Brown Discharge After Period How Long Does It Last

Cervical Infection Or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

How long does brown discharge last after period?

Cervical infections such as bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are a cause of brown discharge. Such infections and inflammatory diseases make the vaginal wall brittle. They also reduce the amount of cervical mucus produced which leads to bleeding. Thus cervical mucus along with blood appears as spotting or brown discharge. In this case, it looks like blood. Reddish brown vaginal discharge is characteristic of cervical infections.

Can You Have Implantation Bleeding After Your Period

A: Unfortunately, theres no way to tell the difference between implantation bleeding and menstrual bleeding. Implantation occurs 6-12 days after conception, which is around the same time you may be expecting your monthly period, and both can produce the same amount of bleeding.

Why is there pink spotting 10 days before your period?

When the embryo implants in the uterus, tiny blood vessels can erupt and cause the expectant mother to spot, usually a pink or brown type of discharge. Implantation spotting usually occurs before your next period and five to ten days after conception.

Is light pink spotting normal 2 weeks after period?

What does pink spotting after menstruation mean? Yes , it is normal as long as it occurs to a healthy woman and does not cause any discomfort. Ovulation bleeding is the primary cause of a pinkish discharge two weeks after a womans period. An ovum in most cases causes abrasion of small blood vessels on its way out of the follicle.

How long does pink spotting last before my period?

Light pink spotting 2, 3, 4 days to one week before your period starts can mean a less serious cause or something more serious such as cancer of the cervix. In most cases, light pink to pink brown mucus is premenstrual bleeding and should not be a cause for concern.

Is Vaginal Discharge Normal After Pregnancy

All women, whether theyre pregnant or not, have some vaginal discharge starting a year or two before puberty and ending after the menopause. How much discharge you have changes from time to time. It usually gets heavier just before your period. When youre pregnant, its normal to have more discharge than before.

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What If I Just Have Brown Discharge Instead Of My Period

You may just be having some slight irregularities in your cycle. When someone starts a new hormonal treatment or birth control, sometimes their period is replaced with brown discharge or light spotting for the next several months as their body adjusts.

Brown discharge instead of menstruation could also be a sign of implantation bleeding in early pregnancy. If youve recently had unprotected sex and start experiencing mild cramping, nausea, fatigue, and sensitive breasts, its worth getting a pregnancy test.

Brownish Vaginal Discharge After Fingering

What Is Implantation Bleeding? Photograph by Finda TopDoc

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ahah pens are useful for people who have short fingers

the liquid works like snot, its full of antibiotics and catches foreign substances left behind, basically washing it out

its important for them to do this otherwise it could lead to infections or other problems

In reply to VIRGIN on 2012-10-24 – click to read

Guest over a year ago


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What Causes Brown Discharge

Many birth control methods work by altering the level of hormones in a womans body, which can cause a number of side effects.

Increased hormone levels cause the lining of the uterus to thin, as a thick uterine lining promotes fertilization and fetal growth. As the body breaks down that lining, some of it can break away and be discharged from the body. The lining can also get trapped, be mixed with blood and vaginal fluid over time, and then be discharged as well.

Missing birth control pills can increase your chance for brown discharge. Staying on schedule puts the body onto a certain hormonal schedule. Breaking that schedule can induce breakthrough bleeding or brown spotting that can eventually turn into a full-blown period.

How Do You Tell If You’re Pregnant Without A Test

The most common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy might include:

  • Missed period. If you’re in your childbearing years and a week or more has passed without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, you might be pregnant. …
  • Tender, swollen breasts. …
  • Nausea with or without vomiting. …
  • Increased urination. …
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    Use Of Hormonal Contraception

    Bleeding between periods often happens when you start to take hormonal contraceptives. This is because your hormone levels drop. It is also called breakthrough bleeding, and usually happens about 2 weeks after your last period.

    Breakthrough bleeding should stop after 1 or 2 months. Your periods will usually become more regular within 6 months. Bleeding between periods can also happen if you forget to take one of your oral contraceptive pills.

    However, if bleeding occurs at other points during your menstrual cycle, you should consult your doctor in order to rule out the possibility of other conditions.

    Hormonal contraceptives such as hormone containing intra-uterine devices contraceptive injections or rods can also cause breakthrough bleeding or irregular periods. Sometimes this may be because the device isnt inserted properly, especially if its also painful. Check with your doctor as they may be able to give you medicine to control the bleeding and rule out other causes, like an infection.

    How Long Does Brown Discharge Last

    How long should brown discharge last after period?

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    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

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    Is It Normal To Spot After Period

    When women ovulate, they may bleed slightly or spot after their period. It may be due to a temporary decline in estrogen levels that occurs between 10 and 14 days before their period. Blood spotting after a menstrual cycle, especially if youve already had a period, may occur if the uterus didnt flush its inner lining entirely.

    Its possible to see a spot or two of blood between menstrual cycles. If your menstrual cycle seems to be changing, you may want to consult with a doctor at USA Fibroid Centers, because it may indicate something more serious, such as fibroids, is going on.

    If you have fibroids or an endometrial polyp within the uterus, it may cause bleeding between menstrual cycles. An ultrasound is able to determine if this is the reason you might be spotting. A polyp is a small, abnormal growth of tissue that can develop in many places, such as the cervix or uterus. Most polyps are non cancerous or benign.

    Additionally, sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea can affect the cervix and cause blood spotting after menstruation has ended.

    Brown Discharge During Pregnancy

    Do you have a reason to think – brown discharge before period could I be pregnant? In some cases, pink or brown discharge or spotting before your period could indicate pregnancy. Such early signs of pregnancy are not experienced by all those who are pregnant.

    Some women experience an implantation bleed that happens when the fertilised egg plants itself into the uterus lining. This generally happens 1 to 2 weeks after the egg has been fertilised. If you have experienced implantation bleeding post unprotected sex, you should take a pregnancy test. Speak to your doctor. However, brown discharge is rarely a matter of concern, even during pregnancy. In very rare cases, it may imply an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

    starts working within 15 minutesforget all-about period pains for 12 hours.

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    Why Am I Spotting Brown After My Period

    As frustrating and possibly alarming as it can be, brown discharge after your period is pretty normal. Blood turns brown when its been sitting awhile. Brown discharge after a period is usually old or dried blood that was slow to leave your uterus.

    Is it normal to have a smelly discharge after your period?

    How To Stop Brown Discharge Before Period

    Light Bleeding After Plan B

    You might wonder how to stop brown discharge before period. Generally, the brown discharge doesnt require any treatment. If there is abnormal bleeding, your doctor may treat it by:

    • Placing an intrauterine device
    • Putting you on birth control pills
    • Performing a dilation and curettage
    • Performing a hysterectomy
    • Performing an endometrial ablation

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    Why Am I Spotting A Week After My Period

    You may already have had a period, but spotting could happen if the uterus hasnt been able to flush out all the unused lining during your menstrual cycle. It isnt necessary to be concerned unless your period starts again shortly after it ends.

    Hormonal changes, injury, or an underlying health condition may be reasons for bleeding between periods. Additionally, spotting or bleeding before or after your period can be caused by oral medication, sexually transmitted infections , and PCOS. Less commonly, spotting can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy or cancer.

    How Can I Stop Daily Discharge

    Wear cotton underpants during the day. Cotton allows your genital area to breathe. Don’t wear underpants at night. Avoid wearing tight pants, pantyhose, swimming suits, biking shorts, or leotards for long periods. Change your laundry detergent or fabric softener if you think it may be irritating your genital area.

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    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome :

    PCOS is an extremely common syndrome that affects the function of the ovaries. PCOS has multiple visual symptoms, one of which is brown discharge. Brown vaginal discharge, accompanied by other symptoms like unpredictable or irregular periods, excessive body hair or acne, may mean you should get checked by a medical professional for PCOS.

    Can You Donate Period Blood

    How long does brown discharge last in early pregnancy?

    You can safely donate blood during your period if it is required and your period will not be affected by the donation. It may be better to donate the week after periods, but it is still manageable if you are not bleeding heavily, your haemoglobin is more than 11 g/dl and you are not in any discomfort or pain.

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    Are There Good Depo Shot Effects

    Side effects arent always a bad thing many people use the shot because some of the side effects can be really helpful. The hormones in the shot can help with painful or heavy periods. The shot may ease cramps and PMS, and it will usually make your period lighter. Many people on the shot stop getting their period at all while theyre using it.

    Its totally safe to not get your period while youre on the shot. The changes in your periods can sometimes make people worry about being pregnant. But the chance of pregnancy is very low as long as you always get your shot on time, every 3 months. If youre worried, you can always take a pregnancy test to be sure.

    The shot can also help protect you from certain health conditions, like cancer of the uterus and iron deficiency .

    How Long After Spotting Does Your Period Start

    Sometimes this causes light bleeding known as implantation bleeding. The bleeding typically only lasts a day or two and occurs around a week after ovulation. This usually takes place about a week or two before a womans period is due.

    Do I count first day of period when spotting?

    Day 1 of your cycle is the first day of your period, meaning the first day of full flow . During this time, the uterus sheds its lining from the previous cycle. Between days 1 5 of your cycle, new follicles begin to develop within your ovaries.

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    Serious Causes Of Brown Discharge

    There are a few reasons that brown discharge is concerning. It is usually just one of many symptoms, however, so keep track of what else is going on when you talk to your doctor. Most of these issues are accompanied by 5 symptoms:1) Brown discharge continues for several weeks, or a period for longer than seven days.2) It usually happens after sex3) The discharge is really smelly4) Pain and a lot of cramping5) Vaginal itchingSo, if you have one or more of these symptoms along with brown discharge, speak to your doctor. She might help you identify the problem as one of the following:

    While brown discharge can be a cause for concern, for most women, it is normal. Remember to watch for other accompanying symptoms, and then youll know if its something you should bring up with your doctor. For the most partyoure just experiencing that normal flow that comes with being a woman. For further protection, try our breathable, moisture wicking, buttery-soft microfiber leak proof undies for the day-to-day leaks and shop our complete collection of panties at to find your style!

    Types Of Vaginal Discharge

    Ovulation Spotting Means

    In the course of your menstrual cycle, the amount, color, and consistency of your vaginal discharge changes due to fluctuations in your hormone levels.

    These changes are natural and vary from one woman to another. Its a good idea to get to know your own menstrual cycle and discharge patterns so that you can notice any irregularities. If your menstrual cycle has always been irregular, it might be worth seeing an OB/GYN to figure out the cause.

    Types of vaginal discharge during your menstrual cycle include:

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    Thick White Sticky Discharge

    When your bod is not in ovulation mode, you can expect your discharge to be thick and sticky. Why though? Your discharge acts as a barrier, preventing sperm from entering your cervix and into your uterus.

    According to the National Health Service, this discharge is also a natural defense mechanism that helps keep bacteria from entering your cervix, allowing you to steer clear of infections in the days following the end of your cycle. The uptick in fluids down there helps remove the bad bacteria.

    Follow My Babys Growth

    Brown discharge may be a sign of many things, from the implantation of an embryo to an impending period. However, there are some warning signs that you should keep in mind when it comes to vaginal discharge. And if youre worried that youre experiencing abnormal discharge, its always wise to go see a health care provider.

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    Brown Discharge While Breastfeeding

    Brown vaginal discharge continues for sometime after surgery or delivery. The blood keeps coming for many weeks.

    It is normal to have it after delivery. Discharge while breastfeeding may be a sign of period cycle starting again.

    Ovulation doesnt occur for few months after delivery. Sex without contraception is still safe during breastfeeding.

    In some cases, if the woman continues to ovulate, she might get pregnant. This is true when period-like discharge while breastfeeding comes after three to four months.

    Is Brown Discharge A Side Effect Of Birth Control

    How long after Brown discharge does labor start?

    Brown discharge isnt exactly sexy or fun. But the good news is, its normal.For women taking hormonal birth control such as the pill, ring, shot, or patch the appearance of some dark discharge is nothing to be concerned about. The discharge, which can also be a side effect of emergency contraception, is just the body expelling some old blood and vaginal fluid.

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    How Do I Get Rid Of Brown Discharge

    If you are constantly having brown discharge or spotting and it’s bothering you, ask your OB/GYN. They may consider prescribing a new birth control method with higher estrogen that can help stop the spotting. Hormonal contraception can also help manage chronic menstrual pain from conditions like PCOS or endometriosis.

    Do Missed Periods Cause It

    In some cases, brown discharge may come in place of a period.

    For example, a withdrawal bleed which occurs when a person using a birth control pill takes inactive pills or no pills for a few days a month may sometimes cause brown discharge rather than bleeding that resembles typical menstrual bleeding.

    • pain when urinating or during sex
    • foul smelling discharge

    Pregnant people should talk to a doctor about unexpected changes in their discharge. These will usually not be cause for concern, but they can sometimes be a sign of an underlying issue.

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    Is The Spotting The First Day Of Your Period

    Spotting does not count as a menstrual period. Your period bleeding begins when you see real blood, not just spotting. Your cycle or menstrual cycle is a time period between the first day of your menstrual period and the day before the next menstrual period.

    Why does spotting happen after a period?

    If youve been taking oral contraceptives for quite some time and have stopped suddenly, you may end up dealing with light spotting a week after your period. This usually happens due to the hormones present in oral contraceptives. Spotting usually stops when your body adjusts itself to the elevated levels of hormones.

    Reaction To Clinical Procedures Or Tests

    How Does Implantation Bleeding Look

    Some medical procedures, like laparoscopy, can cause brown discharge.

    Women may experience bleeding after undergoing a laparoscopy, a procedure in which healthcare providers use a scope to examine the abdominal and reproductive organs.

    Following this surgical procedure, women may have brown discharge for five to 10 days. A sanitary pad or panty liner may be helpful during this time.

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