is safe to wait a few weeks to speak with a healthcare provider unless a person wants to monitor HCG levels or has pregnancy-related health questions.

  • intense abdominal pain

Exercise Or Lack Of Body Fat

You may be an athlete who is neither over- nor underweight . However, its not your weight that really impacts your reproductive cycleits the amount of fat.

Athletes may have a high percentage of muscle and a low percentage of body fat. This can cause their menstrual cycles to be irregular or even stop completely. Excessive exercise can also cause your periods to become irregular or stop.

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Can You Get Pregnant During Your Period How Likely Is It

The chances of getting pregnant range between 1% to 5%, depending on when you ovulated and when your menstrual cycle starts.

Can you get pregnant during your period? How likely is it?

In theory, you can get pregnant on your period. The chances of getting pregnant range between 1% to 5%, depending on when you ovulated and when your menstrual cycle starts.

Note: First talk with your doctor before trying anything here. They’ll help figure out the best time for you to start an experiment – so any attempts are low-risk due to those precautions!

Lesson One: Doctor What’s a Good Time? If you’re not ready for a child right now , have follow-ups with the doctor about what would be the best time for experimenting without risking it more than necessary .

If a woman is ovulating, it is possible to get pregnant. Ovulation can happen at any point during the menstrual cycle and women have an average of 14-24 eggs maturing in their ovaries at any given time. Sperm are known to remain alive inside the body for 5 days, so there’s plenty of opportunity for pregnancy while on your period.

Sperm can survive outside the uterus for about 5 days after sex if deposited into fertile cervical mucus. The female reproductive tract becomes receptive to fertilization only about two days before ovulation takes place . But sperm may stay viable inside you or your partner’s body anywhere from 3 up to five full days It is possible to become pregnant on your period. Though, it is not that common.

Chances Of Getting Pregnant During Your Period

Can a Woman Get Pregnant on Her Period?

Is it possible for a woman to get pregnant during her periods? Well, this depends on the woman, the length of her period, its regularity and the time of her ovulation.

If youre also wondering whether you can get pregnant while youre menstruating and whether having sex during your period can lead to a pregnancy, the answer is yes if the following holds true for you:

  • Your period is regular.
  • It lasts for up to 5-7 days.
  • The time between your cycles is short .
  • You ovulate around the 10th to 12th day of your cycle.

In all these situations, the sperm that has entered your body during sex while having a period can fertilize an egg and you can get pregnant.

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Check Your Basal Body Temperature

Its also a good idea to pay attention to the signs that your body is ready to ovulate. Checking your basal body temperature is one way to do this.

The BBT is your temperature first thing in the morning. Just after you ovulate, it rises slightly sometimes by less than a degree and stays higher until your period starts. If you record your temperature every day, you can spot the subtle changes that mean one of your ovaries has released an egg.

To take your BBT, you need to:

Use a basal body thermometer. Its more sensitive than a standard one and will show temperature changes down to a fraction of a degree. You can get them at many pharmacies for less than $20.


Take your temperature at the same time each morning. Always do it before you get out of bed. Even getting up to go to the bathroom can affect your body temperature. So can smoking, drinking, or getting a bad nights sleep.

Remember, your BBT wont tell you exactly when youve ovulated, and it may take a couple of months before you start to see a pattern. Youre most likely to get pregnant 2 or 3 days before your ovary releases an egg, and then another 12 to 24 hours after that. When your temperature has spiked for 3 days, your chances of conceiving drop.

Can You Take Emergency Contraception

If you had unprotected sex and want to avoid pregnancy, take emergency contraception as soon as possible.

There are two main types the copper IUD and the hormonal EC pill and they can both work up to five days after unprotected sex.

The IUD prevents pregnancy by producing an inflammatory reaction thats toxic to sperm and eggs.

Its more effective than the morning-after pill, but its only available by prescription and has to be inserted by a doctor within five days of unprotected sex.

The pill delivers a high dose of hormones to delay ovulation or prevent a fertilized egg from implanting to the uterus.

Plan B One-Step, Next Choice, and MyWay are all available over the counter.

Which should you use?

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Baby Making: A Game Of Chance

Figuring out when ovulation actually occurs is really dependent on your individual cycle. The Mayo Clinic says most women ovulate in the 4 days before or after the midpoint of the menstrual cycle.

A study from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found women trying to get pregnant were more fertile right before or after the standard ovulation timing.

If you were to break down when women are most fertile based on this study, it would look like this:

  • 30 percent of women were most fertile on days 10 to 17 of their cycle.
  • 70 percent of women were most fertile before day 10 or after day 17 of their cycle.

Age also decides your chances of getting pregnant. If youre under 25, youre a fertile myrtle and it can be easier to preggo your eggo during the 5-day window. But, even then your chances of getting pregnant are pretty slim.

According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine , you are the most fertile in your 20s and it starts to slowly decline in your 30s .

Heres where that statistics class you didnt go to would have come in handy. Your odds of pregnancy are low even if you are trying to get knocked up. ASRM notes that you only have a 20 percent chance of conceiving if you are a healthy, fertile 30-year-old trying to get pregnant.

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Can You Get Pregnant On The Last Day Of Your Period

Can I get pregnant on my period – Clearblue® (for the US only)

If you stop bleeding on Day 6, have sex on Day 7 and ovulate on Day 11, its possible the sperm from Day 6 will be waiting in your fallopian tubes for conception. Your chances of conceiving right after your period increase each day after your bleeding has stopped. If you are trying to conceive this is a good time to have sex. Increase your chances of conception by having sex every other day for the next 14 days.

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Can You Get Pregnant If You Have Sex During Your Period

Most likely you will not get pregnant having sex while on your period. Thats because your ovulation time is several days away decreasing any chances of getting pregnant during this time. However, there are exceptions. This applies to women who have a typical 28 to 30 day or longer cycle. If you have a shorter cycle, say every 21 to 24 days, that means you are ovulating earlier in the cycle. Because sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days, you could have sex towards the end of your period and then conceive 4 or 5 days later with your early ovulation.

The probabilities of getting pregnant during your period are low, but the possibilities are there. This is not the time to have sex if you are trying to get pregnant.

The Maximum Chances Of Getting Pregnant Before Period

If you are a healthy woman in your prime 30s, the maximum chances of getting pregnant before the period is just 20 percent. It seems like a thin figure, right?

Knowing a little secret from us and you can massively boost your odds. The key day here is your ovulation day which is exactly 14 days before the start of your periods. And it carries the best chances of getting pregnant before period.

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Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant On Your Period

Menstruation is triggered after an egg has been released and has not been fertilized, occurring after ovulation somewhere between day 21 and 35 in most people who menstruate.

During menstruation, the inner membrane of the uterus is shed. By the third day of your cycle, levels of progesterone and estrogen are rising and working to rebuild your endometrium. Around day four, follicle ripening begins to increase as the ovaries start preparing an egg for release.

Most people will ovulate well after their period ends, somewhere around day 14 for the average 28-day cyclethough as we know, cycle length and ovulation can vary widely from person to person and even cycle to cycle. Because an egg is needed in order for pregnancy to occur and it’s unlikely that an egg will be released during or soon after your period, there’s little chance that sperm introduced during your period will result in a pregnancy.

However, it is possible to get pregnant if you have sex near the very end of your period and you ovulate very soon after your period ends. Remember: Sperm can live up to five days, so if your period ends on day seven, for instance, and you go on to ovulate on day 10, it is possible to get pregnant from sex as early as day five of that cycle.

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