Can Birth Control Make Your Period Late

How To Keep Your Menstrual Cycle On Track

I stopped birth control pills, my period is late, but pregnancy tests are negative. Why?

If you miss your period while on the pill and you havent missed any doses, pregnancy isnt likely. Instead, the hormones in the pill are likely the cause. If you miss a second period and havent missed any doses, pregnancy is still unlikely. At this point though, if youre sexually active, its still worth taking a pregnancy test or calling your doctor.

Your doctor can help you address any other factors that may be at play. After youve pinpointed the cause, you should be able to get your period back on a regular cycle. You may be able to do this in a number of ways:

  • Make sure you take time to relieve stress. Try breathing techniques, yoga, restorative walks, and even journaling to get at the root of your stress.
  • Eat a healthy diet and work to keep your weight in a normal range. If you suspect you have an eating disorder, tell a friend or your doctor so they can point you to the resources you need to get help.
  • Keep up with regular exercise. Your activity level may seem manageable to you, but see if stepping back a bit helps your regular bleeding resume.

When Do You Get Your Period On Birth Control Pills

Once youve started your seven-day break from the pill each month, youll usually start to bleed two to four days into the pill-free week. This varies for each person, but birth control tends to make cycles very regular. That means that after a few months on the pill, youll probably find that your period usually starts on the same day of that week every month.

Youll probably be getting your withdrawal bleeding every 28 days, but even after your body has gotten used to the pill, you can still experience late “periods” on birth control.

Keep in mind that your birth control only works effectively if you take it correctly. If youve forgotten to take three or more non-placebo pills, you could experience withdrawal bleeding before your seven-day break is scheduled. This would mean that you are no longer protected for the month and that you need to use a backup method of birth control and start a new pack.

What Are Placebo Pills

Birth control pills contain hormones that reduce your risk of pregnancy by stopping ovulation and thickening your cervical mucus to make it more difficult for sperm to get through. The hormones also thin the lining of the uterus, making it nearly impossible for a fertilized egg to implant. When taking birth control pills, its crucial to make sure you are taking them at the same time every day to maintain their effectiveness. Missing a pill could increase your risk of getting pregnant.

Placebo pills dont contain hormones but are meant as placeholders to help you maintain your routine of taking a pill every day at the same time. If you stay in the habit of taking your pill, you are less likely to forget when youre taking the active pills as birth control. Some placebo pills contain vitamins or minerals, such as folic acid or iron, to help lessen your period flow and premenstrual symptoms.

The placebo week is when you should normally get your period, though your period may not line up perfectly with the placebo pills. For instance, your period may start on the 3rd or 4th placebo pill day and may last through the first couple days of the new pill pack. You should start your new pill pack the day after taking your last placebo pill, even if your period is still going.

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When Will My Period Show Up

Most birth control pills run a tight ship oer the crimson tide. Hormones are regulated on a 4-week cycle, and you can expect your monthly friend to visit every 28 days.

On some birth control methods, you might get your period more frequently, less frequently, or not at all.

There are two types of birth control pills. One combines estrogen and progesterone, and the second is a progestin-only mini pill.

TAKE THE PLACEBOS. This will get you in the habit of constantly taking the pills.

Taking your pill at the same time every day keeps your hormones stable. Three weeks of hormones, 1 week of placebos = 4 weeks of consistently taking the pill. Make sure to start your new pack on time too.

If you take your birth control pills SUPER consistently, theyre 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. Being human and sometimes taking the pill a few hours later than usual puts their effectiveness at a more realistic 91 percent.

Always check with your doctor if you start taking new meds, since some can interfere with the effectiveness of hormonal birth control.

How To Start Taking Birth Control Pills

Can Taking Birth Control Pills Late Delay Your Period ...

You may start the pill on any day of the month. Talk to your health care provider to choose what day is best for you to start.

Combination pills: If you start combination pills within five days after the start of your period, you will prevent pregnancy right away and do not need to use a back-up method of birth control. If you start taking the pill at any other time throughout your menstrual cycle, you will need to use another method of birth control for the first seven days.

Mini-pills: You should use another method of birth control during the first 48 hours of use, after which you will be protected from pregnancy. Remember that taking the mini-pill at the same time each day is essential to prevent pregnancy.

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What Are The Health Risks

The pill is safe for most users. Methods containing estrogen and progesterone have a greater risk of certain problems including heart attack, stroke, blood clots, or developing high blood pressure, liver tumors, gallstones, or yellowing of the skin or eyes . The risk increases if you smoke, are age 35 or older, are very overweight, have certain inherited blood-clotting disorders, have diabetes, have high blood pressure, have high cholesterol, or need prolonged bed rest. People with certain health risks should not use combination pills.

Is It Normal To Get Your Period Early After Starting Birth Control

The morning after pill may affect the length of your menstrual cycle, causing your period to come earlier or later than you were expecting it to. If you take emergency contraceptive pills in the first three weeks of your cycle, your period is likely to come early. Your period may also last longer than normal.

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Could I Be Pregnant

Its rare to get pregnant while taking birth control pills. However, your body may show some early signs if you are pregnant and the pregnancy is causing you to not have a period. Some of these early pregnancy signs include:

  • Breast tenderness or swelling.
  • Mild cramping or vaginal bleeding.
  • Nausea and/or vomiting.
  • Constipation or other digestive changes.
  • Lower back pain.
  • Increased urination.

If you experience any of these signs, its important to take a pregnancy test before you begin your next pack of birth control pills.

Changes In The Menstrual Cycle

I took 2 birth control pills this month, but my period is 9 days late. Am I pregnant?

In a clinical trial, 31% of participants experienced some change in their menstrual cycle after taking Plan B, but the potential menstrual changes are varied. Plan B may cause some women to experience heavier or lighter menstrual bleeding compared to their regular periods.

After taking Plan B, some women get their period sooner than expected, while others get it later. However, clinical trial data suggest most women will get their period within two days to one week of the anticipated time. Women who take Plan B and experience a delay in their period greater than one week are recommended to take a pregnancy test.

During your menstrual cycle, the time at which Plan B is taken can affect how your menstruation changes.

  • Some studies suggest that taking Plan B early on in your menstrual cycle can increase the likelihood of spotting before menstruation begins and can sometimes cause the next period to be shorter than usual.
  • When Plan B is taken later in your menstrual cycle, it may not affect period length, or it may be more likely to result in prolonged menstrualbleeding.

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How Do I Use Them

Timing is important. You must choose a consistent time of day that works for you to take the pill.

With combination pills:

  • If you are more than three hours late in taking your pill, you may have break-through bleeding, and effectiveness may decrease.

With mini-pills:

  • If you are 15 minutes late in taking your pill, you may experience break-through bleeding.
  • If you are 3 hours late, you need to use a back-up method of birth control for two days after taking that missed pill.

Combination pills come in packs of 21, 28 and 91 pills.

  • All packs contain active pills with hormones.
  • Some packs contain inactive placebo pills — they do not contain hormones but simply serve as a reminder, and they may be a different color from the active pills.

21-day packs have 21 active pills and no inactive pills. You will take one pill every day for three weeks. No pills will be taken for the next seven days and your period will begin, unless you choose to avoid your period by starting a new pack of active pills. The next week, you will begin a new pack of pills.

28-day packs have 21 active pills and 7 inactive pills. You will take one pill every day. You will menstruate during this week of inactive pills, unless you choose to avoid your period by starting a new pack of active pills.

Number : What’s Normal For A Period On Birth Control

The UK National Health Service says that irregular bleeding, like bleeding between periods, is common when you first start to take hormonal contraception like birth control pills, the patch, or the shot (Depo-Proveraâ¢.

Here are some facts about bleeding irregularities when you take birth control pills:

  • Overall, birth control pills should decrease how much you bleed.

  • Irregular bleeding is a common side effect during the first 3 to 6 months of taking the pill. It’s so common that 30-50% of women experience it.

  • The good news is that irregular bleeding will lessen or go away with time, usually after 3 months, when only 10-30% of women experience unscheduled bleeding.

It may be helpful to describe what bothersome bleeding can look like when you’re on birth control:

  • Spotting

  • Unscheduled bleeding when you’re bleeding between periods or while taking active pills

  • Short periods

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Should I See A Doctor For A Missed Period

In most cases, missing your period while taking birth control is not concerning. However, if you have missed one or more doses of your pills, you have experienced nausea with vomiting or diarrhea, or you have taken medication that could interfere with your birth control, you should take a pregnancy test to make sure you arent pregnant. You can also contact your healthcare provider with any concerns related to your missed period or symptoms you are experiencing.

For more answers to your healthcare questions, visit our Knowledge Center.

When To Call A Doctor

Can Starting Birth Control Pills Make Your Period Late ...

Call your doctor if you have had regular, monthly periods and the pattern changes. Your doctor may give you a physical exam and other tests to rule out pregnancy or a health problem.

  • You miss three or more periods a year.
  • You get your period more often than every 21 days.
  • You get your period less often than every 35 days.
  • You are bleeding more heavily than usual during your period.
  • You bleed for more than 7 days.
  • You have more pain than usual during a period.

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How To Keep Track Of Your Menstrual Cycle

You can use a menstrual tracker like Flo to keep track of your cycle. Period tracking apps let you log your symptoms and determine when you should expect your period. This can also take some weight off your mind, since you wont have to remember when your period is due to arrive. The app will do it for you!

Overall, as long as youre taking it correctly, birth control is highly effective at preventing pregnancy and those missed periods can happen now and again.

If youre not sure, take a pregnancy test to ease your mind. Adding some relaxing activities to your life and staying healthy can help get your cycle back to normal.

How To Delay Or Skip Your Period Using Birth Control

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Modern birth control pills dont just prevent you from becoming pregnant they also give you a new level of control over your menstrual cycle.

If you frequently have a heavy, uncomfortable period, using the birth control pill to delay or skip your period can help you avoid discomfort and improve your quality of life.

Below, weve explained the basics of how birth control affects your menstrual cycle, as well as how you can use the birth control pill to delay your period, skip your period or reduce the total number of menstrual cycles you have every year.

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When Do You Go Back To Your Normal Cycle After Stopping Birth Control

If youve decided to stop taking the pill, it can take a while for your cycle to return to normal. This varies from woman to woman. Some women go back to their regular menstrual cycle in a matter of days, while others need several months to have regular periods. Allow your body up to 3 months to go back to normal after stopping your birth control.

Number : Because Of Physical Or Emotional Stress

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So there’s this thing called the hypothalamus, which is a gland in your brain. If something’s wrong, your hypothalamus can’t kick off the menstrual cycle, and you won’t ovulate.

Characteristics that can affect your hypothalamus and lead to missing your period include:

  • Emotional and mental stress

  • Weight loss and low body weight

  • Deficient intake of food/eating disorders

  • Too much exercise

Researchers often see this happening in adolescent girls, where the common triggers are stress, weight loss, and excessive exercise. Girls at this time of their lives can undergo common life events that bring a lot of emotional and mental toll, like changing schools or becoming sexually active. Disordered eating during adolescence is also common.

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